path: root/bin/commander/pythonshell.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'bin/commander/pythonshell.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 205 deletions
diff --git a/bin/commander/pythonshell.py b/bin/commander/pythonshell.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 26a2c90f7..000000000
--- a/bin/commander/pythonshell.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: iso8859-15 -*-
-# This file is part of the ELAN environment - http://elan.wox.org
-# (C) 2002-2004 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <mickey@tm.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de>
-# Licensed under GPL
-# $Id$
-# $Source$
-"""Implements a Python Interpreter embedded in a QMultiLineEditor"""
-__revision__ = "$Revision$"
-__version__ = __revision__.replace('$','').replace('Revision:','').strip()
-__author__ = "Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <mickey@tm.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de>"
-from Queue import Queue
-import sys
-import qt
-import code
- import rlcompleter
-except ImportError:
- print >>sys.stderr,"Warning: Couldn't import rlcompleter or readline. Continuing without... :("
-class EPythonShell( qt.QMultiLineEdit ):
- """An interactive Python interpreter shell embedded in a QMultiLine editor."""
- class Output:
- def __init__( self, writefunc ):
- self.writefunc = writefunc
- def write( self, line ):
- if line != "\n":
- map( self.writefunc, line.split("\n") )
- def __init__( self, parent, localdict={} ):
- qt.QMultiLineEdit.__init__( self, parent )
- qt.QObject.connect( self, qt.SIGNAL( "returnPressed()" ), self.slotReturnPressed )
- self.setFont( qt.QFont( "Fixed", 8 ) )
- self.history = []
- self.pointer = 0
- self.cmdFromHistory = False
- self.console = code.InteractiveConsole( localdict )
- self.completer = rlcompleter.Completer()
- self.possibleCompletions = []
- # We're overriding the prompts just in case someone set up prompt coloring
- sys.ps1 = ">>> "
- sys.ps2 = "... "
- cprt = 'Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.'
- self.append( "Python %s on %s\n%s" % ( sys.version, sys.platform, cprt ) )
- self.append( sys.ps1 )
- self.more, self.prompt = 0, sys.ps1
- self.output = EPythonShell.Output( self.writeResult )
- self.stdout = sys.stdout
- self.stderr = sys.stderr
- self.cursorToEnd()
- def isQt3( self ):
- return qt.qVersion()[0] == '3'
- def keyPressEvent( self, e ):
- """Intercept certain key press events and handle them to provide
- command line history and attribute name completion."""
- if ( e.key() == qt.Qt.Key_Up ):
- if not self.pointer > 0:
- return
- row, col = self.getCursorPosition()
- self.home()
- self.killLine()
- if self.pointer > 0:
- self.pointer -= 1
- self.append( "%s" % self.history[self.pointer] )
- self.end()
- self.cmdFromHistory = True
- return
- elif ( e.key() == qt.Qt.Key_Down ):
- if not self.pointer < len( self.history )-1:
- return
- self.pointer += 1
- row, col = self.getCursorPosition()
- self.home()
- self.killLine()
- self.append( "%s" % self.history[self.pointer] )
- self.end()
- self.cmdFromHistory = True
- return
- elif e.key() == qt.Qt.Key_Return:
- self.end()
- elif e.key() == qt.Qt.Key_Tab:
- row, col = self.getCursorPosition()
- line = str( self.textLine( row ) )[4:]
- if len( self.possibleCompletions ) == 1:
- self.home()
- self.killLine()
- self.append( ">>> %s" % self.possibleCompletions[0] )
- self.end()
- else:
- print >>sys.stderr, repr( self.possibleCompletions )
- return
- self.cmdFromHistory = False
- qt.QMultiLineEdit.keyPressEvent( self, e )
- def keyReleaseEvent( self, e ):
- if e.key() == qt.Qt.Key_Up:
- return
- #
- # try command line completion
- #
- row, col = self.getCursorPosition()
- line = str( self.textLine( row ) )[4:]
- possibleCompletions = []
- state = 0
- if len( line ) > 1:
- while True:
- try:
- nextCompletion = self.completer.complete( line, state )
- except Exception, why:
- #print >>sys.stderr, why
- break
- if not nextCompletion is None:
- possibleCompletions.append( nextCompletion )
- state += 1
- else:
- break
- #print >> sys.stderr, "'%s': possible completions: %s" % ( line, repr( possibleCompletions ) )
- self.possibleCompletions = possibleCompletions
- qt.QMultiLineEdit.keyReleaseEvent( self, e )
- def cursorToEnd( self ):
- """Move the cursor to the end of the view."""
- # In Qt3, the QMultiLineEdit is derived from QTextEdit and deals in terms
- # of paragraphs and no longer lines. QTextEdit.setCursorPosition() doesn't
- # work as expected here, so we're faking a CTRL+END key here to achieve the
- # same effect :-)
- if self.isQt3():
- event = qt.QKeyEvent( qt.QKeyEvent.KeyPress, qt.Qt.Key_End, 0, qt.Qt.ControlButton )
- qt.qApp.postEvent( self, event )
- else:
- rows = self.numLines()
- self.setCursorPosition( rows, 4 )
- self.end()
- def removeLastLine( self ):
- self.removeLine( self.numLines()-1 )
- def writeResult( self, result ):
- if result == "":
- return
- #print >> self.stdout, "appending '%s'" % result
- self.append( result )
- def handleInput( self, line ):
- if len( line ) > 5 and not self.cmdFromHistory:
- self.history.append( line )
- self.pointer = len( self.history )
- sys.stdout, sys.stderr = self.output, self.output
- self.more = self.console.push( line[4:] )
- sys.stdout, sys.stderr = self.stdout, self.stderr
- def slotReturnPressed( self ):
- row, col = self.getCursorPosition()
- self.removeLine( row )
- line = str( self.textLine( row-1 ) )
- #print "text sending to interpreter: '%s'" % line
- self.handleInput( line )
- if self.more:
- self.prompt = sys.ps2
- else:
- self.prompt = sys.ps1
- self.append( self.prompt )
- self.cursorToEnd()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- a = qt.QApplication( sys.argv )
- w = EPythonShell( None )
- w.resize( qt.QSize( 640, 480 ) )
- w.show()
- a.setMainWidget( w )
- a.exec_loop()