path: root/bin/commander/provideritem.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/commander/provideritem.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/bin/commander/provideritem.py b/bin/commander/provideritem.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bac9f045d..000000000
--- a/bin/commander/provideritem.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: iso8859-15 -*-
-import os
-from qt import *
-from appinfo import *
-from packages import Packages
-class ProviderItem( QListViewItem ): #QCheckListItem
- columns = { "PROVIDES": 0,
- "CHECK": 1,
- "unpack":2, "patch":3, "configure":4, "compile":5, "stage":6, "install":7,
- "STATUS": 8,
- "CATEGORY": 9,
- "SECTION": 10,
- "PRIORITY": 11,
- "SRC_URI": 13,
- "HOMEPAGE": 14,
- "DEPENDS": 15,
- "RDEPENDS": 16,
- "SHORTNAME": 17 }
- icons = {}
- def __init__( self, parent, provider, virtual = False ):
- if not ProviderItem.icons:
- ProviderItem.icons = { "unpack" : QPixmap( imageDir + "do_unpack.png" ),
- "patch" : QPixmap( imageDir + "do_patch.png" ),
- "configure" : QPixmap( imageDir + "do_configure.png" ),
- "compile" : QPixmap( imageDir + "do_compile.png" ),
- "stage" : QPixmap( imageDir + "do_stage.png" ),
- "install" : QPixmap( imageDir + "do_install.png" ) }
- self.parent = parent
- self.virtual = virtual
- self.p = Packages.instance()
- self.fullname = provider
- self.shortname = provider.split( "/" )[-1]
- # <HACK>
- # Caution! I have absolutely no idea if it is correct to assume, that
- # the last provider is the most unspecific one... for now this seems to work :)
- # </HACK>
- self.mup = self.mupValue()
- self.virtualp = self.virtualValue()
- print "ProviderItemInit: FN='%s' SN='%s', VP='%s', MUP='%s'" % ( self.fullname, self.shortname, self.virtualp, self.mup )
- if self.mup == "N/A":
- print "Warning: MUP of '%s' seems to be not available." % provider
- if virtual:
- QListViewItem.__init__( self, parent, provider )
- return
- if self.virtualp:
- #
- # check if a corresponding virtual parent element already has been added
- #
- vparent = parent.findItem( self.virtualp, 0 )
- if not vparent:
- vparent = ProviderItem( parent, self.virtualp, True )
- vparent.setPixmap( 0, QPixmap( imageDir + "virtual.png" ) )
- QListViewItem.__init__( self, vparent, provider )
- #QCheckListItem.__init__( self, vparent, provider, QCheckListItem.CheckBox )
- else:
- #
- # check if a corresponding mup parent element already has been added
- #
- vparent = parent.findItem( self.mup, 0 )
- if not vparent:
- vparent = ProviderItem( parent, self.mup, True )
- vparent.setPixmap( 0, QPixmap( imageDir + "virtual.png" ) )
- QListViewItem.__init__( self, vparent, provider )
- self.decorate()
- self.syncStatus()
- self.setPixmap( 0, QPixmap( imageDir + "package.png" ) )
- self.setCheckStatus( False )
- def getVar( self, value ):
- return self.p.data( self.fullname, value )
- def virtualValue( self ):
- #print self.p.data(self.fullname, "PROVIDES" )
- providers = self.p.data(self.fullname, "PROVIDES" ).split()
- for p in providers:
- if p.split( '/' )[0] == "virtual": return p
- def mupValue( self ):
- providers = self.p.data( self.fullname, "PROVIDES" ).split()
- return providers[-1]
- def setCheckStatus( self, checked ):
- self.checked = checked
- if self.checked:
- self.setPixmap( 1, QPixmap( imageDir + "checked.png" ) )
- else:
- self.setPixmap( 1, QPixmap( imageDir + "unchecked.png" ) )
- def setBuildStatus( self, *args, **kwargs ):
- for el in kwargs:
- if el in ProviderItem.columns:
- self.setPixmap( ProviderItem.columns[el], ( QPixmap(), ProviderItem.icons[el] )[ kwargs[el] ] )
- if "status" in kwargs:
- self.setText( ProviderItem.columns["STATUS"], kwargs["status"] )
- def decorate( self ):
- if self.fullname.startswith( "virtual" ):
- return
- self.st( "PROVIDES", self.fullname.split('/')[-1] )
- self.st( "CATEGORY", self.p.data(self.fullname, "CATEGORY") )
- self.st( "SECTION", self.p.data(self.fullname, "SECTION") )
- self.st( "PRIORITY", self.p.data(self.fullname, "PRIORITY") )
- self.st( "MAINTAINER", self.p.data(self.fullname, "MAINTAINER") )
- self.st( "SRC_URI", self.p.data(self.fullname, "SRC_URI") )
- self.st( "HOMEPAGE", self.p.data(self.fullname, "HOMEPAGE") )
- self.st( "DEPENDS", self.p.data(self.fullname, "DEPENDS") )
- self.st( "RDEPENDS", self.p.data(self.fullname, "RDEPENDS") )
- self.st( "SHORTNAME", self.shortname )
- def syncStatus( self ):
- if self.virtual:
- return
- status = {}
- for el in "unpack patch configure compile stage install".split():
- statname = "%s/stamps/%s-%s-%s.do_%s" % ( self.p.getVar( "TMPDIR" ),
- self.getVar( "PN" ),
- self.getVar( "PV" ),
- self.getVar( "PR" ),
- el )
- #print "stat'ing", statname,
- try:
- os.stat( statname )
- except OSError:
- status[el] = False
- #print "not found."
- else:
- status[el] = True
- #print "found."
- print "status for package", self.shortname, "=", status
- apply( self.setBuildStatus, (), status )
- def st( self, column, value ):
- self.setText( ProviderItem.columns[column], value )
- def toggleCheck( self ):
- self.setCheckStatus( not self.checked )
- def selectToBuild( self, honorDeps = True ):
- pass
-# main
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import sys
- from qt import *
- app = QApplication( sys.argv )
- mw = QListView()
- app.setMainWidget( mw )
- app.exec_loop()