path: root/lib/toaster/toastermain/management/commands/buildimport.py
diff options
authorDavid Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com>2018-08-15 18:04:09 -0700
committerRichard Purdie <richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org>2018-08-20 10:20:38 +0100
commit985d6cec290bdd80998a63483561a73c75d82d65 (patch)
treeeab6fb5ca8247c0c72093f3a11789c3b66c71472 /lib/toaster/toastermain/management/commands/buildimport.py
parent7ae93cf40ab91965147055100432961436bce46c (diff)
Toaster: Implement the project-specific feature and releated enhancements and defects.
Here is the primary driving enhancement: * Bug 12785 - Support Project Specific configuration for external tools (e.g. ISS, Eclipse) - Isolated project-specific configuration page (full Toaster context hidden) - Support for new project, reconfigure existing project, and import existing command line project - Ability to define variables (e.g. image recipe) and pass them back to external GUI - Ability to execute the cloning phase, so that external GUI receive a buildable project - Ability to call back to the external GUI when updates are completed and ready - Compatibility of above projects with the normal full Toaster interface - Ability to pass to a 'complete' or 'cancel' web page so that the external GUI can immediately stop that Toaster instance, and not leave dangling servers nor edit sessions open Here are the supporting enhancements, where at least the back end is implemented: * Bug 12821 - Make Toaster conf changes compatible with command line usage * Bug 12822 - Support importing user changes to conf files into Toaster * Bug 12823 - Support importing user build directories into Toaster * Bug 12824 - Scan imported layers for content so that they are immediately available * Bug 12825 - show layer clone item in progress bar Here are defects fixed: * Bug 12817 - builddelete.py requires explicit 'add_arguments' * Bug 12818 - Remove orphaned imported layers when project is deleted * Bug 12826 - fix imported layer management * Bug 12819 - build using selected bitbake env, not Toaster's env * Bug 12820 - Toaster randomizes the layer order in toaster_bblayers.conf [YOCTO #12785] Signed-off-by: David Reyna <David.Reyna@windriver.com> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <richard.purdie@linuxfoundation.org>
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/toaster/toastermain/management/commands/buildimport.py')
1 files changed, 586 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/toaster/toastermain/management/commands/buildimport.py b/lib/toaster/toastermain/management/commands/buildimport.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..791d52823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/toaster/toastermain/management/commands/buildimport.py
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# BitBake Toaster Implementation
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Wind River Systems
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# buildimport: import a project for project specific configuration
+# Usage:
+# (a) Set up Toaster environent
+# (b) Call buildimport
+# $ /path/to/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py buildimport \
+# --name=$PROJECTNAME \
+# --path=$BUILD_DIRECTORY \
+# --callback="$CALLBACK_SCRIPT" \
+# --command="configure|reconfigure|import"
+# (c) Return is "|Default_image=%s|Project_id=%d"
+# (d) Open Toaster to this project using for example:
+# $ xdg-open http://localhost:$toaster_port/toastergui/project_specific/$project_id
+# (e) To delete a project:
+# $ /path/to/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py buildimport \
+# --name=$PROJECTNAME --delete-project
+# ../bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py buildimport --name=test --path=`pwd` --callback="" --command=import
+from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
+from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
+from orm.models import ProjectManager, Project, Release, ProjectVariable
+from orm.models import Layer, Layer_Version, LayerSource, ProjectLayer
+from toastergui.api import scan_layer_content
+from django.db import OperationalError
+import os
+import re
+import os.path
+import subprocess
+# Toaster variable section delimiters
+# quick development/debugging support
+verbose = 2
+def _log(msg):
+ if 1 == verbose:
+ print(msg)
+ elif 2 == verbose:
+ f1=open('/tmp/toaster.log', 'a')
+ f1.write("|" + msg + "|\n" )
+ f1.close()
+__config_regexp__ = re.compile( r"""
+ ^
+ (?P<exp>export\s+)?
+ (?P<var>[a-zA-Z0-9\-_+.${}/~]+?)
+ (\[(?P<flag>[a-zA-Z0-9\-_+.]+)\])?
+ \s* (
+ (?P<colon>:=) |
+ (?P<lazyques>\?\?=) |
+ (?P<ques>\?=) |
+ (?P<append>\+=) |
+ (?P<prepend>=\+) |
+ (?P<predot>=\.) |
+ (?P<postdot>\.=) |
+ =
+ ) \s*
+ (?!'[^']*'[^']*'$)
+ (?!\"[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\"$)
+ (?P<apo>['\"])
+ (?P<value>.*)
+ (?P=apo)
+ $
+ """, re.X)
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ args = "<name> <path> <release>"
+ help = "Import a command line build directory"
+ vars = {}
+ toaster_vars = {}
+ def add_arguments(self, parser):
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--name', dest='name', required=True,
+ help='name of the project',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--path', dest='path', required=True,
+ help='path to the project',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--release', dest='release', required=False,
+ help='release for the project',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--callback', dest='callback', required=False,
+ help='callback for project config update',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--delete-project', dest='delete_project', required=False,
+ help='delete this project from the database',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--command', dest='command', required=False,
+ help='command (configure,reconfigure,import)',
+ )
+ # Extract the bb variables from a conf file
+ def scan_conf(self,fn):
+ vars = self.vars
+ toaster_vars = self.toaster_vars
+ #_log("scan_conf:%s" % fn)
+ if not os.path.isfile(fn):
+ return
+ f = open(fn, 'r')
+ #statements = ast.StatementGroup()
+ lineno = 0
+ is_toaster_section = False
+ while True:
+ lineno = lineno + 1
+ s = f.readline()
+ if not s:
+ break
+ w = s.strip()
+ # skip empty lines
+ if not w:
+ continue
+ # evaluate Toaster sections
+ if w.startswith(TOASTER_PROLOG):
+ is_toaster_section = True
+ continue
+ if w.startswith(TOASTER_EPILOG):
+ is_toaster_section = False
+ continue
+ s = s.rstrip()
+ while s[-1] == '\\':
+ s2 = f.readline().strip()
+ lineno = lineno + 1
+ if (not s2 or s2 and s2[0] != "#") and s[0] == "#" :
+ echo("There is a confusing multiline, partially commented expression on line %s of file %s (%s).\nPlease clarify whether this is all a comment or should be parsed." % (lineno, fn, s))
+ s = s[:-1] + s2
+ # skip comments
+ if s[0] == '#':
+ continue
+ # process the line for just assignments
+ m = __config_regexp__.match(s)
+ if m:
+ groupd = m.groupdict()
+ var = groupd['var']
+ value = groupd['value']
+ if groupd['lazyques']:
+ if not var in vars:
+ vars[var] = value
+ continue
+ if groupd['ques']:
+ if not var in vars:
+ vars[var] = value
+ continue
+ # preset empty blank for remaining operators
+ if not var in vars:
+ vars[var] = ''
+ if groupd['append']:
+ vars[var] += value
+ elif groupd['prepend']:
+ vars[var] = "%s%s" % (value,vars[var])
+ elif groupd['predot']:
+ vars[var] = "%s %s" % (value,vars[var])
+ elif groupd['postdot']:
+ vars[var] = "%s %s" % (vars[var],value)
+ else:
+ vars[var] = "%s" % (value)
+ # capture vars in a Toaster section
+ if is_toaster_section:
+ toaster_vars[var] = vars[var]
+ f.close()
+ self.vars = vars
+ self.toaster_vars = toaster_vars
+ # Update the scanned project variables
+ def update_project_vars(self,project,name):
+ pv, create = ProjectVariable.objects.get_or_create(project = project, name = name)
+ if (not name in self.vars.keys()) or (not self.vars[name]):
+ self.vars[name] = pv.value
+ else:
+ if pv.value != self.vars[name]:
+ pv.value = self.vars[name]
+ pv.save()
+ # Find the git version of the installation
+ def find_layer_dir_version(self,path):
+ # * rocko ...
+ install_version = ''
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(path)
+ p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'branch', '-av'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ out, err = p.communicate()
+ out = out.decode("utf-8")
+ for branch in out.split('\n'):
+ if ('*' == branch[0:1]) and ('no branch' not in branch):
+ install_version = re.sub(' .*','',branch[2:])
+ break
+ if 'remotes/m/master' in branch:
+ install_version = re.sub('.*base/','',branch)
+ break
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ return install_version
+ # Compute table of the installation's registered layer versions (branch or commit)
+ def find_layer_dir_versions(self,INSTALL_URL_PREFIX):
+ lv_dict = {}
+ layer_versions = Layer_Version.objects.all()
+ for lv in layer_versions:
+ layer = Layer.objects.filter(pk=lv.layer.pk)[0]
+ if layer.vcs_url:
+ url_short = layer.vcs_url.replace(INSTALL_URL_PREFIX,'')
+ else:
+ url_short = ''
+ # register the core, branch, and the version variations
+ lv_dict["%s,%s,%s" % (url_short,lv.dirpath,'')] = (lv.id,layer.name)
+ lv_dict["%s,%s,%s" % (url_short,lv.dirpath,lv.branch)] = (lv.id,layer.name)
+ lv_dict["%s,%s,%s" % (url_short,lv.dirpath,lv.commit)] = (lv.id,layer.name)
+ #_log(" (%s,%s,%s|%s) = (%s,%s)" % (url_short,lv.dirpath,lv.branch,lv.commit,lv.id,layer.name))
+ return lv_dict
+ # Apply table of all layer versions
+ def extract_bblayers(self):
+ # set up the constants
+ bblayer_str = self.vars['BBLAYERS']
+ TOASTER_DIR = os.environ.get('TOASTER_DIR')
+ INSTALL_CLONE_PREFIX = os.path.dirname(TOASTER_DIR) + "/"
+ TOASTER_CLONE_PREFIX = TOASTER_DIR + "/_toaster_clones/"
+ layers = Layer.objects.filter(name='openembedded-core')
+ for layer in layers:
+ if layer.vcs_url:
+ INSTALL_URL_PREFIX = layer.vcs_url
+ break
+ # get the set of available layer:layer_versions
+ lv_dict = self.find_layer_dir_versions(INSTALL_URL_PREFIX)
+ # compute the layer matches
+ layers_list = []
+ for line in bblayer_str.split(' '):
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ if line.endswith('/local'):
+ continue
+ # isolate the repo
+ layer_path = line
+ line = line.replace(INSTALL_URL_POSTFIX,'').replace(INSTALL_CLONE_PREFIX,'').replace('/layers/','/').replace('/poky/','/')
+ # isolate the sub-path
+ path_index = line.rfind('/')
+ if path_index > 0:
+ sub_path = line[path_index+1:]
+ line = line[0:path_index]
+ else:
+ sub_path = ''
+ # isolate the version
+ if TOASTER_CLONE_PREFIX in layer_path:
+ is_toaster_clone = True
+ # extract version from name syntax
+ version_index = line.find('_')
+ if version_index > 0:
+ version = line[version_index+1:]
+ line = line[0:version_index]
+ else:
+ version = ''
+ _log("TOASTER_CLONE(%s/%s), version=%s" % (line,sub_path,version))
+ else:
+ is_toaster_clone = False
+ # version is from the installation
+ version = self.find_layer_dir_version(layer_path)
+ _log("LOCAL_CLONE(%s/%s), version=%s" % (line,sub_path,version))
+ # capture the layer information into layers_list
+ layers_list.append( (line,sub_path,version,layer_path,is_toaster_clone) )
+ return layers_list,lv_dict
+ #
+ def find_import_release(self,layers_list,lv_dict,default_release):
+ # poky,meta,rocko => 4;openembedded-core
+ release = default_release
+ for line,path,version,layer_path,is_toaster_clone in layers_list:
+ key = "%s,%s,%s" % (line,path,version)
+ if key in lv_dict:
+ lv_id = lv_dict[key]
+ if 'openembedded-core' == lv_id[1]:
+ _log("Find_import_release(%s):version=%s,Toaster=%s" % (lv_id[1],version,is_toaster_clone))
+ # only versions in Toaster managed layers are accepted
+ if not is_toaster_clone:
+ break
+ try:
+ release = Release.objects.get(name=version)
+ except:
+ pass
+ break
+ _log("Find_import_release:RELEASE=%s" % release.name)
+ return release
+ # Apply the found conf layers
+ def apply_conf_bblayers(self,layers_list,lv_dict,project,release=None):
+ for line,path,version,layer_path,is_toaster_clone in layers_list:
+ # Assert release promote if present
+ if release:
+ version = release
+ # try to match the key to a layer_version
+ key = "%s,%s,%s" % (line,path,version)
+ key_short = "%s,%s,%s" % (line,path,'')
+ lv_id = ''
+ if key in lv_dict:
+ lv_id = lv_dict[key]
+ lv = Layer_Version.objects.get(pk=int(lv_id[0]))
+ pl,created = ProjectLayer.objects.get_or_create(project=project,
+ layercommit=lv)
+ pl.optional=False
+ pl.save()
+ _log(" %s => %s;%s" % (key,lv_id[0],lv_id[1]))
+ elif key_short in lv_dict:
+ lv_id = lv_dict[key_short]
+ lv = Layer_Version.objects.get(pk=int(lv_id[0]))
+ pl,created = ProjectLayer.objects.get_or_create(project=project,
+ layercommit=lv)
+ pl.optional=False
+ pl.save()
+ _log(" %s ?> %s" % (key,lv_dict[key_short]))
+ else:
+ _log("%s <= %s" % (key,layer_path))
+ found = False
+ # does local layer already exist in this project?
+ try:
+ for pl in ProjectLayer.objects.filter(project=project):
+ if pl.layercommit.layer.local_source_dir == layer_path:
+ found = True
+ _log(" Project Local Layer found!")
+ except Exception as e:
+ _log("ERROR: Local Layer '%s'" % e)
+ pass
+ if not found:
+ # Does Layer name+path already exist?
+ try:
+ layer_name_base = os.path.basename(layer_path)
+ _log("Layer_lookup: try '%s','%s'" % (layer_name_base,layer_path))
+ layer = Layer.objects.get(name=layer_name_base,local_source_dir = layer_path)
+ # Found! Attach layer_version and ProjectLayer
+ layer_version = Layer_Version.objects.create(
+ layer=layer,
+ project=project,
+ layer_source=LayerSource.TYPE_IMPORTED)
+ layer_version.save()
+ pl,created = ProjectLayer.objects.get_or_create(project=project,
+ layercommit=layer_version)
+ pl.optional=False
+ pl.save()
+ found = True
+ # add layer contents to this layer version
+ scan_layer_content(layer,layer_version)
+ _log(" Parent Local Layer found in db!")
+ except Exception as e:
+ _log("Layer_exists_test_failed: Local Layer '%s'" % e)
+ pass
+ if not found:
+ # Insure that layer path exists, in case of user typo
+ if not os.path.isdir(layer_path):
+ _log("ERROR:Layer path '%s' not found" % layer_path)
+ continue
+ # Add layer to db and attach project to it
+ layer_name_base = os.path.basename(layer_path)
+ # generate a unique layer name
+ layer_name_matches = {}
+ for layer in Layer.objects.filter(name__contains=layer_name_base):
+ layer_name_matches[layer.name] = '1'
+ layer_name_idx = 0
+ layer_name_test = layer_name_base
+ while layer_name_test in layer_name_matches.keys():
+ layer_name_idx += 1
+ layer_name_test = "%s_%d" % (layer_name_base,layer_name_idx)
+ # create the layer and layer_verion objects
+ layer = Layer.objects.create(name=layer_name_test)
+ layer.local_source_dir = layer_path
+ layer_version = Layer_Version.objects.create(
+ layer=layer,
+ project=project,
+ layer_source=LayerSource.TYPE_IMPORTED)
+ layer.save()
+ layer_version.save()
+ pl,created = ProjectLayer.objects.get_or_create(project=project,
+ layercommit=layer_version)
+ pl.optional=False
+ pl.save()
+ # register the layer's content
+ _log(" Local Layer Add content")
+ scan_layer_content(layer,layer_version)
+ _log(" Local Layer Added '%s'!" % layer_name_test)
+ # Scan the project's conf files (if any)
+ def scan_conf_variables(self,project_path):
+ # scan the project's settings, add any new layers or variables
+ if os.path.isfile("%s/conf/local.conf" % project_path):
+ self.scan_conf("%s/conf/local.conf" % project_path)
+ self.scan_conf("%s/conf/bblayers.conf" % project_path)
+ # Import then disable old style Toaster conf files (before 'merged_attr')
+ old_toaster_local = "%s/conf/toaster.conf" % project_path
+ if os.path.isfile(old_toaster_local):
+ self.scan_conf(old_toaster_local)
+ shutil.move(old_toaster_local, old_toaster_local+"_old")
+ old_toaster_layer = "%s/conf/toaster-bblayers.conf" % project_path
+ if os.path.isfile(old_toaster_layer):
+ self.scan_conf(old_toaster_layer)
+ shutil.move(old_toaster_layer, old_toaster_layer+"_old")
+ # Scan the found conf variables (if any)
+ def apply_conf_variables(self,project,layers_list,lv_dict,release=None):
+ if self.vars:
+ # Catch vars relevant to Toaster (in case no Toaster section)
+ self.update_project_vars(project,'DISTRO')
+ self.update_project_vars(project,'MACHINE')
+ self.update_project_vars(project,'IMAGE_INSTALL_append')
+ self.update_project_vars(project,'IMAGE_FSTYPES')
+ self.update_project_vars(project,'PACKAGE_CLASSES')
+ # These vars are typically only assigned by Toaster
+ #self.update_project_vars(project,'DL_DIR')
+ #self.update_project_vars(project,'SSTATE_DIR')
+ # Assert found Toaster vars
+ for var in self.toaster_vars.keys():
+ pv, create = ProjectVariable.objects.get_or_create(project = project, name = var)
+ pv.value = self.toaster_vars[var]
+ _log("* Add/update Toaster var '%s' = '%s'" % (pv.name,pv.value))
+ pv.save()
+ # Assert found BBLAYERS
+ if 0 < verbose:
+ for pl in ProjectLayer.objects.filter(project=project):
+ release_name = 'None' if not pl.layercommit.release else pl.layercommit.release.name
+ print(" BEFORE:ProjectLayer=%s,%s,%s,%s" % (pl.layercommit.layer.name,release_name,pl.layercommit.branch,pl.layercommit.commit))
+ self.apply_conf_bblayers(layers_list,lv_dict,project,release)
+ if 0 < verbose:
+ for pl in ProjectLayer.objects.filter(project=project):
+ release_name = 'None' if not pl.layercommit.release else pl.layercommit.release.name
+ print(" AFTER :ProjectLayer=%s,%s,%s,%s" % (pl.layercommit.layer.name,release_name,pl.layercommit.branch,pl.layercommit.commit))
+ def handle(self, *args, **options):
+ project_name = options['name']
+ project_path = options['path']
+ project_callback = options['callback']
+ if options['release']:
+ release_name = options['release']
+ else:
+ release_name = ''
+ #
+ # Delete project
+ #
+ if options['delete_project']:
+ try:
+ print("Project '%s' delete from Toaster database" % (project_name))
+ project = Project.objects.get(name=project_name)
+ # TODO: deep project delete
+ project.delete()
+ print("Project '%s' Deleted" % (project_name))
+ return
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Project '%s' not found, not deleted (%s)" % (project_name,e))
+ return
+ #
+ # Create/Update/Import project
+ #
+ # See if project (by name) exists
+ project = None
+ try:
+ # Project already exists
+ project = Project.objects.get(name=project_name)
+ except Exception as e:
+ pass
+ # Find the installation's default release
+ default_release = Release.objects.get(id=1)
+ # SANITY: if 'reconfig' but project does not exist (deleted externally), switch to 'import'
+ if ("reconfigure" == options['command']) and (None == project):
+ options['command'] = 'import'
+ # 'Configure':
+ if "configure" == options['command']:
+ # Note: ignore any existing conf files
+ # create project, SANITY: reuse any project of same name
+ project = Project.objects.create_project(project_name,default_release,project)
+ # 'Re-configure':
+ if "reconfigure" == options['command']:
+ # Scan the directory's conf files
+ self.scan_conf_variables(project_path)
+ # Scan the layer list
+ layers_list,lv_dict = self.extract_bblayers()
+ # Apply any new layers or variables
+ self.apply_conf_variables(project,layers_list,lv_dict)
+ # 'Import':
+ if "import" == options['command']:
+ # Scan the directory's conf files
+ self.scan_conf_variables(project_path)
+ # Remove these Toaster controlled variables
+ for var in ('DL_DIR','SSTATE_DIR'):
+ self.vars.pop(var, None)
+ self.toaster_vars.pop(var, None)
+ # Scan the layer list
+ layers_list,lv_dict = self.extract_bblayers()
+ # Find the directory's release, and promote to default_release if local paths
+ release = self.find_import_release(layers_list,lv_dict,default_release)
+ # create project, SANITY: reuse any project of same name
+ project = Project.objects.create_project(project_name,release,project)
+ # Apply any new layers or variables
+ self.apply_conf_variables(project,layers_list,lv_dict,release)
+ # WORKAROUND: since we now derive the release, redirect 'newproject_specific' to 'project_specific'
+ # Set up the project's meta data
+ project.builddir = project_path
+ project.merged_attr = True
+ project.set_variable(Project.PROJECT_SPECIFIC_CALLBACK,project_callback)
+ project.set_variable(Project.PROJECT_SPECIFIC_STATUS,Project.PROJECT_SPECIFIC_EDIT)
+ if ("configure" == options['command']) or ("import" == options['command']):
+ # preset the mode and default image recipe
+ project.set_variable(Project.PROJECT_SPECIFIC_ISNEW,Project.PROJECT_SPECIFIC_NEW)
+ project.set_variable(Project.PROJECT_SPECIFIC_DEFAULTIMAGE,"core-image-minimal")
+ # Assert any extended/custom actions or variables for new non-Toaster projects
+ if not len(self.toaster_vars):
+ pass
+ else:
+ project.set_variable(Project.PROJECT_SPECIFIC_ISNEW,Project.PROJECT_SPECIFIC_NONE)
+ # Save the updated Project
+ project.save()
+ _log("Buildimport:project='%s' at '%d'" % (project_name,project.id))
+ if ('DEFAULT_IMAGE' in self.vars) and (self.vars['DEFAULT_IMAGE']):
+ print("|Default_image=%s|Project_id=%d" % (self.vars['DEFAULT_IMAGE'],project.id))
+ else:
+ print("|Project_id=%d" % (project.id))