path: root/lib/toaster/toastergui
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/toaster/toastergui')
7 files changed, 179 insertions, 275 deletions
diff --git a/lib/toaster/toastergui/api.py b/lib/toaster/toastergui/api.py
index be18090da..887640996 100644
--- a/lib/toaster/toastergui/api.py
+++ b/lib/toaster/toastergui/api.py
@@ -20,11 +20,13 @@
import re
import logging
+from collections import Counter
from orm.models import Project, ProjectTarget, Build, Layer_Version
from orm.models import LayerVersionDependency, LayerSource, ProjectLayer
from orm.models import Recipe, CustomImageRecipe, CustomImagePackage
from orm.models import Layer, Target, Package, Package_Dependency
+from orm.models import ProjectVariable
from bldcontrol.models import BuildRequest
from bldcontrol import bbcontroller
@@ -772,3 +774,162 @@ class XhrCustomRecipePackages(View):
except CustomImageRecipe.DoesNotExist:
return error_response("Tried to remove package that wasn't"
" present")
+class XhrProject(View):
+ """ Create, delete or edit a project
+ Entry point: /xhr_project/<project_id>
+ """
+ def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Edit project control
+ Args:
+ layerAdd = layer_version_id layer_version_id ...
+ layerDel = layer_version_id layer_version_id ...
+ projectName = new_project_name
+ machineName = new_machine_name
+ Returns:
+ {"error": "ok"}
+ or
+ {"error": <error message>}
+ """
+ try:
+ prj = Project.objects.get(pk=kwargs['project_id'])
+ except Project.DoesNotExist:
+ return error_response("No such project")
+ # Add layers
+ if 'layerAdd' in request.POST and len(request.POST['layerAdd']) > 0:
+ for layer_version_id in request.POST['layerAdd'].split(','):
+ try:
+ lv = Layer_Version.objects.get(pk=int(layer_version_id))
+ ProjectLayer.objects.get_or_create(project=prj,
+ layercommit=lv)
+ except Layer_Version.DoesNotExist:
+ return error_response("Layer version %s asked to add "
+ "doesn't exist" % layer_version_id)
+ # Remove layers
+ if 'layerDel' in request.POST and len(request.POST['layerDel']) > 0:
+ layer_version_ids = request.POST['layerDel'].split(',')
+ ProjectLayer.objects.filter(
+ project=prj,
+ layercommit_id__in=layer_version_ids).delete()
+ # Project name change
+ if 'projectName' in request.POST:
+ prj.name = request.POST['projectName']
+ prj.save()
+ # Machine name change
+ if 'machineName' in request.POST:
+ machinevar = prj.projectvariable_set.get(name="MACHINE")
+ machinevar.value = request.POST['machineName']
+ machinevar.save()
+ return JsonResponse({"error": "ok"})
+ def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Returns:
+ json object representing the current project
+ or:
+ {"error": <error message>}
+ """
+ try:
+ project = Project.objects.get(pk=kwargs['project_id'])
+ except Project.DoesNotExist:
+ return error_response("Project %s does not exist" %
+ kwargs['project_id'])
+ # Create the frequently built targets list
+ freqtargets = Counter(Target.objects.filter(
+ Q(build__project=project),
+ ~Q(build__outcome=Build.IN_PROGRESS)
+ ).order_by("target").values_list("target", flat=True))
+ freqtargets = freqtargets.most_common(5)
+ # We now have the targets in order of frequency but if there are two
+ # with the same frequency then we need to make sure those are in
+ # alphabetical order without losing the frequency ordering
+ tmp = []
+ switch = None
+ for i, freqtartget in enumerate(freqtargets):
+ target, count = freqtartget
+ try:
+ target_next, count_next = freqtargets[i+1]
+ if count == count_next and target > target_next:
+ switch = target
+ continue
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ tmp.append(target)
+ if switch:
+ tmp.append(switch)
+ switch = None
+ freqtargets = tmp
+ layers = []
+ for layer in project.projectlayer_set.all():
+ layers.append({
+ "id": layer.layercommit.pk,
+ "name": layer.layercommit.layer.name,
+ "vcs_url": layer.layercommit.layer.vcs_url,
+ "local_source_dir": layer.layercommit.layer.local_source_dir,
+ "vcs_reference": layer.layercommit.get_vcs_reference(),
+ "url": layer.layercommit.layer.layer_index_url,
+ "layerdetailurl": layer.layercommit.get_detailspage_url(
+ project.pk),
+ "layersource": layer.layercommit.layer_source
+ })
+ data = {
+ "name": project.name,
+ "layers": layers,
+ "freqtargets": freqtargets,
+ }
+ if project.release is not None:
+ data['release'] = {
+ "id": project.release.pk,
+ "name": project.release.name,
+ "description": project.release.description
+ }
+ try:
+ data["machine"] = {"name":
+ project.projectvariable_set.get(
+ name="MACHINE").value}
+ except ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist:
+ data["machine"] = None
+ try:
+ data["distro"] = project.projectvariable_set.get(
+ name="DISTRO").value
+ except ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist:
+ data["distro"] = "-- not set yet"
+ data['error'] = "ok"
+ return JsonResponse(data)
+ def put(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ # TODO create new project api
+ return HttpResponse()
+ def delete(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ Project.objects.get(kwargs['project_id']).delete()
+ except Project.DoesNotExist:
+ return error_response("Project %s does not exist" %
+ kwargs['project_id'])
+ return JsonResponse({"error": "ok"})
diff --git a/lib/toaster/toastergui/static/js/libtoaster.js b/lib/toaster/toastergui/static/js/libtoaster.js
index f56affd8e..b2099a604 100644
--- a/lib/toaster/toastergui/static/js/libtoaster.js
+++ b/lib/toaster/toastergui/static/js/libtoaster.js
@@ -167,7 +167,6 @@ var libtoaster = (function () {
function _getProjectInfo(url, onsuccess, onfail){
type: "GET",
- data : { format: "json" },
url: url,
headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')},
success: function (_data) {
@@ -194,7 +193,7 @@ var libtoaster = (function () {
function _editCurrentProject(data, onSuccess, onFail){
type: "POST",
- url: libtoaster.ctx.projectPageUrl + "?format=json",
+ url: libtoaster.ctx.xhrProjectUrl,
data: data,
headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')},
success: function (data) {
diff --git a/lib/toaster/toastergui/static/js/projectpage.js b/lib/toaster/toastergui/static/js/projectpage.js
index b75b3e186..3bf3cbaf2 100644
--- a/lib/toaster/toastergui/static/js/projectpage.js
+++ b/lib/toaster/toastergui/static/js/projectpage.js
@@ -27,11 +27,10 @@ function projectPageInit(ctx) {
var urlParams = libtoaster.parseUrlParams();
- libtoaster.getProjectInfo(libtoaster.ctx.projectPageUrl, function(prjInfo){
+ libtoaster.getProjectInfo(libtoaster.ctx.xhrProjectUrl, function(prjInfo){
- updateProjectReleases(prjInfo.releases, prjInfo.release);
/* If we're receiving a machine set from the url and it's different from
* our current machine then activate set machine sequence.
@@ -287,7 +286,9 @@ function projectPageInit(ctx) {
- libtoaster.makeTypeahead(machineChangeInput, libtoaster.ctx.machinesTypeAheadUrl, { }, function(item){
+ libtoaster.makeTypeahead(machineChangeInput,
+ libtoaster.ctx.machinesTypeAheadUrl,
+ { }, function(item){
currentMachineAddSelection = item.name;
@@ -324,146 +325,10 @@ function projectPageInit(ctx) {
- function updateProjectReleases(releases, current){
- for (var i in releases){
- var releaseOption = $("<option></option>");
- releaseOption.val(releases[i].id);
- releaseOption.text(releases[i].description);
- releaseOption.data('release', releases[i]);
- if (releases[i].id == current.id)
- releaseOption.attr("selected", "selected");
- releaseForm.children("select").append(releaseOption);
- }
- }
- releaseChangeFormToggle.click(function(){
- releaseForm.slideDown();
- releaseTitle.hide();
- $(this).hide();
- });
- cancelReleaseChange.click(function(e){
+ $("#delete-project-confirmed").click(function(e){
- releaseForm.slideUp(function(){
- releaseTitle.show();
- releaseChangeFormToggle.show();
- });
- });
- function changeProjectRelease(release, layersToRm){
- libtoaster.editCurrentProject({ projectVersion : release.id },
- function(){
- /* Success */
- /* Update layers list with new layers */
- layersInPrjList.addClass('muted');
- libtoaster.getProjectInfo(libtoaster.ctx.projectPageUrl,
- function(prjInfo){
- layersInPrjList.children().remove();
- updateProjectLayers(prjInfo.layers);
- layersInPrjList.removeClass('muted');
- releaseChangedNotification(release, prjInfo.layers, layersToRm);
- });
- updateProjectRelease(release);
- cancelReleaseChange.click();
- });
- }
- /* Create a notification to show the changes to the layer configuration
- * caused by changing a release.
- */
- function releaseChangedNotification(release, layers, layersToRm){
- var message;
- if (layers.length === 0 && layersToRm.length === 0){
- message = $('<span><span class="lead">You have changed the project release to: <strong><span id="notify-release-name"></span></strong>.');
- message.find("#notify-release-name").text(release.description);
- libtoaster.showChangeNotification(message);
- return;
- }
- /* Create the whitespace separated list of layers removed */
- var layersDelList = "";
- layersToRm.map(function(layer, i){
- layersDelList += layer.name;
- if (layersToRm[i+1] !== undefined)
- layersDelList += ', ';
- });
- message = $('<span><span class="lead">You have changed the project release to: <strong><span id="notify-release-name"></span></strong>. This has caused the following changes in your project layers:</span><ul id="notify-layers-changed-list"></ul></span>');
- var changedList = message.find("#notify-layers-changed-list");
- message.find("#notify-release-name").text(release.description);
- /* Manually construct the list item for changed layers */
- var li = '<li><strong>'+layers.length+'</strong> layers changed to the <strong>'+release.name+'</strong> release: ';
- for (var i in layers){
- li += '<a href='+layers[i].layerdetailurl+'>'+layers[i].name+'</a>';
- if (i !== 0)
- li += ', ';
- }
- changedList.append($(li));
- /* Layers removed */
- if (layersToRm && layersToRm.length > 0){
- if (layersToRm.length == 1)
- li = '<li><strong>1</strong> layer removed: '+layersToRm[0].name+'</li>';
- else
- li = '<li><strong>'+layersToRm.length+'</strong> layers deleted: '+layersDelList+'</li>';
- changedList.append($(li));
- }
- libtoaster.showChangeNotification(message);
- }
- /* Show the modal dialog which gives the option to remove layers which
- * aren't compatible with the proposed release
- */
- function showReleaseLayerChangeModal(release, layers){
- var layersToRmList = releaseModal.find("#layers-to-remove-list");
- layersToRmList.text("");
- releaseModal.find(".proposed-release-change-name").text(release.description);
- releaseModal.data("layers", layers);
- releaseModal.data("release", release);
- for (var i in layers){
- layersToRmList.append($("<li></li>").text(layers[i].name));
- }
- releaseModal.modal('show');
- }
- $("#change-release-btn").click(function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- var newRelease = releaseForm.find("option:selected").data('release');
- $.getJSON(ctx.testReleaseChangeUrl,
- { new_release_id: newRelease.id },
- function(layers) {
- if (layers.rows.length === 0){
- /* No layers to change for this release */
- changeProjectRelease(newRelease, []);
- } else {
- showReleaseLayerChangeModal(newRelease, layers.rows);
- }
- });
- });
- /* Release change modal accept */
- $("#change-release-and-rm-layers").click(function(){
- var layers = releaseModal.data("layers");
- var release = releaseModal.data("release");
- changeProjectRelease(release, layers);
diff --git a/lib/toaster/toastergui/static/js/tests/test.js b/lib/toaster/toastergui/static/js/tests/test.js
index f8d566b3e..d7953de44 100644
--- a/lib/toaster/toastergui/static/js/tests/test.js
+++ b/lib/toaster/toastergui/static/js/tests/test.js
@@ -42,9 +42,8 @@ QUnit.test("Layer alert notification", function(assert) {
QUnit.test("Project info", function(assert){
var done = assert.async();
- libtoaster.getProjectInfo(libtoaster.ctx.projectPageUrl, function(prjInfo){
+ libtoaster.getProjectInfo(libtoaster.ctx.xhrProjectUrl, function(prjInfo){
- assert.ok(prjInfo.releases.length > 0);
assert.ok(prjInfo.layers.length > 0);
@@ -82,11 +81,11 @@ QUnit.test("Add layer", function(assert){
}, 200);
/* Compare the number of layers before and after the add in the project */
- libtoaster.getProjectInfo(libtoaster.ctx.projectPageUrl, function(prjInfo){
+ libtoaster.getProjectInfo(libtoaster.ctx.xhrProjectUrl, function(prjInfo){
var origNumLayers = prjInfo.layers.length;
libtoaster.addRmLayer(layer, true, function(deps){
- libtoaster.getProjectInfo(libtoaster.ctx.projectPageUrl,
+ libtoaster.getProjectInfo(libtoaster.ctx.xhrProjectUrl,
assert.ok(prjInfo.layers.length > origNumLayers,
"Layer not added to project");
diff --git a/lib/toaster/toastergui/templates/base.html b/lib/toaster/toastergui/templates/base.html
index 58491eba8..c1b1417a7 100644
--- a/lib/toaster/toastergui/templates/base.html
+++ b/lib/toaster/toastergui/templates/base.html
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
{% if project.id %}
projectId : {{project.id}},
projectPageUrl : {% url 'project' project.id as purl %}{{purl|json}},
+ xhrProjectUrl : {% url 'xhr_project' project.id as pxurl %}{{pxurl|json}},
projectName : {{project.name|json}},
recipesTypeAheadUrl: {% url 'xhr_recipestypeahead' project.id as paturl%}{{paturl|json}},
layersTypeAheadUrl: {% url 'xhr_layerstypeahead' project.id as paturl%}{{paturl|json}},
diff --git a/lib/toaster/toastergui/urls.py b/lib/toaster/toastergui/urls.py
index 9509cd592..1232611e2 100644
--- a/lib/toaster/toastergui/urls.py
+++ b/lib/toaster/toastergui/urls.py
@@ -220,6 +220,10 @@ urlpatterns = patterns('toastergui.views',
+ url(r'xhr_project/(?P<project_id>\d+)$',
+ api.XhrProject.as_view(),
+ name='xhr_project'),
url(r'^mostrecentbuilds$', api.MostRecentBuildsView.as_view(),
diff --git a/lib/toaster/toastergui/views.py b/lib/toaster/toastergui/views.py
index 365a1e88f..2efb0fd56 100755
--- a/lib/toaster/toastergui/views.py
+++ b/lib/toaster/toastergui/views.py
@@ -1361,136 +1361,11 @@ if True:
raise Exception("Invalid HTTP method for this page")
# Shows the edit project page
- @_template_renderer('project.html')
def project(request, pid):
- prj = Project.objects.get(id = pid)
- try:
- puser = User.objects.get(id = prj.user_id)
- except User.DoesNotExist:
- puser = None
- # execute POST requests
- if request.method == "POST":
- # add layers
- if 'layerAdd' in request.POST and len(request.POST['layerAdd']) > 0:
- for lc in Layer_Version.objects.filter(pk__in=[i for i in request.POST['layerAdd'].split(",") if len(i) > 0]):
- ProjectLayer.objects.get_or_create(project = prj, layercommit = lc)
- # remove layers
- if 'layerDel' in request.POST and len(request.POST['layerDel']) > 0:
- for t in request.POST['layerDel'].strip().split(" "):
- pt = ProjectLayer.objects.filter(project = prj, layercommit_id = int(t)).delete()
- if 'projectName' in request.POST:
- prj.name = request.POST['projectName']
- prj.save();
- if 'projectVersion' in request.POST:
- # If the release is the current project then return now
- if prj.release.pk == int(request.POST.get('projectVersion',-1)):
- return {}
- prj.release = Release.objects.get(pk = request.POST['projectVersion'])
- # we need to change the bitbake version
- prj.bitbake_version = prj.release.bitbake_version
- prj.save()
- # we need to change the layers
- for project in prj.projectlayer_set.all():
- # find and add a similarly-named layer on the new branch
- try:
- layer_versions = prj.get_all_compatible_layer_versions()
- layer_versions = layer_versions.filter(layer__name = project.layercommit.layer.name)
- ProjectLayer.objects.get_or_create(project = prj, layercommit = layer_versions.first())
- except IndexError:
- pass
- finally:
- # get rid of the old entry
- project.delete()
- if 'machineName' in request.POST:
- machinevar = prj.projectvariable_set.get(name="MACHINE")
- machinevar.value=request.POST['machineName']
- machinevar.save()
- # we use implicit knowledge of the current user's project to filter layer information, e.g.
- pid = prj.id
- from collections import Counter
- freqtargets = Counter(Target.objects.filter(
- Q(build__project=prj),
- ~Q(build__outcome=Build.IN_PROGRESS)
- ).order_by("target").values_list("target", flat=True))
- freqtargets = freqtargets.most_common(5)
- # We now have the targets in order of frequency but if there are two
- # with the same frequency then we need to make sure those are in
- # alphabetical order without losing the frequency ordering
- tmp = []
- switch = None
- for i, freqtartget in enumerate(freqtargets):
- target, count = freqtartget
- try:
- target_next, count_next = freqtargets[i+1]
- if count == count_next and target > target_next:
- switch = target
- continue
- except IndexError:
- pass
- tmp.append(target)
- if switch:
- tmp.append(switch)
- switch = None
- freqtargets = tmp
- layers = [{"id": x.layercommit.pk, "orderid": x.pk, "name" : x.layercommit.layer.name,
- "vcs_url": x.layercommit.layer.vcs_url, "local_source_dir": x.layercommit.layer.local_source_dir, "vcs_reference" : x.layercommit.get_vcs_reference(),
- "url": x.layercommit.layer.layer_index_url, "layerdetailurl": x.layercommit.get_detailspage_url(prj.pk),
- "branch" : {"name" : x.layercommit.get_vcs_reference(),
- "layersource" : x.layercommit.layer_source }
- } for x in prj.projectlayer_set.all().order_by("id")]
- context = {
- "project" : prj,
- "lvs_nos" : Layer_Version.objects.all().count(),
- "completedbuilds": Build.objects.exclude(outcome = Build.IN_PROGRESS).filter(project_id = pid),
- "prj" : {"name": prj.name, },
- "buildrequests" : prj.build_set.filter(outcome=Build.IN_PROGRESS),
- "builds" : Build.get_recent(prj),
- "layers" : layers,
- "targets" : [{"target" : x.target, "task" : x.task, "pk": x.pk} for x in prj.projecttarget_set.all()],
- "variables": [(x.name, x.value) for x in prj.projectvariable_set.all()],
- "freqtargets": freqtargets,
- "releases": [{"id": x.pk, "name": x.name, "description":x.description} for x in Release.objects.all()],
- "project_html": 1,
- "recipesTypeAheadUrl": reverse('xhr_recipestypeahead', args=(prj.pk,)),
- "projectBuildsUrl": reverse('projectbuilds', args=(prj.pk,)),
- }
- if prj.release is not None:
- context['release'] = { "id": prj.release.pk, "name": prj.release.name, "description": prj.release.description}
- try:
- context["machine"] = {"name": prj.projectvariable_set.get(name="MACHINE").value}
- except ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist:
- context["machine"] = None
- try:
- context["distro"] = prj.projectvariable_set.get(name="DISTRO").value
- except ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist:
- context["distro"] = "-- not set yet"
- return context
+ project = Project.objects.get(pk=pid)
+ context = {"project": project}
+ return render(request, "project.html", context)
def jsunittests(request):
""" Provides a page for the js unit tests """