path: root/lib/bb/fetch2/trace.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/bb/fetch2/trace.py')
1 files changed, 265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bb/fetch2/trace.py b/lib/bb/fetch2/trace.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40245e6d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bb/fetch2/trace.py
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+import os
+import hashlib
+import time
+import json
+import bb.process
+import bb.utils
+import bb.compress.zstd
+def is_git_dir(e):
+ if ".git" in os.listdir(e.path):
+ try:
+ bb.process.run(
+ ["git", "rev-parse", "--is-inside-work-tree"], cwd=e.path)
+ return True
+ except bb.process.ExecutionError:
+ return False
+ return False
+def scandir(path, exclude=[], skip_git_submodules=False):
+ def _scandir(path, tree, excluded_list, exclude, skip_git_submodules):
+ with os.scandir(path) as scan:
+ scandir = [ e for e in scan ]
+ for e in scandir:
+ if e.name in exclude:
+ excluded_list.append(e.path)
+ continue
+ if e.is_dir() and not e.is_symlink():
+ if skip_git_submodules and is_git_dir(e):
+ excluded_list.append(e.path)
+ continue
+ _scandir(e.path, tree, excluded_list, exclude, skip_git_submodules)
+ else:
+ tree[e.path] = e
+ tree = {}
+ excluded_list = []
+ _scandir(path, tree, excluded_list, exclude, skip_git_submodules)
+ paths = list(tree.keys())
+ sorted_tree = {path: tree[path] for path in sorted(paths)}
+ return sorted_tree, sorted(excluded_list)
+def calculate_sha1(path):
+ sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
+ with open(path, 'rb') as file:
+ while chunk := file.read(8192):
+ sha1.update(chunk)
+ return sha1.hexdigest()
+def get_stats(e):
+ s = e.stat()
+ return (s.st_mode, s.st_mtime, s.st_ctime, s.st_size)
+class FileIndexException(Exception):
+ pass
+class FileIndexEntry(object):
+ def __init__(self, stats, link, sha1, last_update):
+ self.stats = stats
+ self.link = link
+ self.sha1 = sha1
+ self.last_update = last_update
+class FileIndex(object):
+ ADDED = 1
+ def __init__(self, root, exclude=[], skip_git_submodules=False):
+ self.entries = {}
+ self.root = root
+ self.exclude = exclude
+ self.skip_git_submodules = skip_git_submodules
+ self.update_index(root)
+ def _add_or_update_entry(self, e, link, timestamp, stats=None, sha1=None):
+ self.entries[e.path] = FileIndexEntry(
+ stats = (stats or get_stats(e)) if not link else None,
+ link = link,
+ sha1 = (sha1 or calculate_sha1(e.path)) if not link else None,
+ last_update = int(timestamp)
+ )
+ def add_or_update_entry(self, e, timestamp=None):
+ if not timestamp:
+ timestamp = time.time()
+ link = os.readlink(e.path) if e.is_symlink() else None
+ if e.path in self.entries:
+ entry = self.entries[e.path]
+ if link:
+ if link != entry.link:
+ self._add_or_update_entry(e, link, timestamp),
+ return FileIndex.MODIFIED
+ else:
+ return FileIndex.UNCHANGED
+ mode, mtime, ctime, size = stats = get_stats(e)
+ if entry.stats != stats:
+ self._add_or_update_entry(e, link, timestamp, stats)
+ return FileIndex.MODIFIED
+ elif (entry.last_update <= int(mtime)
+ or entry.last_update <= int(ctime)
+ ):
+ sha1 = calculate_sha1(e.path)
+ if sha1 != entry.sha1:
+ self._add_or_update_entry(e, link, timestamp, stats, sha1)
+ return FileIndex.MODIFIED
+ return FileIndex.UNCHANGED
+ else:
+ self._add_or_update_entry(e, link, timestamp)
+ return FileIndex.ADDED
+ def remove_entry(self, path):
+ if path in self.entries:
+ del self.entries[path]
+ return FileIndex.REMOVED
+ return FileIndex.UNCHANGED
+ def update_index(self, path, skip_node_submodules=False, skip_git_submodules=False):
+ if not path.startswith(self.root):
+ raise FileIndexException(
+ "Cannot update index for path %s, because it is not inside"
+ " index root dir %s" % (path, self.root)
+ )
+ timestamp = time.time()
+ extra_exclude = ["node_modules"] if skip_node_submodules else []
+ exclude = self.exclude + extra_exclude
+ tree, excluded_list = scandir(path, exclude, skip_git_submodules)
+ files = {}
+ links = {}
+ for p, e in tree.items():
+ res = self.index.add_or_update_entry(e, timestamp)
+ if res in [FileIndex.ADDED, FileIndex.MODIFIED]:
+ entry = self.index.entries[e.path]
+ relpath = os.path.relpath(e.path, self.root)
+ if entry.sha1:
+ files[relpath] = entry.sha1
+ elif entry.link:
+ links[relpath] = entry.link
+ removed = []
+ for p in self.index.entries:
+ abspath = os.path.join(self.root, p)
+ if not abspath.startswith(path):
+ continue
+ for excluded_path in excluded_list:
+ if abspath.startswith(excluded_path):
+ break
+ else:
+ if path not in tree:
+ removed.append(p)
+ for p in removed:
+ res = self.index.remove_entry(p)
+ return files, links, removed
+class UrlTraceData(object):
+ def __init__(self, ud, unpackdir, checkout_dir, is_module):
+ self.ud = ud
+ self.unpackdir = unpackdir
+ self.is_module = is_module
+ self.module_data = []
+ self.unpackdir = None
+ self.is_extracted_archive = False
+class ModuleData(object):
+ def __init__(self, url, name, path, parent_path, revision=None):
+ self.url = url
+ self.name = name
+ self.path = path
+ self.parent_path = parent_path
+ self.revision = revision
+class UnpackTracer(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.url_td = {}
+ self.file_index = None
+ self.unpack_trace = []
+ self.d = None
+ self.root_unpackdir = None
+ self.unpackdir = None
+ self.url = None
+ self.is_module = False
+ def _start(self, unpackdir, ud_dict, d, is_module=False):
+ if not self.file_index:
+ self.root_unpackdir = unpackdir
+ self.file_index = FileIndex(self.root_unpackdir)
+ self.d = d
+ self.unpack_dir = unpackdir
+ self.is_module = is_module
+ for url, ud in ud_dict.items():
+ url_td.setdefault(
+ (url, unpackdir),
+ UrlTraceData(ud, unpackdir, is_module)
+ )
+ def start(self, unpackdir, ud_dict, d):
+ self._start(self, unpackdir, ud_dict, d)
+ def start_module(self, module_type, unpackdir, ud_dict, parent_ud, d):
+ if module_type == "git":
+ self._start(self, unpackdir, ud_dict, d, is_module=True)
+ def _get_url_tracedata(self):
+ return self.url_td[(self.url, self.unpackdir)]
+ def start_url(self, url):
+ self.url = url
+ def finish_url(self, url):
+ if self.is_module:
+ return
+ utd = self._get_url_tracedata()
+ def _set_url_tracedata(self, name, value):
+ utd = self.url_td[(self.url, self.unpackdir)]
+ setattr(utd, name, value)
+ def unpack(self, unpack_type, unpackdir, ud):
+ self._set_url_tracedata("is_unpacked_archive", unpack_type == "archive-extract")
+ self._set_url_tracedata("unpackdir", unpackdir)
+ if unpack_type == "git":
+ if not hasattr(ud, "trace_checkout_dir"):
+ ud.trace_checkout_dir = ud.destdir
+ def module(self, module_type, url, name, path, revision=None):
+ utd = self._get_url_tracedata()
+ if module_type == "git":
+ parent_path = utd.ud.checkout_dir.rstrip("/")
+ path = os.path.join(parent_path, path).rstrip("/")
+ elif module_type == "npm":
+ path = os.path.join(utd.unpackdir, path)
+ parent_path = re.sub("/node_modules/"+name+"$", "", path)
+ utd.module_data.append(
+ ModuleData(url, name, path, parent_path, revision))
+ # FIXME module_type == "npm"
+ def start_git_module(self, ud, parent_ud, path, d):
+ ud.checkout_dir = os.path.join(parent_ud.checkout_dir, modpath)
+ self._start(ud.checkout_dir,)
+ def finish_url(self, url):
+ pass
+ def complete(self):
+ pass
+ # NOTE: delete object! \ No newline at end of file