#NOTE: This package is currently only supported for the Angstrom # distribution. Other distributions and toolchains may or # may not work. DESCRIPTION = "AM Benchmarks" HOMEPAGE = "https://gforge.ti.com/gf/project/am_benchmarks/" LICENSE = "BSD" SECTION = "system" PRIORITY = "optional" SRCREV = "61" PR = "r2+svnr${SRCPV}" COMPATIBLE_MACHINE = "(dm365|omapl138|omap3|ti816x|ti814x)" ARCHITECTURE_dm365 = "arm9" ARCHITECTURE_omapl138 = "arm9" ARCHITECTURE_omap3 = "cortex-a8" ARCHITECTURE_ti816x = "cortex-a8" ARCHITECTURE_ti814x = "cortex-a8" INSANE_SKIP_${PN} = "True" SRC_URI = "svn://gforge.ti.com/svn/am_benchmarks/;module=trunk;proto=https;user=anonymous;pswd=''" S = "${WORKDIR}/trunk/${ARCHITECTURE}" do_compile() { # don't build debug version touch debug export CROSS_COMPILE=${TARGET_PREFIX} make release } do_install() { make DESTDIR=${D} install }