DESCRIPTION = "ESP Ghostscript is an up-to-date GNU Ghostscript distribution \ including bug fixes, new drivers, and additional support for CUPS." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "libs" DEPENDS = "jpeg zlib libpng fontconfig" LICENSE = "GPL" SRC_URI = "${PV}/espgs-${PV}-source.tar.bz2" S = "${WORKDIR}/espgs-${PV}" PARALLEL_MAKE = "" inherit autotools PACKAGES += "espgs-examples espgs-resources" # I added the lib dir to the central package, since espgs complained of a missing file when run. # If I find exactly which files are needed for operation, I'll just add those, and split the package. FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}/ghostscript/8.15/lib/*" FILES_${PN}-doc += "${datadir}/ghostscript/8.15/doc/*" FILES_${PN}-examples += "${datadir}/ghostscript/8.15/examples/*" FILES_${PN}-resources += "${datadir}/ghostscript/8.15/Resource/*" EXTRA_OECONF = "--with-drivers= \ --disable-cups \ --disable-gtk \ --without-ijs \ --without-gimp-print \ --without-x \ --without-omni" do_compile() { oe_runmake CCAUX="${BUILD_CC}" } do_install () { oe_runmake 'prefix=${D}${prefix}' \ 'bindir=${D}${bindir}' \ 'datadir=${D}${datadir}' \ 'gsdir=${D}${datadir}/ghostscript' \ 'gsdatadir=${D}${datadir}/ghostscript/8.15' \ 'mandir=${D}${mandir}' \ 'docdir=${D}${datadir}/doc/espgs/' install }