path: root/recipes
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'recipes')
6 files changed, 523 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/recipes/meta/external-toolchain-angstrom.bb b/recipes/meta/external-toolchain-angstrom.bb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bab6db39a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/meta/external-toolchain-angstrom.bb
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+PR = "r2"
+INSANE_SKIP_libgcc = "True"
+INSANE_SKIP_libstdc++ = "True"
+INSANE_SKIP_glibc-utils = "True"
+INSANE_SKIP_glibc-dev = "True"
+#INSANE_SKIP_gdbserver = "True"
+ virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc \
+ virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}g++ \
+ virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-initial \
+ virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-intermediate \
+ virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}binutils \
+ virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}libc-for-gcc \
+ virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}libc-initial \
+ virtual/libc \
+ virtual/libintl \
+ virtual/libiconv \
+ glibc-thread-db \
+ ${@base_conditional('PREFERRED_PROVIDER_linux-libc-headers', 'external-toolchain-angstrom', 'linux-libc-headers', '', d)} \
+ ${@base_conditional('PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gdbserver', 'external-toolchain-angstrom', 'gdbserver', '', d)} \
+DEPENDS = "${@base_conditional('PREFERRED_PROVIDER_linux-libc-headers', 'external-toolchain-angstrom', '', 'linux-libc-headers', d)}"
+RPROVIDES_glibc-dev += "libc-dev libc6-dev virtual-libc-dev"
+PACKAGES_DYNAMIC += "glibc-gconv-*"
+PACKAGES_DYNAMIC += "glibc-locale-*"
+LEAD_SONAME = "libc.so.6"
+ libgcc \
+ libgcc-dev \
+ libstdc++ \
+ libstdc++-dev \
+ ${@base_conditional('PREFERRED_PROVIDER_linux-libc-headers', 'external-toolchain-angstrom', 'linux-libc-headers', '', d)} \
+ ${@base_conditional('PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gdbserver', 'external-toolchain-angstrom', 'gdbserver', '', d)} \
+ glibc-dbg \
+ glibc \
+ catchsegv \
+ sln \
+ nscd \
+ ldd \
+ localedef \
+ glibc-utils \
+ glibc-dev \
+ glibc-locale \
+ libsegfault \
+ glibc-extra-nss \
+ glibc-thread-db \
+ glibc-pcprofile \
+FILES_glibc = "\
+ ${sysconfdir} \
+ ${libexecdir}/* \
+ ${datadir}/zoneinfo \
+ /lib/libc* \
+ /lib/libm* \
+ /lib/ld* \
+ /lib/libpthread* \
+ /lib/libresolv* \
+ /lib/librt* \
+ /lib/libutil* \
+ /lib/libnsl* \
+ /lib/libnss_files* \
+ /lib/libnss_compat* \
+ /lib/libnss_dns* \
+ /lib/libdl* \
+ /lib/libanl* \
+ /lib/libBrokenLocale* \
+ /sbin/ldconfig \
+FILES_glibc-dev = "\
+ ${includedir} \
+ ${libdir}/*.o \
+ ${bindir}/rpcgen \
+ ${libdir}/*.so \
+ ${libdir}/*.a \
+FILES_glibc-dbg += " ${libdir}/gconv/.debug ${libexecdir}/*/.debug ${base_libdir}/.debug ${libdir}/.debug"
+FILES_glibc-utils = "${bindir}/* ${sbindir}/*"
+FILES_glibc-extra-nss = "/lib/libnss*"
+FILES_glibc-gconv = "${libdir}/gconv/*"
+FILES_glibc-pcprofile = "/lib/libpcprofile.so"
+FILES_glibc-thread-db = "/lib/libthread_db*"
+FILES_libgcc = "${base_libdir}/libgcc_s.so.1"
+FILES_libgcc-dev = "${base_libdir}/libgcc_s.so"
+FILES_libstdc++ = "${libdir}/libstdc++.so.*"
+FILES_libstdc++-dev = "\
+ ${includedir}/c++/* \
+ ${libdir}/libstdc++.so \
+ ${libdir}/libstdc++.la \
+ ${libdir}/libstdc++.a \
+ ${libdir}/libsupc++.la \
+ ${libdir}/libsupc++.a \
+FILES_linux-libc-headers = "\
+ ${includedir}/asm* \
+ ${includedir}/linux \
+ ${includedir}/mtd \
+ ${includedir}/rdma \
+ ${includedir}/scsi \
+ ${includedir}/sound \
+ ${includedir}/video \
+FILES_libsegfault = "/lib/libSegFault*"
+FILES_catchsegv = "${bindir}/catchsegv"
+RDEPENDS_catchsegv = "libsegfault"
+FILES_ldd = "${bindir}/ldd"
+FILES_nscd = "${sbindir}/nscd*"
+FILES_sln = "${base_sbindir}/sln"
+FILES_localedef = "${bindir}/localedef"
+FILES_gdbserver = "${bindir}/gdbserver"
+DESCRIPTION_glibc-utils = "glibc: misc utilities like iconf, local, gencat, tzselect, rpcinfo, ..."
+DESCRIPTION_glibc-extra-nss = "glibc: nis, nisplus and hesiod search services"
+DESCRIPTION_ldd = "glibc: print shared library dependencies"
+DESCRIPTION_nscd = "glibc: name service cache daemon for passwd, group, and hosts"
+DESCRIPTION_sln = "glibc: create symbolic links between files"
+DESCRIPTION_localedef = "glibc: compile locale definition files"
+DESCRIPTION_gdbserver = "gdb - GNU debugger"
+def ang_get_main_version(d):
+ import os,bb
+ if os.path.exists(bb.data.getVar('TOOLCHAIN_PATH', d, 1)+'/version'):
+ f = open(bb.data.getVar('TOOLCHAIN_PATH', d, 1)+'/version', 'r')
+ l = f.readlines();
+ f.close();
+ for s in l:
+ if s.find('Version') > 0:
+ ver = s.split()[2]
+ return ver
+ return None
+def ang_get_gcc_version(d):
+ import subprocess,os,bb
+ if os.path.exists(bb.data.getVar('TOOLCHAIN_PATH', d, 1)+'/bin/'+bb.data.getVar('TARGET_PREFIX', d, 1)+'gcc'):
+ return subprocess.Popen([bb.data.getVar('TOOLCHAIN_PATH', d, 1)+'/bin/'+bb.data.getVar('TARGET_PREFIX', d, 1)+'gcc', '-v'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[1].splitlines()[-1].split()[2]
+def ang_get_libc_version(d):
+ import os,bb
+ if os.path.exists(bb.data.getVar('TOOLCHAIN_SYSPATH', d, 1)+'/lib/'):
+ for file in os.listdir(bb.data.getVar('TOOLCHAIN_SYSPATH', d, 1)+'/lib/'):
+ if file.find('libc-') == 0:
+ return file[5:-3]
+ return None
+def ang_get_kernel_version(d):
+ import os,bb
+ if os.path.exists(bb.data.getVar('TOOLCHAIN_SYSPATH', d, 1)+'/usr/include/linux/'):
+ f = open(bb.data.getVar('TOOLCHAIN_SYSPATH', d, 1)+'/usr/include/linux/version.h', 'r')
+ l = f.readlines();
+ f.close();
+ for s in l:
+ if s.find('LINUX_VERSION_CODE') > 0:
+ ver = int(s.split()[2])
+ maj = ver / 65536
+ ver = ver % 65536
+ min = ver / 256
+ ver = ver % 256
+ return str(maj)+'.'+str(min)+'.'+str(ver)
+ return None
+def ang_get_gdb_version(d):
+ import subprocess,os,bb
+ if os.path.exists(bb.data.getVar('TOOLCHAIN_PATH', d, 1)+'/bin/'+bb.data.getVar('TARGET_PREFIX', d, 1)+'gdb'):
+ return subprocess.Popen([bb.data.getVar('TOOLCHAIN_PATH', d, 1)+'/bin/'+bb.data.getVar('TARGET_PREFIX', d, 1)+'gdb', '-v'],stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].splitlines()[0].split()[-1]
+ANG_VER_MAIN := "${@ang_get_main_version(d)}"
+ANG_VER_GCC := "${@ang_get_gcc_version(d)}"
+ANG_VER_LIBC := "${@ang_get_libc_version(d)}"
+ANG_VER_KERNEL := "${@ang_get_kernel_version(d)}"
+ANG_VER_GDBSERVER := "${@ang_get_gdb_version(d)}"
+# Licenses set for main components of the toolchain:
+# (g)libc is always LGPL version 2 (or later)
+# gcc has switched from GPL version 2 (or later) to version 3 (or later) after 4.2.1,
+# see this announcement - http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-announce/2007/msg00003.html
+# libgcc and libstdc++ always had exceptions to GPL called Runtime Library Exception, but
+# it was based on GPL version 2 (or later), until new GPL version 3 (or later) exception
+# was introduced on 27 Jan 2009 - http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-announce/2009/msg00000.html
+# and http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gcc-exception.html, which was several days after
+# gcc 4.3.3 was released - http://gcc.gnu.org/releases.html
+# gdb/gdbserver version 6.6 was the last one under GPL version 2 (or later), according
+# to the release schedule - http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/schedule/
+ANG_LIC_LIBC := "LGPLv2.1+"
+ANG_LIC_GCC := "${@["GPLv3+", "GPLv2+"][ang_get_gcc_version(d) <= "4.2.1"]}"
+ANG_LIC_RLE := "${@["GPLv3+ with GCC RLE", "GPLv2+ with GCC RLE"][ang_get_gcc_version(d) <= "4.3.3"]}"
+ANG_LIC_GDB := "${@["GPLv3+", "GPLv2+"][ang_get_gdb_version(d) <= "6.6"]}"
+LICENSE_glibc = "${ANG_LIC_LIBC}"
+LICENSE_glibc-thread-db = "${ANG_LIC_LIBC}"
+LICENSE_libgcc = "${ANG_LIC_RLE}"
+LICENSE_libgcc-dev = "${ANG_LIC_RLE}"
+LICENSE_libstdc++ = "${ANG_LIC_RLE}"
+LICENSE_libstdc++-dev = "${ANG_LIC_RLE}"
+LICENSE_gdbserver = "${ANG_LIC_GDB}"
+PKGV_libgcc = "${ANG_VER_GCC}"
+PKGV_libgcc-dev = "${ANG_VER_GCC}"
+PKGV_libstdc++ = "${ANG_VER_GCC}"
+PKGV_libstdc++-dev = "${ANG_VER_GCC}"
+PKGV_libc = "${ANG_VER_LIBC}"
+PKGV_glibc = "${ANG_VER_LIBC}"
+PKGV_glibc-dev = "${ANG_VER_LIBC}"
+PKGV_glibc-dbg = "${ANG_VER_LIBC}"
+PKGV_glibc-utils = "${ANG_VER_LIBC}"
+PKGV_glibc-gconv = "${ANG_VER_LIBC}"
+PKGV_glibc-extra-nss = "${ANG_VER_LIBC}"
+PKGV_glibc-thread-db = "${ANG_VER_LIBC}"
+PKGV_glibc-pcprofile = "${ANG_VER_LIBC}"
+PKGV_catchsegv = "${ANG_VER_LIBC}"
+PKGV_sln = "${ANG_VER_LIBC}"
+PKGV_nscd = "${ANG_VER_LIBC}"
+PKGV_ldd = "${ANG_VER_LIBC}"
+PKGV_localedef = "${ANG_VER_LIBC}"
+PKGV_libsegfault = "${ANG_VER_LIBC}"
+PKGV_linux-libc-headers = "${ANG_VER_KERNEL}"
+PKGV_gdbserver = "${ANG_VER_GDBSERVER}"
+do_install() {
+ install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}
+ install -d ${D}${bindir}
+ install -d ${D}${sbindir}
+ install -d ${D}${base_bindir}
+ install -d ${D}${libdir}
+ install -d ${D}${base_libdir}
+ install -d ${D}${base_sbindir}
+ install -d ${D}${datadir}
+ install -d ${D}${includedir}
+ cp -a ${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}/${TARGET_SYS}${base_libdir}/{lib*,ld*} ${D}${base_libdir}
+ cp -a ${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}/${TARGET_SYS}${base_sbindir}/ldconfig ${D}${base_sbindir}
+ cp -a ${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}/${TARGET_SYS}${bindir}/{gencat,getconf,getent,iconv,locale,mtrace,pcprofiledump,rpcgen,sprof,tzselect,xtrace} ${D}${bindir}
+ cp -a ${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}/${TARGET_SYS}${sbindir}/{iconvconfig,rpcinfo,zdump,zic} ${D}${sbindir}
+ cp -a ${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}/${TARGET_SYS}${includedir}/{arpa,asm*,bits,drm,gnu,linux,mtd,net*,nfs,protocols,rdma,rpc*,scsi,sound,sys*,video,*.h} ${D}${includedir}
+ cp -a ${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}/${TARGET_SYS}${libdir}/{?crt1.o,crt?.o,libBrokenLocale*,libanl*,libc.*,libc_*,libcrypt.*,libcidn.*,libdl.*,libg.*,libieee.*,libm.*,libmcheck.*,libnsl*,libnss*,libpthread*,libresolv*,librt*,libstdc*,libthread*,libutil*} ${D}${libdir}
+ ${@base_conditional('PREFERRED_PROVIDER_linux-libc-headers', 'external-toolchain-angstrom', '', 'rm -rf ${D}/usr/include/linux', d)}
+ cp -a ${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}/${TARGET_SYS}/include/* ${D}${includedir}
+ ${@base_conditional('PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gdbserver', 'external-toolchain-angstrom', '', 'rm -rf ${D}/usr/bin/gdbserver', d)}
+ sed -e "s# /lib# ../../lib#g" -e "s# /usr/lib# .#g" ${D}${libdir}/libc.so > ${D}${libdir}/temp
+ mv ${D}${libdir}/temp ${D}${libdir}/libc.so
+ sed -e "s# /lib# ../../lib#" -e "s# /usr/lib# .#g" ${D}${libdir}/libpthread.so > ${D}${libdir}/temp
+ mv ${D}${libdir}/temp ${D}${libdir}/libpthread.so
+locale_base_postinst() {
+if [ "x$D" != "x" ]; then
+ exit 1
+rm -rf ${TMP_LOCALE}
+mkdir -p ${TMP_LOCALE}
+if [ -f ${libdir}/locale/locale-archive ]; then
+ cp ${libdir}/locale/locale-archive ${TMP_LOCALE}/
+localedef --inputfile=${datadir}/i18n/locales/%s --charmap=%s --prefix=/tmp/locale %s
+mkdir -p ${libdir}/locale/
+mv ${TMP_LOCALE}/locale-archive ${libdir}/locale/
+rm -rf ${TMP_LOCALE}
+locale_base_postrm() {
+rm -rf ${TMP_LOCALE}
+mkdir -p ${TMP_LOCALE}
+if [ -f ${libdir}/locale/locale-archive ]; then
+ cp ${libdir}/locale/locale-archive ${TMP_LOCALE}/
+localedef --delete-from-archive --inputfile=${datadir}/locales/%s --charmap=%s --prefix=/tmp/locale %s
+mv ${TMP_LOCALE}/locale-archive ${libdir}/locale/
+rm -rf ${TMP_LOCALE}
+python package_do_split_gconvs () {
+ import os, re
+ if (bb.data.getVar('PACKAGE_NO_GCONV', d, 1) == '1'):
+ bb.note("package requested not splitting gconvs")
+ return
+ if not bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, 1):
+ return
+ libdir = bb.data.getVar('libdir', d, 1)
+ if not libdir:
+ bb.error("libdir not defined")
+ return
+ datadir = bb.data.getVar('datadir', d, 1)
+ if not datadir:
+ bb.error("datadir not defined")
+ return
+ libcver = bb.data.getVar('ANG_VER_LIBC', d, 1)
+ if not libcver:
+ bb.error("ANG_VER_LIBC not defined")
+ return
+ gconv_libdir = os.path.join(libdir, "gconv")
+ charmap_dir = os.path.join(datadir, "i18n", "charmaps")
+ locales_dir = os.path.join(datadir, "i18n", "locales")
+ binary_locales_dir = os.path.join(libdir, "locale")
+ def set_pkg_ver(fn, pkg, file_regex, output_pattern, group):
+ bb.data.setVar('PKGV_' + pkg, libcver, d)
+ do_split_packages(d, gconv_libdir, file_regex='^(.*)\.so$', output_pattern='glibc-gconv-%s', description='gconv module for character set %s', hook=set_pkg_ver, extra_depends='glibc-gconv')
+ do_split_packages(d, charmap_dir, file_regex='^(.*)\.gz$', output_pattern='glibc-charmap-%s', description='character map for %s encoding', hook=set_pkg_ver, extra_depends='')
+ def calc_locale_deps(fn, pkg, file_regex, output_pattern, group):
+ deps = []
+ f = open(fn, "r")
+ c_re = re.compile('^copy "(.*)"')
+ i_re = re.compile('^include "(\w+)".*')
+ for l in f.readlines():
+ m = c_re.match(l) or i_re.match(l)
+ if m:
+ dp = legitimize_package_name('glibc-localedata-%s' % m.group(1))
+ if not dp in deps:
+ deps.append(dp)
+ f.close()
+ if deps != []:
+ bb.data.setVar('RDEPENDS_%s' % pkg, " ".join(deps), d)
+ bb.data.setVar('PKGV_' + pkg, libcver, d)
+ do_split_packages(d, locales_dir, file_regex='(.*)', output_pattern='glibc-localedata-%s', description='locale definition for %s', hook=calc_locale_deps, extra_depends='')
+ bb.data.setVar('PACKAGES', bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d) + ' glibc-gconv', d)
+ f = open(os.path.join(bb.data.getVar('WORKDIR', d, 1), "SUPPORTED"), "r")
+ supported = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ dot_re = re.compile("(.*)\.(.*)")
+ # Collate the locales by base and encoding
+ encodings = {}
+ for l in supported:
+ l = l[:-1]
+ (locale, charset) = l.split(" ")
+ m = dot_re.match(locale)
+ if m:
+ locale = m.group(1)
+ if not encodings.has_key(locale):
+ encodings[locale] = []
+ encodings[locale].append(charset)
+ def output_locale_source(name, locale, encoding):
+ pkgname = 'locale-base-' + legitimize_package_name(name)
+ bb.data.setVar('RDEPENDS_%s' % pkgname, 'localedef glibc-localedata-%s glibc-charmap-%s' % (legitimize_package_name(locale), legitimize_package_name(encoding)), d)
+ rprovides = 'virtual-locale-%s' % legitimize_package_name(name)
+ m = re.match("(.*)_(.*)", name)
+ if m:
+ rprovides += ' virtual-locale-%s' % m.group(1)
+ bb.data.setVar('RPROVIDES_%s' % pkgname, rprovides, d)
+ bb.data.setVar('PACKAGES', '%s %s' % (pkgname, bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, 1)), d)
+ bb.data.setVar('ALLOW_EMPTY_%s' % pkgname, '1', d)
+ bb.data.setVar('pkg_postinst_%s' % pkgname, bb.data.getVar('locale_base_postinst', d, 1) % (locale, encoding, locale), d)
+ bb.data.setVar('pkg_postrm_%s' % pkgname, bb.data.getVar('locale_base_postrm', d, 1) % (locale, encoding, locale), d)
+ bb.data.setVar('PKGV_' + pkgname, libcver, d)
+ def output_locale_binary(name, locale, encoding):
+ target_arch = bb.data.getVar("TARGET_ARCH", d, 1)
+ qemu = "qemu-%s" % target_arch
+ pkgname = 'locale-base-' + legitimize_package_name(name)
+ m = re.match("(.*)\.(.*)", name)
+ if m:
+ glibc_name = "%s.%s" % (m.group(1), m.group(2).lower().replace("-",""))
+ else:
+ glibc_name = name
+ bb.data.setVar('RDEPENDS_%s' % pkgname, legitimize_package_name('glibc-binary-localedata-%s' % glibc_name), d)
+ rprovides = 'virtual-locale-%s' % legitimize_package_name(name)
+ m = re.match("(.*)_(.*)", name)
+ if m:
+ rprovides += ' virtual-locale-%s' % m.group(1)
+ bb.data.setVar('RPROVIDES_%s' % pkgname, rprovides, d)
+ bb.data.setVar('ALLOW_EMPTY_%s' % pkgname, '1', d)
+ bb.data.setVar('PACKAGES', '%s %s' % (pkgname, bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, 1)), d)
+ bb.data.setVar('PKGV_' + pkgname, libcver, d)
+ treedir = os.path.join(bb.data.getVar("WORKDIR", d, 1), "locale-tree")
+ path = bb.data.getVar("PATH", d, 1)
+ i18npath = os.path.join(treedir, datadir, "i18n")
+ localedef_opts = "--force --old-style --no-archive --prefix=%s --inputfile=%s/i18n/locales/%s --charmap=%s %s" % (treedir, datadir, locale, encoding, name)
+ cmd = "PATH=\"%s\" I18NPATH=\"%s\" %s -L %s %s/bin/localedef %s" % (path, i18npath, qemu, treedir, treedir, localedef_opts)
+ bb.note("generating locale %s (%s)" % (locale, encoding))
+ if os.system(cmd):
+ raise bb.build.FuncFailed("localedef returned an error (command was %s)." % cmd)
+ def output_locale(name, locale, encoding):
+ output_locale_source(name, locale, encoding)
+ # Reshuffle names so that UTF-8 is preferred over other encodings
+ non_utf8 = []
+ for l in encodings.keys():
+ if len(encodings[l]) == 1:
+ output_locale(l, l, encodings[l][0])
+ if encodings[l][0] != "UTF-8":
+ non_utf8.append(l)
+ else:
+ if "UTF-8" in encodings[l]:
+ output_locale(l, l, "UTF-8")
+ encodings[l].remove("UTF-8")
+ else:
+ non_utf8.append(l)
+ for e in encodings[l]:
+ output_locale('%s.%s' % (l, e), l, e)
+ if non_utf8 != []:
+ bb.note("the following locales are supported only in legacy encodings:")
+ bb.note(" " + " ".join(non_utf8))
+python package_do_split_locales() {
+ if (bb.data.getVar('PACKAGE_NO_LOCALE', d, True) == '1'):
+ bb.debug(1, "package requested not splitting locales")
+ return
+ packages = (bb.data.getVar('PACKAGES', d, True) or "").split()
+ datadir = bb.data.getVar('datadir', d, True)
+ if not datadir:
+ bb.note("datadir not defined")
+ return
+ if 'glibc-locale' in packages:
+ packages.remove('glibc-locale')
+ localedir = os.path.join(datadir, 'locale')
+ if not os.path.isdir(localedir):
+ bb.debug(1, "No locale files in this package")
+ return
+ locales = os.listdir(localedir)
+ for l in locales:
+ ln = legitimize_package_name(l)
+ pkg = 'glibc-locale-' + ln
+ packages.append(pkg)
+ bb.data.setVar('FILES_' + pkg, os.path.join(datadir, 'locale', l), d)
+ bb.data.setVar('RDEPENDS_' + pkg, 'glibc virtual-locale-%s' % ln, d)
+ bb.data.setVar('RPROVIDES_' + pkg, 'glibc-locale %s-translation' % ln, d)
+ bb.data.setVar('DESCRIPTION_' + pkg, '%s translation for glibc' % l, d)
+ bb.data.setVar('PKGV_' + pkg, bb.data.getVar('ANG_VER_LIBC', d, 1), d)
+ bb.data.setVar('PACKAGES', ' '.join(packages), d)
+python populate_packages_prepend () {
+ if bb.data.getVar('DEBIAN_NAMES', d, 1):
+ bb.data.setVar('PKG_glibc', 'libc6', d)
+ bb.data.setVar('PKG_glibc-dev', 'libc6-dev', d)
+ bb.data.setVar('PKG_libgcc', 'libgcc1', d)
+ bb.data.setVar('PKG_libgcc-dev', 'libgcc1-dev', d)
+ bb.build.exec_func('package_do_split_gconvs', d)
diff --git a/recipes/meta/external-toolchain-angstrom/SUPPORTED b/recipes/meta/external-toolchain-angstrom/SUPPORTED
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe9406acd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipes/meta/external-toolchain-angstrom/SUPPORTED
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8
+en_GB ISO-8859-1
+en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
+en_US ISO-8859-1
diff --git a/recipes/meta/external-toolchain-csl.bb b/recipes/meta/external-toolchain-csl.bb
index 619658ef7a..f7bcbf22bd 100644
--- a/recipes/meta/external-toolchain-csl.bb
+++ b/recipes/meta/external-toolchain-csl.bb
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-PR = "r10"
+PR = "r11"
@@ -177,9 +177,32 @@ CSL_VER_GCC := "${@csl_get_gcc_version(d)}"
CSL_VER_LIBC := "${@csl_get_libc_version(d)}"
CSL_VER_KERNEL := "${@csl_get_kernel_version(d)}"
CSL_VER_GDBSERVER := "${@csl_get_gdb_version(d)}"
+# Licenses set for main components of the toolchain:
+# (g)libc is always LGPL version 2 (or later)
+# gcc has switched from GPL version 2 (or later) to version 3 (or later) after 4.2.1,
+# see this announcement - http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-announce/2007/msg00003.html
+# libgcc and libstdc++ always had exceptions to GPL called Runtime Library Exception, but
+# it was based on GPL version 2 (or later), until new GPL version 3 (or later) exception
+# was introduced on 27 Jan 2009 - http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-announce/2009/msg00000.html
+# and http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gcc-exception.html, which was several days after
+# gcc 4.3.3 was released - http://gcc.gnu.org/releases.html
+# gdb/gdbserver version 6.6 was the last one under GPL version 2 (or later), according
+# to the release schedule - http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/schedule/
-CSL_LIC_RLE := "${@["GPLv3 with GCC RLE", "GPLv2 with GCC RLE"][csl_get_main_version(d) <= "2007q3-51"]}"
-CSL_LIC_GDBSERVER := "${@["GPLv2+", "GPLv3+"][csl_get_gdb_version(d) >= "6.7.1"]}"
+CSL_LIC_GCC := "${@["GPLv3+", "GPLv2+"][csl_get_gcc_version(d) <= "4.2.1"]}"
+CSL_LIC_RLE := "${@["GPLv3+ with GCC RLE", "GPLv2+ with GCC RLE"][csl_get_gcc_version(d) <= "4.3.3"]}"
+CSL_LIC_GDB := "${@["GPLv3+", "GPLv2+"][csl_get_gdb_version(d) <= "6.6"]}"
+LICENSE_glibc = "${CSL_LIC_LIBC}"
+LICENSE_glibc-thread-db = "${CSL_LIC_LIBC}"
+LICENSE_libgcc = "${CSL_LIC_RLE}"
+LICENSE_libgcc-dev = "${CSL_LIC_RLE}"
+LICENSE_libstdc++ = "${CSL_LIC_RLE}"
+LICENSE_libstdc++-dev = "${CSL_LIC_RLE}"
+LICENSE_gdbserver = "${CSL_LIC_GDB}"
PKGV_libgcc = "${CSL_VER_GCC}"
@@ -204,16 +227,6 @@ PKGV_libsegfault = "${CSL_VER_LIBC}"
PKGV_linux-libc-headers = "${CSL_VER_KERNEL}"
PKGV_gdbserver = "${CSL_VER_GDBSERVER}"
-LICENSE_glibc = "${CSL_LIC_LIBC}"
-LICENSE_glibc-thread-db = "${CSL_LIC_LIBC}"
-LICENSE_libgcc = "${CSL_LIC_RLE}"
-LICENSE_libgcc-dev = "${CSL_LIC_RLE}"
-LICENSE_libstdc++ = "${CSL_LIC_RLE}"
-LICENSE_libstdc++-dev = "${CSL_LIC_RLE}"
do_install() {
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}
install -d ${D}${bindir}
diff --git a/recipes/ti/matrix-gui-common_1.4.bb b/recipes/ti/matrix-gui-common_1.4.bb
index 609a16ae38..29d6b3e0cb 100644
--- a/recipes/ti/matrix-gui-common_1.4.bb
+++ b/recipes/ti/matrix-gui-common_1.4.bb
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@ require matrix-gui-common.inc
# prebuilt version in the repository.
RRECOMMENDS_${PN} = "am-sysinfo"
-SRCREV = "222"
-PR = "${INC_PR}.6"
+SRCREV = "242"
+PR = "${INC_PR}.7"
diff --git a/recipes/ti/matrix-gui-e_1.3.bb b/recipes/ti/matrix-gui-e_1.3.bb
index c75470b50d..00aeb42e4f 100644
--- a/recipes/ti/matrix-gui-e_1.3.bb
+++ b/recipes/ti/matrix-gui-e_1.3.bb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
require matrix-gui-e.inc
-SRCREV = "222"
-PR = "${INC_PR}.5"
+SRCREV = "242"
+PR = "${INC_PR}.6"
diff --git a/recipes/ti/matrix-gui_1.3.bb b/recipes/ti/matrix-gui_1.3.bb
index 98a03b418a..ddcb15a9be 100644
--- a/recipes/ti/matrix-gui_1.3.bb
+++ b/recipes/ti/matrix-gui_1.3.bb
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
require matrix-gui.inc
-SRCREV = "222"
-PR = "${INC_PR}.1"
+SRCREV = "242"
+PR = "${INC_PR}.2"