#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Copyright (C) 2015 Enea Software AB # Author: Thomas Lundström # The script measures interrupt latency together with different types of # system load. This is done using the programs cyclictest and stress. # # The main output is: # # Best case (min) latency # This has very limited value, but is presented since it can be done # easily # # Average latency # This value is of interrest for throughput oriented systems. Limited # value for a real-time system. Also presented because it is easy to do. # # Worst case (max) latency # This is the interesting number for a real-time system. The number # presented is (of cource) the largest number observed. The challenge # is to know how the observed worst case relates to the actual worst case. # # To get an indication of the confidence, the following method is used: # 1) Instead of one long run, the measurement is made as a set of shorter # runs. The number of runs must be a power of 2 for reasons that will # shorlty be obvious # # 2) First, a list of the max values are created. # # 3) The smallest value in that list is recorded. # # 4) Then a new list is create by taking the max value of each pair of # values in the original list. In this list the smallest value is # recorded. # # 5) Step 3 is repeated until there is only one value in the list. See # example below: # # Samples: # | 44 | | | | | # | 77 | 77 | | | | # | 118 | | | | | # | 119 | 119 | 119 | | | # | 138 | | | | | # | 57 | 138 | | | | # | 175 | | | | | # | 130 | 175 | 175 | 175 | | # | 54 | | | | | # | 150 | 150 | | | | # | 47 | | | | | # | 59 | 59 | 150 | | | # | 199 | | | | | # | 115 | 199 | | | | # | 177 | | | | | # | 129 | 177 | 199 | 199 | 199 | # # Smallest value: # | 44 | 59 | 119 | 175 | 199 | # # 6) The generated list of smallest values is analyzed. In this case, it # can be observed that the values are increasing significantly through # the entire list, which leads to the conclusion that the number of # samples is too small. # If instead the list had been (167, 191, 196, 199, 199), there had # been a very small, or no, increase at the end of the list. We might # then suspect that the number of samples is probably large enough. # There is however no guarantee for that. # # Steps 1-2 are done in run_cyclictest_suite # Steps 3-5 are done in gen_minmax_list. # Step 6 needs to be done manually since there is (yet) no well defined # FAIL criterion and a theoretically solid PASS criterion may never be # available. import multiprocessing import os import re import signal import subprocess import time import traceback # See comment on the function set_hung_tmo has_hung_task_detection = True #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TestFail(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return "Test failure: (" + self.msg + ")" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def tc_name(sub_name): return "rt_bmark.intlat." + sub_name #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # log() does the same job as print except that a '#' is added at the beginning # of each line. This causes TEFEL to ignore it def log(*msg): tmp = "".join(map(str, msg)) # 'map(str, ...' allows numbers for line in tmp.splitlines(): print("#", line) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Like log(), but with a timestamp added def log_ts(*msg): ts = time.localtime() stamp = "%2d:%02d:%02d: " % (ts.tm_hour, ts.tm_min, ts.tm_sec) log(stamp, *msg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def log_test_header(seq_no, nr_of_tests, name): log("=" * 78) log() log(" Test case (%d/%d): %s" % (seq_no, nr_of_tests, tc_name(name))) log() log("." * 78) log() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def start_stress(*args): stress_cmd = [ "stress-ng" ] added_stress_types = [] req_stress_types = set(args) cpu_cnt = str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) # The function cond_add_stress appends the options to the stress # command if the stress type is in the set of requested stress types def cond_add_stress(stress_type, options): if stress_type in req_stress_types: req_stress_types.remove(stress_type) added_stress_types.append(stress_type) stress_cmd.extend(options) #---------- cond_add_stress("io", ["-i", cpu_cnt]) cond_add_stress("cpu", ["-c", cpu_cnt]) cond_add_stress("hdd", ["-d", cpu_cnt, "--hdd-bytes", "20M"]) cond_add_stress("vm", ["-m", cpu_cnt, "--vm-bytes", "10M"]) unknown = ", ".join(req_stress_types) if unknown != "": raise TestFail("Unknown stress type(s): %s" % unknown) if not added_stress_types: log("No stress requested") return None added = "+".join(added_stress_types) stress_cmd_str = " ".join(stress_cmd) log("Starting stress(", added, ")") log(" Command: '", stress_cmd_str, "'") log() # start_new_session causes stress to be executed in a separate # session, => it gets a new process group (incl. children). It # can then be terminated using os.killpg in end_stress without # terminating this script. p = subprocess.Popen(stress_cmd, start_new_session=True) return p #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def end_stress(p): if p is None: # The value None indicates that no stress scenario was started return if p.poll() is not None: raise TestFail("stress prematurely terminated.") os.killpg(os.getpgid(p.pid), signal.SIGTERM) log("Terminated stress") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def us2hms_str(us): s = (us+500000) // 1000000 # Round microseconds to s m = s//60 s -= 60*m; h = m//60 m -= 60*h return "%d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sometime the hung task supervision is triggered during execution of # cyclictest (cyclictest starves stress). To avoid that, the supervision # is temporarily disabled def set_hung_tmo(new_tmo): global has_hung_task_detection tmo_file = "/proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" if not has_hung_task_detection: return if not os.access(tmo_file, os.W_OK): log("Hung task detection not supported") log(" (File ", tmo_file, " not found)") has_hung_task_detection = False return orig_tmo = int(subprocess.check_output(["cat", tmo_file]).strip()) if new_tmo != orig_tmo: cmd = ( "echo " + str(new_tmo) + " > " + tmo_file ) subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True) log("Changed timeout for detection of hung tasks: ", orig_tmo, " -> ", new_tmo) return orig_tmo #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def gen_minmax_list(max_list): res = [min(max_list)] while True: tmp = max_list max_list = [] while tmp: max_list.append(max(tmp.pop(0), tmp.pop(0))) res.append(min(max_list)) if len(max_list) < 2: return res #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parameters for cyclictest: # # On the -S option (from cyclictest.c): # -S implies options -a -t -n and same priority of all threads # -a: One thread per core # -n: use clock_nanosleep instead of posix interval timers # -t: (without argument) Set number of threads to the number # of cpus interval_core_0 = 100 # Timer interval on core 0 [us] interval_delta = 20 # Interval increment for each core [us] loop_count = 30000 # Number of loops (on core 0). cmd = ("cyclictest", "-S", # Standard SMP testing. See below "-p", "99", # RT priority 99 "-q", # Quiet mode, i.e. print only a summary "-i", str(interval_core_0), "-d", str(interval_delta), "-l", str(loop_count) ) rex = re.compile(r"C:\s*(\d+).*Min:\s*(\d+).*Avg:\s*(\d+).*Max:\s*(\d+)") def run_cyclictest_once(): res = subprocess.check_output(cmd) # minlist and maxlist are lists with the extremes for each core # avg_cnt is the sum of cycles for all cores # avg_sum is the sum of (cycle count*average) for each core # Since cyclictest runs different number of cycles on # different cores, avg_sum/avg_cnt gives a more accurate # value of the overall average than just taking the average # of each core's averages minlist = [] maxlist = [] avg_sum = 0 avg_cnt = 0 for line in res.splitlines(): m = rex.search(line) if m is not None: minlist.append(int(m.group(2))) maxlist.append(int(m.group(4))) n = int(m.group(1)) avg_sum += n * int(m.group(3)) avg_cnt += n return min(minlist), [avg_sum, avg_cnt], max(maxlist) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A precondition for the tracking of min-max values is that # the suite size os a power of 2. N = 5 suite_size = 2**N est_exec_time_once = interval_core_0 * loop_count est_exec_time_suite = suite_size * est_exec_time_once def run_cyclictest_suite(): log("Starting cyclictest") log(" Command : ", " ".join(cmd)) log(" Number of cycles : ", loop_count*suite_size, " (", suite_size, " sets of ", loop_count, " cycles)") log(" Exec. time (est) : ", us2hms_str(est_exec_time_suite)) log() orig_tmo = set_hung_tmo(0) # 0 => Disable # float('inf') emulates infinity. At least in the sense that it is # guaranteed to be larger than any actual number. ack_min = float('inf') ack_avg = [0, 0] log() log_ts("Start of execution") t = time.time() max_list = [] for i in range(0, suite_size): tmp_min, tmp_avg, tmp_max = run_cyclictest_once() msg = "%2d/%2d:" % (i+1, suite_size) msg += " min: %4d" % tmp_min msg += " avg: %5.1f" % (float(tmp_avg[0])/tmp_avg[1]) msg += " max: %4d" % tmp_max log_ts(msg) # Track minimum value if tmp_min < ack_min: ack_min = tmp_min # Track smallest max value max_list.append(tmp_max) ack_avg[0] += tmp_avg[0] ack_avg[1] += tmp_avg[1] t = time.time()-t log_ts("Cyclictest completed. Actual execution time:", us2hms_str(t*1000000)) log() set_hung_tmo(orig_tmo) return ack_min, float(ack_avg[0])/ack_avg[1], gen_minmax_list(max_list) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class cyclictest_runner: def run_test(self, seq_no, nr_of_tests, name, stressparams): try: log_test_header(seq_no, nr_of_tests, name) p = start_stress(*stressparams) bm_min, bm_avg, bm_max_list = run_cyclictest_suite() end_stress(p) bm_max = bm_max_list[-1] log() log("Min: %d us" % bm_min) log("Avg: %.1f us" % bm_avg) log("Max: %d us" % bm_max) log() log("Max list: ", bm_max_list) log() log("PASS") print() print(tc_name(name), "[Min/us,Avg/us,Max/us]:",) print("%d,%.1f,%d" % (bm_min,bm_avg, bm_max)) print("PASS:", tc_name(name)) print() except Exception: log() log("Exception!") log() log("Traceback:", traceback.format_exc()) log() log("WD: ", os.getcwd()) log() log("FAIL") print() print("FAIL:", tc_name(name)) print() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- runner = cyclictest_runner() tests = (("no_stress", []), ("cpu", ["cpu"]), ("hdd", ["hdd"]), ("io", ["io"]), ("vm", ["vm"]), ("full", ["io", "cpu", "hdd", "vm"]), ) nr_of_tests = len(tests) for seq_no, params in enumerate(tests, start=1): runner.run_test(seq_no, nr_of_tests, *params)