# Report significant differences in the buildhistory repository since a specific revision # # Copyright (C) 2012-2013, 2016-2017 Intel Corporation # Author: Paul Eggleton # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # # Note: requires GitPython 0.3.1+ # # You can use this from the command line by running scripts/buildhistory-diff # import sys import os.path import difflib import git import re import shlex import hashlib import collections import bb.utils import bb.tinfoil # How to display fields list_fields = ['DEPENDS', 'RPROVIDES', 'RDEPENDS', 'RRECOMMENDS', 'RSUGGESTS', 'RREPLACES', 'RCONFLICTS', 'FILES', 'FILELIST', 'USER_CLASSES', 'IMAGE_CLASSES', 'IMAGE_FEATURES', 'IMAGE_LINGUAS', 'IMAGE_INSTALL', 'BAD_RECOMMENDATIONS', 'PACKAGE_EXCLUDE'] list_order_fields = ['PACKAGES'] defaultval_map = {'PKG': 'PKG', 'PKGE': 'PE', 'PKGV': 'PV', 'PKGR': 'PR'} numeric_fields = ['PKGSIZE', 'IMAGESIZE'] # Fields to monitor monitor_fields = ['RPROVIDES', 'RDEPENDS', 'RRECOMMENDS', 'RREPLACES', 'RCONFLICTS', 'PACKAGES', 'FILELIST', 'PKGSIZE', 'IMAGESIZE', 'PKG'] ver_monitor_fields = ['PKGE', 'PKGV', 'PKGR'] # Percentage change to alert for numeric fields monitor_numeric_threshold = 10 # Image files to monitor (note that image-info.txt is handled separately) img_monitor_files = ['installed-package-names.txt', 'files-in-image.txt'] colours = { 'colour_default': '', 'colour_add': '', 'colour_remove': '', } def init_colours(use_colours): global colours if use_colours: colours = { 'colour_default': '\033[0m', 'colour_add': '\033[1;32m', 'colour_remove': '\033[1;31m', } else: colours = { 'colour_default': '', 'colour_add': '', 'colour_remove': '', } class ChangeRecord: def __init__(self, path, fieldname, oldvalue, newvalue, monitored): self.path = path self.fieldname = fieldname self.oldvalue = oldvalue self.newvalue = newvalue self.monitored = monitored self.filechanges = None def __str__(self): return self._str_internal(True) def _str_internal(self, outer): if outer: if '/image-files/' in self.path: prefix = '%s: ' % self.path.split('/image-files/')[0] else: prefix = '%s: ' % self.path else: prefix = '' def pkglist_combine(depver): pkglist = [] for k,v in depver.items(): if v: pkglist.append("%s (%s)" % (k,v)) else: pkglist.append(k) return pkglist def detect_renamed_dirs(aitems, bitems): adirs = set(map(os.path.dirname, aitems)) bdirs = set(map(os.path.dirname, bitems)) files_ab = [(name, sorted(os.path.basename(item) for item in aitems if os.path.dirname(item) == name)) \ for name in adirs - bdirs] files_ba = [(name, sorted(os.path.basename(item) for item in bitems if os.path.dirname(item) == name)) \ for name in bdirs - adirs] renamed_dirs = [] for dir1, files1 in files_ab: rename = False for dir2, files2 in files_ba: if files1 == files2 and not rename: renamed_dirs.append((dir1,dir2)) # Make sure that we don't use this (dir, files) pair again. files_ba.remove((dir2,files2)) # If a dir has already been found to have a rename, stop and go no further. rename = True # remove files that belong to renamed dirs from aitems and bitems for dir1, dir2 in renamed_dirs: aitems = [item for item in aitems if os.path.dirname(item) not in (dir1, dir2)] bitems = [item for item in bitems if os.path.dirname(item) not in (dir1, dir2)] return renamed_dirs, aitems, bitems if self.fieldname in list_fields or self.fieldname in list_order_fields: renamed_dirs = [] changed_order = False if self.fieldname in ['RPROVIDES', 'RDEPENDS', 'RRECOMMENDS', 'RSUGGESTS', 'RREPLACES', 'RCONFLICTS']: (depvera, depverb) = compare_pkg_lists(self.oldvalue, self.newvalue) aitems = pkglist_combine(depvera) bitems = pkglist_combine(depverb) else: if self.fieldname == 'FILELIST': aitems = shlex.split(self.oldvalue) bitems = shlex.split(self.newvalue) renamed_dirs, aitems, bitems = detect_renamed_dirs(aitems, bitems) else: aitems = self.oldvalue.split() bitems = self.newvalue.split() removed = list(set(aitems) - set(bitems)) added = list(set(bitems) - set(aitems)) if not removed and not added and self.fieldname in ['RPROVIDES', 'RDEPENDS', 'RRECOMMENDS', 'RSUGGESTS', 'RREPLACES', 'RCONFLICTS']: depvera = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions2(self.oldvalue, sort=False) depverb = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions2(self.newvalue, sort=False) for i, j in zip(depvera.items(), depverb.items()): if i[0] != j[0]: changed_order = True break lines = [] if renamed_dirs: for dfrom, dto in renamed_dirs: lines.append('directory renamed {colour_remove}{}{colour_default} -> {colour_add}{}{colour_default}'.format(dfrom, dto, **colours)) if removed or added: if removed and not bitems: lines.append('removed all items "{colour_remove}{}{colour_default}"'.format(' '.join(removed), **colours)) else: if removed: lines.append('removed "{colour_remove}{value}{colour_default}"'.format(value=' '.join(removed), **colours)) if added: lines.append('added "{colour_add}{value}{colour_default}"'.format(value=' '.join(added), **colours)) else: lines.append('changed order') if not (removed or added or changed_order): out = '' else: out = '%s: %s' % (self.fieldname, ', '.join(lines)) elif self.fieldname in numeric_fields: aval = int(self.oldvalue or 0) bval = int(self.newvalue or 0) if aval != 0: percentchg = ((bval - aval) / float(aval)) * 100 else: percentchg = 100 out = '{} changed from {colour_remove}{}{colour_default} to {colour_add}{}{colour_default} ({}{:.0f}%)'.format(self.fieldname, self.oldvalue or "''", self.newvalue or "''", '+' if percentchg > 0 else '', percentchg, **colours) elif self.fieldname in defaultval_map: out = '{} changed from {colour_remove}{}{colour_default} to {colour_add}{}{colour_default}'.format(self.fieldname, self.oldvalue, self.newvalue, **colours) if self.fieldname == 'PKG' and '[default]' in self.newvalue: out += ' - may indicate debian renaming failure' elif self.fieldname in ['pkg_preinst', 'pkg_postinst', 'pkg_prerm', 'pkg_postrm']: if self.oldvalue and self.newvalue: out = '%s changed:\n ' % self.fieldname elif self.newvalue: out = '%s added:\n ' % self.fieldname elif self.oldvalue: out = '%s cleared:\n ' % self.fieldname alines = self.oldvalue.splitlines() blines = self.newvalue.splitlines() diff = difflib.unified_diff(alines, blines, self.fieldname, self.fieldname, lineterm='') out += '\n '.join(list(diff)[2:]) out += '\n --' elif self.fieldname in img_monitor_files or '/image-files/' in self.path or self.fieldname == "sysroot": if self.filechanges or (self.oldvalue and self.newvalue): fieldname = self.fieldname if '/image-files/' in self.path: fieldname = os.path.join('/' + self.path.split('/image-files/')[1], self.fieldname) out = 'Changes to %s:\n ' % fieldname else: if outer: prefix = 'Changes to %s ' % self.path out = '(%s):\n ' % self.fieldname if self.filechanges: out += '\n '.join(['%s' % i for i in self.filechanges]) else: alines = self.oldvalue.splitlines() blines = self.newvalue.splitlines() diff = difflib.unified_diff(alines, blines, fieldname, fieldname, lineterm='') out += '\n '.join(list(diff)) out += '\n --' else: out = '' else: out = '{} changed from "{colour_remove}{}{colour_default}" to "{colour_add}{}{colour_default}"'.format(self.fieldname, self.oldvalue, self.newvalue, **colours) return '%s%s' % (prefix, out) if out else '' class FileChange: changetype_add = 'A' changetype_remove = 'R' changetype_type = 'T' changetype_perms = 'P' changetype_ownergroup = 'O' changetype_link = 'L' changetype_move = 'M' def __init__(self, path, changetype, oldvalue = None, newvalue = None): self.path = path self.changetype = changetype self.oldvalue = oldvalue self.newvalue = newvalue def _ftype_str(self, ftype): if ftype == '-': return 'file' elif ftype == 'd': return 'directory' elif ftype == 'l': return 'symlink' elif ftype == 'c': return 'char device' elif ftype == 'b': return 'block device' elif ftype == 'p': return 'fifo' elif ftype == 's': return 'socket' else: return 'unknown (%s)' % ftype def __str__(self): if self.changetype == self.changetype_add: return '%s was added' % self.path elif self.changetype == self.changetype_remove: return '%s was removed' % self.path elif self.changetype == self.changetype_type: return '%s changed type from %s to %s' % (self.path, self._ftype_str(self.oldvalue), self._ftype_str(self.newvalue)) elif self.changetype == self.changetype_perms: return '%s changed permissions from %s to %s' % (self.path, self.oldvalue, self.newvalue) elif self.changetype == self.changetype_ownergroup: return '%s changed owner/group from %s to %s' % (self.path, self.oldvalue, self.newvalue) elif self.changetype == self.changetype_link: return '%s changed symlink target from %s to %s' % (self.path, self.oldvalue, self.newvalue) elif self.changetype == self.changetype_move: return '%s moved to %s' % (self.path, self.oldvalue) else: return '%s changed (unknown)' % self.path def blob_to_dict(blob): alines = [line for line in blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines()] adict = {} for line in alines: splitv = [i.strip() for i in line.split('=',1)] if len(splitv) > 1: adict[splitv[0]] = splitv[1] return adict def file_list_to_dict(lines): adict = {} for line in lines: # Leave the last few fields intact so we handle file names containing spaces splitv = line.split(None,4) # Grab the path and remove the leading . path = splitv[4][1:].strip() # Handle symlinks if(' -> ' in path): target = path.split(' -> ')[1] path = path.split(' -> ')[0] adict[path] = splitv[0:3] + [target] else: adict[path] = splitv[0:3] return adict numeric_removal = str.maketrans('0123456789', 'XXXXXXXXXX') def compare_file_lists(alines, blines, compare_ownership=True): adict = file_list_to_dict(alines) bdict = file_list_to_dict(blines) filechanges = [] additions = [] removals = [] for path, splitv in adict.items(): newsplitv = bdict.pop(path, None) if newsplitv: # Check type oldvalue = splitv[0][0] newvalue = newsplitv[0][0] if oldvalue != newvalue: filechanges.append(FileChange(path, FileChange.changetype_type, oldvalue, newvalue)) # Check permissions oldvalue = splitv[0][1:] newvalue = newsplitv[0][1:] if oldvalue != newvalue: filechanges.append(FileChange(path, FileChange.changetype_perms, oldvalue, newvalue)) if compare_ownership: # Check owner/group oldvalue = '%s/%s' % (splitv[1], splitv[2]) newvalue = '%s/%s' % (newsplitv[1], newsplitv[2]) if oldvalue != newvalue: filechanges.append(FileChange(path, FileChange.changetype_ownergroup, oldvalue, newvalue)) # Check symlink target if newsplitv[0][0] == 'l': if len(splitv) > 3: oldvalue = splitv[3] else: oldvalue = None newvalue = newsplitv[3] if oldvalue != newvalue: filechanges.append(FileChange(path, FileChange.changetype_link, oldvalue, newvalue)) else: removals.append(path) # Whatever is left over has been added for path in bdict: additions.append(path) # Rather than print additions and removals, its nicer to print file 'moves' # where names or paths are similar. revmap_remove = {} for removal in removals: translated = removal.translate(numeric_removal) if translated not in revmap_remove: revmap_remove[translated] = [] revmap_remove[translated].append(removal) # # We want to detect renames of large trees of files like # /lib/modules/5.4.40-yocto-standard to /lib/modules/5.4.43-yocto-standard # renames = {} for addition in additions.copy(): if addition not in additions: continue translated = addition.translate(numeric_removal) if translated in revmap_remove: if len(revmap_remove[translated]) != 1: continue removal = revmap_remove[translated][0] commondir = addition.split("/") commondir2 = removal.split("/") idx = None for i in range(len(commondir)): if commondir[i] != commondir2[i]: idx = i break commondir = "/".join(commondir[:i+1]) commondir2 = "/".join(commondir2[:i+1]) # If the common parent is in one dict and not the other its likely a rename # so iterate through those files and process as such if commondir2 not in bdict and commondir not in adict: if commondir not in renames: renames[commondir] = commondir2 for addition2 in additions.copy(): if addition2.startswith(commondir): removal2 = addition2.replace(commondir, commondir2) if removal2 in removals: additions.remove(addition2) removals.remove(removal2) continue filechanges.append(FileChange(removal, FileChange.changetype_move, addition)) if addition in additions: additions.remove(addition) if removal in removals: removals.remove(removal) for rename in renames: filechanges.append(FileChange(renames[rename], FileChange.changetype_move, rename)) for addition in additions: filechanges.append(FileChange(addition, FileChange.changetype_add)) for removal in removals: filechanges.append(FileChange(removal, FileChange.changetype_remove)) return filechanges def compare_lists(alines, blines): removed = list(set(alines) - set(blines)) added = list(set(blines) - set(alines)) filechanges = [] for pkg in removed: filechanges.append(FileChange(pkg, FileChange.changetype_remove)) for pkg in added: filechanges.append(FileChange(pkg, FileChange.changetype_add)) return filechanges def compare_pkg_lists(astr, bstr): depvera = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions2(astr) depverb = bb.utils.explode_dep_versions2(bstr) # Strip out changes where the version has increased remove = [] for k in depvera: if k in depverb: dva = depvera[k] dvb = depverb[k] if dva and dvb and len(dva) == len(dvb): # Since length is the same, sort so that prefixes (e.g. >=) will line up dva.sort() dvb.sort() removeit = True for dvai, dvbi in zip(dva, dvb): if dvai != dvbi: aiprefix = dvai.split(' ')[0] biprefix = dvbi.split(' ')[0] if aiprefix == biprefix and aiprefix in ['>=', '=']: if bb.utils.vercmp(bb.utils.split_version(dvai), bb.utils.split_version(dvbi)) > 0: removeit = False break else: removeit = False break if removeit: remove.append(k) for k in remove: depvera.pop(k) depverb.pop(k) return (depvera, depverb) def compare_dict_blobs(path, ablob, bblob, report_all, report_ver): adict = blob_to_dict(ablob) bdict = blob_to_dict(bblob) pkgname = os.path.basename(path) defaultvals = {} defaultvals['PKG'] = pkgname defaultvals['PKGE'] = '0' changes = [] keys = list(set(adict.keys()) | set(bdict.keys()) | set(defaultval_map.keys())) for key in keys: astr = adict.get(key, '') bstr = bdict.get(key, '') if key in ver_monitor_fields: monitored = report_ver or astr or bstr else: monitored = key in monitor_fields mapped_key = defaultval_map.get(key, '') if mapped_key: if not astr: astr = '%s [default]' % adict.get(mapped_key, defaultvals.get(key, '')) if not bstr: bstr = '%s [default]' % bdict.get(mapped_key, defaultvals.get(key, '')) if astr != bstr: if (not report_all) and key in numeric_fields: aval = int(astr or 0) bval = int(bstr or 0) if aval != 0: percentchg = ((bval - aval) / float(aval)) * 100 else: percentchg = 100 if abs(percentchg) < monitor_numeric_threshold: continue elif (not report_all) and key in list_fields: if key == "FILELIST" and (path.endswith("-dbg") or path.endswith("-src")) and bstr.strip() != '': continue if key in ['RPROVIDES', 'RDEPENDS', 'RRECOMMENDS', 'RSUGGESTS', 'RREPLACES', 'RCONFLICTS']: (depvera, depverb) = compare_pkg_lists(astr, bstr) if depvera == depverb: continue if key == 'FILELIST': alist = shlex.split(astr) blist = shlex.split(bstr) else: alist = astr.split() blist = bstr.split() alist.sort() blist.sort() # We don't care about the removal of self-dependencies if pkgname in alist and not pkgname in blist: alist.remove(pkgname) if ' '.join(alist) == ' '.join(blist): continue if key == 'PKGR' and not report_all: vers = [] # strip leading 'r' and dots for ver in (astr.split()[0], bstr.split()[0]): if ver.startswith('r'): ver = ver[1:] vers.append(ver.replace('.', '')) maxlen = max(len(vers[0]), len(vers[1])) try: # pad with '0' and convert to int vers = [int(ver.ljust(maxlen, '0')) for ver in vers] except ValueError: pass else: # skip decrements and increments if abs(vers[0] - vers[1]) == 1: continue chg = ChangeRecord(path, key, astr, bstr, monitored) changes.append(chg) return changes def compare_siglists(a_blob, b_blob, taskdiff=False): # FIXME collapse down a recipe's tasks? alines = a_blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines() blines = b_blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines() keys = [] pnmap = {} def readsigs(lines): sigs = {} for line in lines: linesplit = line.split() if len(linesplit) > 2: sigs[linesplit[0]] = linesplit[2] if not linesplit[0] in keys: keys.append(linesplit[0]) pnmap[linesplit[1]] = linesplit[0].rsplit('.', 1)[0] return sigs adict = readsigs(alines) bdict = readsigs(blines) out = [] changecount = 0 addcount = 0 removecount = 0 if taskdiff: with bb.tinfoil.Tinfoil() as tinfoil: tinfoil.prepare(config_only=True) changes = collections.OrderedDict() def compare_hashfiles(pn, taskname, hash1, hash2): hashes = [hash1, hash2] hashfiles = bb.siggen.find_siginfo(pn, taskname, hashes, tinfoil.config_data) if not taskname: (pn, taskname) = pn.rsplit('.', 1) pn = pnmap.get(pn, pn) desc = '%s.%s' % (pn, taskname) if len(hashfiles) == 0: out.append("Unable to find matching sigdata for %s with hashes %s or %s" % (desc, hash1, hash2)) elif not hash1 in hashfiles: out.append("Unable to find matching sigdata for %s with hash %s" % (desc, hash1)) elif not hash2 in hashfiles: out.append("Unable to find matching sigdata for %s with hash %s" % (desc, hash2)) else: out2 = bb.siggen.compare_sigfiles(hashfiles[hash1]['path'], hashfiles[hash2]['path'], recursecb, collapsed=True) for line in out2: m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(line.encode('utf-8')) entry = changes.get(m.hexdigest(), (line, [])) if desc not in entry[1]: changes[m.hexdigest()] = (line, entry[1] + [desc]) # Define recursion callback def recursecb(key, hash1, hash2): compare_hashfiles(key, None, hash1, hash2) return [] for key in keys: siga = adict.get(key, None) sigb = bdict.get(key, None) if siga is not None and sigb is not None and siga != sigb: changecount += 1 (pn, taskname) = key.rsplit('.', 1) compare_hashfiles(pn, taskname, siga, sigb) elif siga is None: addcount += 1 elif sigb is None: removecount += 1 for key, item in changes.items(): line, tasks = item if len(tasks) == 1: desc = tasks[0] elif len(tasks) == 2: desc = '%s and %s' % (tasks[0], tasks[1]) else: desc = '%s and %d others' % (tasks[-1], len(tasks)-1) out.append('%s: %s' % (desc, line)) else: for key in keys: siga = adict.get(key, None) sigb = bdict.get(key, None) if siga is not None and sigb is not None and siga != sigb: out.append('%s changed from %s to %s' % (key, siga, sigb)) changecount += 1 elif siga is None: out.append('%s was added' % key) addcount += 1 elif sigb is None: out.append('%s was removed' % key) removecount += 1 out.append('Summary: %d tasks added, %d tasks removed, %d tasks modified (%.1f%%)' % (addcount, removecount, changecount, (changecount / float(len(bdict)) * 100))) return '\n'.join(out) def process_changes(repopath, revision1, revision2='HEAD', report_all=False, report_ver=False, sigs=False, sigsdiff=False, exclude_path=None): repo = git.Repo(repopath) assert repo.bare == False commit = repo.commit(revision1) diff = commit.diff(revision2) changes = [] if sigs or sigsdiff: for d in diff.iter_change_type('M'): if d.a_blob.path == 'siglist.txt': changes.append(compare_siglists(d.a_blob, d.b_blob, taskdiff=sigsdiff)) return changes for d in diff.iter_change_type('M'): path = os.path.dirname(d.a_blob.path) if path.startswith('packages/'): filename = os.path.basename(d.a_blob.path) if filename == 'latest': changes.extend(compare_dict_blobs(path, d.a_blob, d.b_blob, report_all, report_ver)) elif filename.startswith('latest.'): chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename, d.a_blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8'), d.b_blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8'), True) changes.append(chg) elif filename == 'sysroot': alines = d.a_blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines() blines = d.b_blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines() filechanges = compare_file_lists(alines,blines, compare_ownership=False) if filechanges: chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename, None, None, True) chg.filechanges = filechanges changes.append(chg) elif path.startswith('images/'): filename = os.path.basename(d.a_blob.path) if filename in img_monitor_files: if filename == 'files-in-image.txt': alines = d.a_blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines() blines = d.b_blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines() filechanges = compare_file_lists(alines,blines) if filechanges: chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename, None, None, True) chg.filechanges = filechanges changes.append(chg) elif filename == 'installed-package-names.txt': alines = d.a_blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines() blines = d.b_blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8').splitlines() filechanges = compare_lists(alines,blines) if filechanges: chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename, None, None, True) chg.filechanges = filechanges changes.append(chg) else: chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename, d.a_blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8'), d.b_blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8'), True) changes.append(chg) elif filename == 'image-info.txt': changes.extend(compare_dict_blobs(path, d.a_blob, d.b_blob, report_all, report_ver)) elif '/image-files/' in path: chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename, d.a_blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8'), d.b_blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8'), True) changes.append(chg) # Look for added preinst/postinst/prerm/postrm # (without reporting newly added recipes) addedpkgs = [] addedchanges = [] for d in diff.iter_change_type('A'): path = os.path.dirname(d.b_blob.path) if path.startswith('packages/'): filename = os.path.basename(d.b_blob.path) if filename == 'latest': addedpkgs.append(path) elif filename.startswith('latest.'): chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename[7:], '', d.b_blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8'), True) addedchanges.append(chg) for chg in addedchanges: found = False for pkg in addedpkgs: if chg.path.startswith(pkg): found = True break if not found: changes.append(chg) # Look for cleared preinst/postinst/prerm/postrm for d in diff.iter_change_type('D'): path = os.path.dirname(d.a_blob.path) if path.startswith('packages/'): filename = os.path.basename(d.a_blob.path) if filename != 'latest' and filename.startswith('latest.'): chg = ChangeRecord(path, filename[7:], d.a_blob.data_stream.read().decode('utf-8'), '', True) changes.append(chg) # filter out unwanted paths if exclude_path: for chg in changes: if chg.filechanges: fchgs = [] for fchg in chg.filechanges: for epath in exclude_path: if fchg.path.startswith(epath): break else: fchgs.append(fchg) chg.filechanges = fchgs if report_all: return changes else: return [chg for chg in changes if chg.monitored]