#n215'>215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378
# This class is used to check recipes against public CVEs.
# In order to use this class just inherit the class in the
# local.conf file and it will add the cve_check task for
# every recipe. The task can be used per recipe, per image,
# or using the special cases "world" and "universe". The
# cve_check task will print a warning for every unpatched
# CVE found and generate a file in the recipe WORKDIR/cve
# directory. If an image is build it will generate a report
# in DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE for all the packages used.
# Example:
#   bitbake -c cve_check openssl
#   bitbake core-image-sato
#   bitbake -k -c cve_check universe
# This class/tool is meant to be used as support and not
# the only method to check against CVEs. Running this tool
# doesn't guarantee your packages are free of CVEs.

# The product name that the CVE database uses.  Defaults to BPN, but may need to
# be overriden per recipe (for example tiff.bb sets CVE_PRODUCT=libtiff).

CVE_CHECK_DB_FILE ?= "${CVE_CHECK_DB_DIR}/nvdcve_1.1.db"

CVE_CHECK_LOG ?= "${T}/cve.log"
CVE_CHECK_TMP_FILE ?= "${TMPDIR}/cve_check"



# Whitelist for packages (PN)

# Whitelist for CVE. If a CVE is found, then it is considered patched.
# The value is a string containing space separated CVE values:
# CVE_CHECK_WHITELIST = 'CVE-2014-2524 CVE-2018-1234'

python cve_save_summary_handler () {
    import shutil
    import datetime

    cve_tmp_file = d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_TMP_FILE")

    cve_summary_name = d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_SUMMARY_FILE_NAME")
    cvelogpath = d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_SUMMARY_DIR")

    timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
    cve_summary_file = os.path.join(cvelogpath, "%s-%s.txt" % (cve_summary_name, timestamp))

    if os.path.exists(cve_tmp_file):
        shutil.copyfile(cve_tmp_file, cve_summary_file)

        if cve_summary_file and os.path.exists(cve_summary_file):
            cvefile_link = os.path.join(cvelogpath, cve_summary_name)

            if os.path.exists(os.path.realpath(cvefile_link)):
            os.symlink(os.path.basename(cve_summary_file), cvefile_link)

addhandler cve_save_summary_handler
cve_save_summary_handler[eventmask] = "bb.event.BuildCompleted"

python do_cve_check () {
    Check recipe for patched and unpatched CVEs

    if os.path.exists(d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_DB_FILE")):
            patched_cves = get_patches_cves(d)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            bb.fatal("Failure in searching patches")
        whitelisted, patched, unpatched = check_cves(d, patched_cves)
        if patched or unpatched:
            cve_data = get_cve_info(d, patched + unpatched)
            cve_write_data(d, patched, unpatched, whitelisted, cve_data)
        bb.note("No CVE database found, skipping CVE check")


addtask cve_check before do_build after do_fetch
do_cve_check[depends] = "cve-update-db-native:do_fetch"
do_cve_check[nostamp] = "1"

python cve_check_cleanup () {
    Delete the file used to gather all the CVE information.

addhandler cve_check_cleanup
cve_check_cleanup[eventmask] = "bb.cooker.CookerExit"

python cve_check_write_rootfs_manifest () {
    Create CVE manifest when building an image

    import shutil

    if d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_COPY_FILES") == "1":
        deploy_file = d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_RECIPE_FILE")
        if os.path.exists(deploy_file):

    if os.path.exists(d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_TMP_FILE")):
        bb.note("Writing rootfs CVE manifest")
        deploy_dir = d.getVar("DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE")
        link_name = d.getVar("IMAGE_LINK_NAME")
        manifest_name = d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_MANIFEST")
        cve_tmp_file = d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_TMP_FILE")

        shutil.copyfile(cve_tmp_file, manifest_name)

        if manifest_name and os.path.exists(manifest_name):
            manifest_link = os.path.join(deploy_dir, "%s.cve" % link_name)
            # If we already have another manifest, update symlinks
            if os.path.exists(os.path.realpath(manifest_link)):
            os.symlink(os.path.basename(manifest_name), manifest_link)
            bb.plain("Image CVE report stored in: %s" % manifest_name)

ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND_prepend = "${@'cve_check_write_rootfs_manifest; ' if d.getVar('CVE_CHECK_CREATE_MANIFEST') == '1' else ''}"
do_rootfs[recrdeptask] += "${@'do_cve_check' if d.getVar('CVE_CHECK_CREATE_MANIFEST') == '1' else ''}"

def get_patches_cves(d):
    Get patches that solve CVEs using the "CVE: " tag.

    import re

    pn = d.getVar("PN")
    cve_match = re.compile("CVE:( CVE\-\d{4}\-\d+)+")

    # Matches last CVE-1234-211432 in the file name, also if written
    # with small letters. Not supporting multiple CVE id's in a single
    # file name.
    cve_file_name_match = re.compile(".*([Cc][Vv][Ee]\-\d{4}\-\d+)")

    patched_cves = set()
    bb.debug(2, "Looking for patches that solves CVEs for %s" % pn)
    for url in src_patches(d):
        patch_file = bb.fetch.decodeurl(url)[2]

        if not os.path.isfile(patch_file):
            bb.error("File Not found: %s" % patch_file)
            raise FileNotFoundError

        # Check patch file name for CVE ID
        fname_match = cve_file_name_match.search(patch_file)
        if fname_match:
            cve = fname_match.group(1).upper()
            bb.debug(2, "Found CVE %s from patch file name %s" % (cve, patch_file))

        with open(patch_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                patch_text = f.read()
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                bb.debug(1, "Failed to read patch %s using UTF-8 encoding"
                        " trying with iso8859-1" %  patch_file)
                with open(patch_file, "r", encoding="iso8859-1") as f:
                    patch_text = f.read()

        # Search for one or more "CVE: " lines
        text_match = False
        for match in cve_match.finditer(patch_text):
            # Get only the CVEs without the "CVE: " tag
            cves = patch_text[match.start()+5:match.end()]
            for cve in cves.split():
                bb.debug(2, "Patch %s solves %s" % (patch_file, cve))
                text_match = True

        if not fname_match and not text_match:
            bb.debug(2, "Patch %s doesn't solve CVEs" % patch_file)

    return patched_cves

def check_cves(d, patched_cves):
    Connect to the NVD database and find unpatched cves.
    from distutils.version import LooseVersion

    pn = d.getVar("PN")
    real_pv = d.getVar("PV")

    cves_unpatched = []
    # CVE_PRODUCT can contain more than one product (eg. curl/libcurl)
    products = d.getVar("CVE_PRODUCT").split()
    # If this has been unset then we're not scanning for CVEs here (for example, image recipes)
    if not products:
        return ([], [], [])
    pv = d.getVar("CVE_VERSION").split("+git")[0]

    # If the recipe has been whitlisted we return empty lists
    if pn in d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_PN_WHITELIST").split():
        bb.note("Recipe has been whitelisted, skipping check")
        return ([], [], [])

    old_cve_whitelist =  d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_CVE_WHITELIST")
    if old_cve_whitelist:
        bb.warn("CVE_CHECK_CVE_WHITELIST is deprecated, please use CVE_CHECK_WHITELIST.")
    cve_whitelist = d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_WHITELIST").split()

    import sqlite3
    db_file = d.expand("file:${CVE_CHECK_DB_FILE}?mode=ro")
    conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file, uri=True)

    # For each of the known product names (e.g. curl has CPEs using curl and libcurl)...
    for product in products:
        if ":" in product:
            vendor, product = product.split(":", 1)
            vendor = "%"

        # Find all relevant CVE IDs.
        for cverow in conn.execute("SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM PRODUCTS WHERE PRODUCT IS ? AND VENDOR LIKE ?", (product, vendor)):
            cve = cverow[0]

            if cve in cve_whitelist:
                bb.note("%s-%s has been whitelisted for %s" % (product, pv, cve))
                # TODO: this should be in the report as 'whitelisted'
            elif cve in patched_cves:
                bb.note("%s has been patched" % (cve))

            vulnerable = False
            for row in conn.execute("SELECT * FROM PRODUCTS WHERE ID IS ? AND PRODUCT IS ? AND VENDOR LIKE ?", (cve, product, vendor)):
                (_, _, _, version_start, operator_start, version_end, operator_end) = row
                #bb.debug(2, "Evaluating row " + str(row))

                if (operator_start == '=' and pv == version_start) or version_start == '-':
                    vulnerable = True
                    if operator_start:
                            vulnerable_start =  (operator_start == '>=' and LooseVersion(pv) >= LooseVersion(version_start))
                            vulnerable_start |= (operator_start == '>' and LooseVersion(pv) > LooseVersion(version_start))
                            bb.warn("%s: Failed to compare %s %s %s for %s" %
                                    (product, pv, operator_start, version_start, cve))
                            vulnerable_start = False
                        vulnerable_start = False

                    if operator_end:
                            vulnerable_end  = (operator_end == '<=' and LooseVersion(pv) <= LooseVersion(version_end))
                            vulnerable_end |= (operator_end == '<' and LooseVersion(pv) < LooseVersion(version_end))
                            bb.warn("%s: Failed to compare %s %s %s for %s" %
                                    (product, pv, operator_end, version_end, cve))
                            vulnerable_end = False
                        vulnerable_end = False

                    if operator_start and operator_end:
                        vulnerable = vulnerable_start and vulnerable_end
                        vulnerable = vulnerable_start or vulnerable_end

                if vulnerable:
                    bb.note("%s-%s is vulnerable to %s" % (pn, real_pv, cve))

            if not vulnerable:
                bb.note("%s-%s is not vulnerable to %s" % (pn, real_pv, cve))
                # TODO: not patched but not vulnerable


    return (list(cve_whitelist), list(patched_cves), cves_unpatched)

def get_cve_info(d, cves):
    Get CVE information from the database.

    import sqlite3

    cve_data = {}
    conn = sqlite3.connect(d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_DB_FILE"))

    for cve in cves:
        for row in conn.execute("SELECT * FROM NVD WHERE ID IS ?", (cve,)):
            cve_data[row[0]] = {}
            cve_data[row[0]]["summary"] = row[1]
            cve_data[row[0]]["scorev2"] = row[2]
            cve_data[row[0]]["scorev3"] = row[3]
            cve_data[row[0]]["modified"] = row[4]
            cve_data[row[0]]["vector"] = row[5]

    return cve_data

def cve_write_data(d, patched, unpatched, whitelisted, cve_data):
    Write CVE information in WORKDIR; and to CVE_CHECK_DIR, and
    CVE manifest if enabled.

    cve_file = d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_LOG")
    nvd_link = "https://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId="
    write_string = ""
    unpatched_cves = []

    for cve in sorted(cve_data):
        is_patched = cve in patched
        if is_patched and (d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_REPORT_PATCHED") != "1"):
        write_string += "PACKAGE NAME: %s\n" % d.getVar("PN")
        write_string += "PACKAGE VERSION: %s%s\n" % (d.getVar("EXTENDPE"), d.getVar("PV"))
        write_string += "CVE: %s\n" % cve
        if cve in whitelisted:
            write_string += "CVE STATUS: Whitelisted\n"
        elif is_patched:
            write_string += "CVE STATUS: Patched\n"
            write_string += "CVE STATUS: Unpatched\n"
        write_string += "CVE SUMMARY: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["summary"]
        write_string += "CVSS v2 BASE SCORE: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["scorev2"]
        write_string += "CVSS v3 BASE SCORE: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["scorev3"]
        write_string += "VECTOR: %s\n" % cve_data[cve]["vector"]
        write_string += "MORE INFORMATION: %s%s\n\n" % (nvd_link, cve)

    if unpatched_cves:
        bb.warn("Found unpatched CVE (%s), for more information check %s" % (" ".join(unpatched_cves),cve_file))

    if write_string:
        with open(cve_file, "w") as f:
            bb.note("Writing file %s with CVE information" % cve_file)

        if d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_COPY_FILES") == "1":
            deploy_file = d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_RECIPE_FILE")
            with open(deploy_file, "w") as f:

        if d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_CREATE_MANIFEST") == "1":
            cvelogpath = d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_SUMMARY_DIR")

            with open(d.getVar("CVE_CHECK_TMP_FILE"), "a") as f:
                f.write("%s" % write_string)