#!/usr/bin/python -tt # # Copyright (c) 2011 Intel, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; version 2 of the License # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License # for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import os import glob import shutil from mic import kickstart, msger from mic.utils.errors import CreatorError, MountError from mic.utils import misc, runner, fs_related as fs from mic.imager.baseimager import BaseImageCreator # The maximum string length supported for LoopImageCreator.fslabel FSLABEL_MAXLEN = 32 def save_mountpoints(fpath, loops, arch = None): """Save mount points mapping to file :fpath, the xml file to store partition info :loops, dict of partition info :arch, image arch """ if not fpath or not loops: return from xml.dom import minidom doc = minidom.Document() imgroot = doc.createElement("image") doc.appendChild(imgroot) if arch: imgroot.setAttribute('arch', arch) for loop in loops: part = doc.createElement("partition") imgroot.appendChild(part) for (key, val) in loop.items(): if isinstance(val, fs.Mount): continue part.setAttribute(key, str(val)) with open(fpath, 'w') as wf: wf.write(doc.toprettyxml(indent=' ')) return def load_mountpoints(fpath): """Load mount points mapping from file :fpath, file path to load """ if not fpath: return from xml.dom import minidom mount_maps = [] with open(fpath, 'r') as rf: dom = minidom.parse(rf) imgroot = dom.documentElement for part in imgroot.getElementsByTagName("partition"): p = dict(part.attributes.items()) try: mp = (p['mountpoint'], p['label'], p['name'], int(p['size']), p['fstype']) except KeyError: msger.warning("Wrong format line in file: %s" % fpath) except ValueError: msger.warning("Invalid size '%s' in file: %s" % (p['size'], fpath)) else: mount_maps.append(mp) return mount_maps class LoopImageCreator(BaseImageCreator): """Installs a system into a loopback-mountable filesystem image. LoopImageCreator is a straightforward ImageCreator subclass; the system is installed into an ext3 filesystem on a sparse file which can be subsequently loopback-mounted. When specifying multiple partitions in kickstart file, each partition will be created as a separated loop image. """ def __init__(self, creatoropts=None, pkgmgr=None, compress_image=None, shrink_image=False): """Initialize a LoopImageCreator instance. This method takes the same arguments as ImageCreator.__init__() with the addition of: fslabel -- A string used as a label for any filesystems created. """ BaseImageCreator.__init__(self, creatoropts, pkgmgr) self.compress_image = compress_image self.shrink_image = shrink_image self.__fslabel = None self.fslabel = self.name self.__blocksize = 4096 if self.ks: self.__fstype = kickstart.get_image_fstype(self.ks, "ext3") self.__fsopts = kickstart.get_image_fsopts(self.ks, "defaults,noatime") allloops = [] for part in sorted(kickstart.get_partitions(self.ks), key=lambda p: p.mountpoint): if part.fstype == "swap": continue label = part.label mp = part.mountpoint if mp == '/': # the base image if not label: label = self.name else: mp = mp.rstrip('/') if not label: msger.warning('no "label" specified for loop img at %s' ', use the mountpoint as the name' % mp) label = mp.split('/')[-1] imgname = misc.strip_end(label, '.img') + '.img' allloops.append({ 'mountpoint': mp, 'label': label, 'name': imgname, 'size': part.size or 4096L * 1024 * 1024, 'fstype': part.fstype or 'ext3', 'extopts': part.extopts or None, 'loop': None, # to be created in _mount_instroot }) self._instloops = allloops else: self.__fstype = None self.__fsopts = None self._instloops = [] self.__imgdir = None if self.ks: self.__image_size = kickstart.get_image_size(self.ks, 4096L * 1024 * 1024) else: self.__image_size = 0 self._img_name = self.name + ".img" def get_image_names(self): if not self._instloops: return None return [lo['name'] for lo in self._instloops] def _set_fstype(self, fstype): self.__fstype = fstype def _set_image_size(self, imgsize): self.__image_size = imgsize # # Properties # def __get_fslabel(self): if self.__fslabel is None: return self.name else: return self.__fslabel def __set_fslabel(self, val): if val is None: self.__fslabel = None else: self.__fslabel = val[:FSLABEL_MAXLEN] #A string used to label any filesystems created. # #Some filesystems impose a constraint on the maximum allowed size of the #filesystem label. In the case of ext3 it's 16 characters, but in the case #of ISO9660 it's 32 characters. # #mke2fs silently truncates the label, but mkisofs aborts if the label is #too long. So, for convenience sake, any string assigned to this attribute #is silently truncated to FSLABEL_MAXLEN (32) characters. fslabel = property(__get_fslabel, __set_fslabel) def __get_image(self): if self.__imgdir is None: raise CreatorError("_image is not valid before calling mount()") return os.path.join(self.__imgdir, self._img_name) #The location of the image file. # #This is the path to the filesystem image. Subclasses may use this path #in order to package the image in _stage_final_image(). # #Note, this directory does not exist before ImageCreator.mount() is called. # #Note also, this is a read-only attribute. _image = property(__get_image) def __get_blocksize(self): return self.__blocksize def __set_blocksize(self, val): if self._instloops: raise CreatorError("_blocksize must be set before calling mount()") try: self.__blocksize = int(val) except ValueError: raise CreatorError("'%s' is not a valid integer value " "for _blocksize" % val) #The block size used by the image's filesystem. # #This is the block size used when creating the filesystem image. Subclasses #may change this if they wish to use something other than a 4k block size. # #Note, this attribute may only be set before calling mount(). _blocksize = property(__get_blocksize, __set_blocksize) def __get_fstype(self): return self.__fstype def __set_fstype(self, val): if val != "ext2" and val != "ext3": raise CreatorError("Unknown _fstype '%s' supplied" % val) self.__fstype = val #The type of filesystem used for the image. # #This is the filesystem type used when creating the filesystem image. #Subclasses may change this if they wish to use something other ext3. # #Note, only ext2 and ext3 are currently supported. # #Note also, this attribute may only be set before calling mount(). _fstype = property(__get_fstype, __set_fstype) def __get_fsopts(self): return self.__fsopts def __set_fsopts(self, val): self.__fsopts = val #Mount options of filesystem used for the image. # #This can be specified by --fsoptions="xxx,yyy" in part command in #kickstart file. _fsopts = property(__get_fsopts, __set_fsopts) # # Helpers for subclasses # def _resparse(self, size=None): """Rebuild the filesystem image to be as sparse as possible. This method should be used by subclasses when staging the final image in order to reduce the actual space taken up by the sparse image file to be as little as possible. This is done by resizing the filesystem to the minimal size (thereby eliminating any space taken up by deleted files) and then resizing it back to the supplied size. size -- the size in, in bytes, which the filesystem image should be resized to after it has been minimized; this defaults to None, causing the original size specified by the kickstart file to be used (or 4GiB if not specified in the kickstart). """ minsize = 0 for item in self._instloops: if item['name'] == self._img_name: minsize = item['loop'].resparse(size) else: item['loop'].resparse(size) return minsize def _base_on(self, base_on=None): if base_on and self._image != base_on: shutil.copyfile(base_on, self._image) def _check_imgdir(self): if self.__imgdir is None: self.__imgdir = self._mkdtemp() # # Actual implementation # def _mount_instroot(self, base_on=None): if base_on and os.path.isfile(base_on): self.__imgdir = os.path.dirname(base_on) imgname = os.path.basename(base_on) self._base_on(base_on) self._set_image_size(misc.get_file_size(self._image)) # here, self._instloops must be [] self._instloops.append({ "mountpoint": "/", "label": self.name, "name": imgname, "size": self.__image_size or 4096L, "fstype": self.__fstype or "ext3", "extopts": None, "loop": None }) self._check_imgdir() for loop in self._instloops: fstype = loop['fstype'] mp = os.path.join(self._instroot, loop['mountpoint'].lstrip('/')) size = loop['size'] * 1024L * 1024L imgname = loop['name'] if fstype in ("ext2", "ext3", "ext4"): MyDiskMount = fs.ExtDiskMount elif fstype == "btrfs": MyDiskMount = fs.BtrfsDiskMount elif fstype in ("vfat", "msdos"): MyDiskMount = fs.VfatDiskMount else: msger.error('Cannot support fstype: %s' % fstype) loop['loop'] = MyDiskMount(fs.SparseLoopbackDisk( os.path.join(self.__imgdir, imgname), size), mp, fstype, self._blocksize, loop['label']) if fstype in ("ext2", "ext3", "ext4"): loop['loop'].extopts = loop['extopts'] try: msger.verbose('Mounting image "%s" on "%s"' % (imgname, mp)) fs.makedirs(mp) loop['loop'].mount() except MountError, e: raise def _unmount_instroot(self): for item in reversed(self._instloops): try: item['loop'].cleanup() except: pass def _stage_final_image(self): if self.pack_to or self.shrink_image: self._resparse(0) else: self._resparse() for item in self._instloops: imgfile = os.path.join(self.__imgdir, item['name']) if item['fstype'] == "ext4": runner.show('/sbin/tune2fs -O ^huge_file,extents,uninit_bg %s ' % imgfile) if self.compress_image: misc.compressing(imgfile, self.compress_image) if not self.pack_to: for item in os.listdir(self.__imgdir): shutil.move(os.path.join(self.__imgdir, item), os.path.join(self._outdir, item)) else: msger.info("Pack all loop images together to %s" % self.pack_to) dstfile = os.path.join(self._outdir, self.pack_to) misc.packing(dstfile, self.__imgdir) if self.pack_to: mountfp_xml = os.path.splitext(self.pack_to)[0] mountfp_xml = misc.strip_end(mountfp_xml, '.tar') + ".xml" else: mountfp_xml = self.name + ".xml" # save mount points mapping file to xml save_mountpoints(os.path.join(self._outdir, mountfp_xml), self._instloops, self.target_arch) def copy_attachment(self): if not hasattr(self, '_attachment') or not self._attachment: return self._check_imgdir() msger.info("Copying attachment files...") for item in self._attachment: if not os.path.exists(item): continue dpath = os.path.join(self.__imgdir, os.path.basename(item)) msger.verbose("Copy attachment %s to %s" % (item, dpath)) shutil.copy(item, dpath)