SUMMARY = "The shared library for the S-Lang extension language" DESCRIPTION = "S-Lang is an interpreted language and a programming library. The \ S-Lang language was designed so that it can be easily embedded into \ a program to provide the program with a powerful extension language. \ The S-Lang library, provided in this package, provides the S-Lang \ extension language. S-Lang's syntax resembles C, which makes it easy \ to recode S-Lang procedures in C if you need to." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "libs" DEPENDS = "pcre" PR = "r12" LICENSE = "GPLv2" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=a52a18a472d4f7e45479b06563717c02" SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.bz2 \ file://rpathfix.patch \ file://fix-check-pcre.patch \ file://change-char-type-to-signed-char-in-macros.patch \ file://sprintf-bug-concerning-8-bit-characters.patch \ file://slang-fix-the-iconv-existence-checking.patch \ " inherit autotools-brokensep CLEANBROKEN = "1" SRC_URI[md5sum] = "7fcfd447e378f07dd0c0bae671fe6487" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "9a8257a9a2a55099af858b13338dc8f3a06dd2069f46f0df2c9c3bb84a01d5db" EXTRA_OECONF += " --without-z --without-png --without-onig --x-includes=${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/usr/include/X11 --x-libraries=${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/usr/lib" do_configure_prepend() { # slang keeps and rest of autoconf files in autoconf/ directory # we have to go there to be able to run gnu-configize cause it expects configure.{in,ac} # to be present. Resulting files land in autoconf/autoconf/ so we need to move them. cd ${S}/autoconf && gnu-configize --force && mv autoconf/config.* . cd ${B} } do_install() { oe_runmake install DESTDIR=${D} -e 'INST_LIB_DIR=${STAGING_DIR_HOST}/usr/lib' } FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/${BPN}/v2/modules/ ${datadir}/slsh/" FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${libdir}/${BPN}/v2/modules/.debug" PARALLEL_MAKE = "" BBCLASSEXTEND = "native"