require go-${PV}.inc require export GO_TARGET_INSTALL = "cmd" export GO_FLAGS = "-a" export CC_FOR_TARGET = "${CC}" export CXX_FOR_TARGET = "${CXX}" export GOBUILDMODE="" do_compile() { export GOBIN="${B}/bin" export TMPDIR="$GOTMPDIR" export CC=$BUILD_CC cd src ./make.bash cd ${B} } # Add pie to GOBUILDMODE to satisfy "textrel" QA checking, but mips # doesn't support -buildmode=pie, so skip the QA checking for mips and its # variants. python() { if 'mips' in d.getVar('TARGET_ARCH'): d.appendVar('INSANE_SKIP_%s' % d.getVar('PN'), " textrel") else: d.setVar('GOBUILDMODE', 'pie') }