SUMMARY = "helper tools for all init systems" DESCRIPTION = "This package contains helper tools that are necessary for switching between \ the various init systems that Debian contains (e. g. sysvinit or \ systemd). An example is deb-systemd-helper, a script that enables systemd unit \ files without depending on a running systemd. \ \ It also includes the \"service\", \"invoke-rc.d\", and \"update-rc.d\" scripts which \ provide an abstraction for enabling, disabling, starting, and stopping \ services for all supported Debian init systems as specified by the policy. \ \ While this package is maintained by pkg-systemd-maintainers, it is NOT \ specific to systemd at all. Maintainers of other init systems are welcome to \ include their helpers in this package." HOMEPAGE = "" SECTION = "base" LICENSE = "BSD-3-Clause & GPLv2" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://debian/copyright;md5=ee2b1830fcfead84d07bc060ec43e072" DEPENDS = "perl" SRCREV = "760c625ec0e1ffebec2e391d891d389da0f65726" SRC_URI = "git://" S = "${WORKDIR}/git" do_configure[noexec] = "1" do_compile[noexec] = "1" do_install() { install -d -m 0755 ${D}${sbindir} install -m 0755 ${S}/script/invoke-rc.d ${D}${sbindir} install -m 0755 ${S}/script/service ${D}${sbindir} install -m 0755 ${S}/script/update-rc.d ${D}${sbindir} } PACKAGES += "${PN}-invoke-rc.d ${PN}-service ${PN}-update-rc.d" FILES_${PN} = "" FILES_${PN}-invoke-rc.d = "${sbindir}/invoke-rc.d" FILES_${PN}-service = "${sbindir}/service" FILES_${PN}-update-rc.d = "${sbindir}/update-rc.d" ALLOW_EMPTY_${PN} = "1" RDEPENDS_${PN}-update-rc.d = "perl" RRECOMMENDS_${PN} += "${PN}-invoke-rc.d ${PN}-service ${PN}-update-rc.d"