from oeqa.selftest.base import oeSelfTest from oeqa.utils.commands import bitbake, get_bb_vars import subprocess, os import oe.path class VersionOrdering(oeSelfTest): # version1, version2, sort order tests = ( ("1.0", "1.0", 0), ("1.0", "2.0", -1), ("2.0", "1.0", 1), ("2.0-rc", "2.0", 1), ("2.0~rc", "2.0", -1), ("1.2rc2", "1.2.0", -1) ) @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): # Build the tools we need and populate a sysroot bitbake("dpkg-native opkg-native rpm-native python3-native") bitbake("build-sysroots -c build_native_sysroot") # Get the paths so we can point into the sysroot correctly vars = get_bb_vars(["STAGING_DIR", "BUILD_ARCH", "bindir_native", "libdir_native"]) cls.staging = oe.path.join(vars["STAGING_DIR"], vars["BUILD_ARCH"]) cls.bindir = oe.path.join(cls.staging, vars["bindir_native"]) cls.libdir = oe.path.join(cls.staging, vars["libdir_native"]) def setUp(self): # Just for convenience self.staging = type(self).staging self.bindir = type(self).bindir self.libdir = type(self).libdir def test_dpkg(self): for ver1, ver2, sort in self.tests: op = { -1: "<<", 0: "=", 1: ">>" }[sort] status =, "dpkg"), "--compare-versions", ver1, op, ver2)) self.assertEqual(status, 0, "%s %s %s failed" % (ver1, op, ver2)) # Now do it again but with incorrect operations op = { -1: ">>", 0: ">>", 1: "<<" }[sort] status =, "dpkg"), "--compare-versions", ver1, op, ver2)) self.assertNotEqual(status, 0, "%s %s %s failed" % (ver1, op, ver2)) # Now do it again but with incorrect operations op = { -1: "=", 0: "<<", 1: "=" }[sort] status =, "dpkg"), "--compare-versions", ver1, op, ver2)) self.assertNotEqual(status, 0, "%s %s %s failed" % (ver1, op, ver2)) def test_opkg(self): for ver1, ver2, sort in self.tests: op = { -1: "<<", 0: "=", 1: ">>" }[sort] status =, "opkg"), "compare-versions", ver1, op, ver2)) self.assertEqual(status, 0, "%s %s %s failed" % (ver1, op, ver2)) # Now do it again but with incorrect operations op = { -1: ">>", 0: ">>", 1: "<<" }[sort] status =, "opkg"), "compare-versions", ver1, op, ver2)) self.assertNotEqual(status, 0, "%s %s %s failed" % (ver1, op, ver2)) # Now do it again but with incorrect operations op = { -1: "=", 0: "<<", 1: "=" }[sort] status =, "opkg"), "compare-versions", ver1, op, ver2)) self.assertNotEqual(status, 0, "%s %s %s failed" % (ver1, op, ver2)) def test_rpm(self): # Need to tell the Python bindings where to find its configuration env = os.environ.copy() env["RPM_CONFIGDIR"] = oe.path.join(self.libdir, "rpm") for ver1, ver2, sort in self.tests: # The only way to test rpm is via the Python module, so we need to # execute python3-native. labelCompare returns -1/0/1 (like strcmp) # so add 100 and use that as the exit code. command = (oe.path.join(self.bindir, "python3-native", "python3"), "-c", "import sys, rpm; v1=(None, \"%s\", None); v2=(None, \"%s\", None); sys.exit(rpm.labelCompare(v1, v2) + 100)" % (ver1, ver2)) status =, env=env) self.assertIn(status, (99, 100, 101)) self.assertEqual(status - 100, sort, "%s %s (%d) failed" % (ver1, ver2, sort))