inherit python3-dir PYTHON="${STAGING_BINDIR_NATIVE}/python3-native/python3" # PYTHON_EXECUTABLE is used by cmake PYTHON_EXECUTABLE="${PYTHON}" EXTRANATIVEPATH += "python3-native" DEPENDS_append = " python3-native " # python-config and other scripts are using distutils modules # which we patch to access these variables export STAGING_INCDIR export STAGING_LIBDIR # Packages can use # find_package(PythonInterp REQUIRED) # find_package(PythonLibs REQUIRED) # which ends up using libs/includes from build host # Therefore pre-empt that effort export PYTHON_LIBRARY="${STAGING_LIBDIR}/lib${PYTHON_DIR}${PYTHON_ABI}.so" export PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR="${STAGING_INCDIR}/${PYTHON_DIR}${PYTHON_ABI}" export _PYTHON_SYSCONFIGDATA_NAME="_sysconfigdata" # suppress host user's site-packages dirs. export PYTHONNOUSERSITE = "1" # autoconf macros will use their internal default preference otherwise export PYTHON