#!/usr/bin/env python # Update layer index database for a single layer # # Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Intel Corporation # Author: Paul Eggleton # # Licensed under the MIT license, see COPYING.MIT for details import sys import os import optparse import logging from datetime import datetime import re import tempfile import shutil from distutils.version import LooseVersion import itertools import utils import recipeparse import layerconfparse import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) logger = utils.logger_create('LayerIndexUpdate') # Ensure PythonGit is installed (buildhistory_analysis needs it) try: import git except ImportError: logger.error("Please install PythonGit 0.3.1 or later in order to use this script") sys.exit(1) class DryRunRollbackException(Exception): pass def check_machine_conf(path, subdir_start): subpath = path[len(subdir_start):] res = conf_re.match(subpath) if res: return res.group(1) return None def split_recipe_fn(path): splitfn = os.path.basename(path).split('.bb')[0].split('_', 2) pn = splitfn[0] if len(splitfn) > 1: pv = splitfn[1] else: pv = "1.0" return (pn, pv) patch_status_re = re.compile(r"^[\t ]*(Upstream[-_ ]Status:?)[\t ]*(\w+)([\t ]+.*)?", re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) def collect_patch(recipe, patchfn, layerdir_start): from django.db import DatabaseError from layerindex.models import Patch patchrec = Patch() patchrec.recipe = recipe patchrec.path = os.path.relpath(patchfn, layerdir_start) patchrec.src_path = os.path.relpath(patchrec.path, recipe.filepath) try: for encoding in ['utf-8', 'latin-1']: try: with open(patchfn, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith('Index: ') or line.startswith('diff -') or line.startswith('+++ '): break res = patch_status_re.match(line) if res: status = res.group(2).lower() for key, value in dict(Patch.PATCH_STATUS_CHOICES).items(): if status == value.lower(): patchrec.status = key if res.group(3): patchrec.status_extra = res.group(3).strip() break else: logger.warn('Invalid upstream status in %s: %s' % (patchfn, line)) except UnicodeDecodeError: continue break else: logger.error('Unable to find suitable encoding to read patch %s' % patchfn) patchrec.save() except DatabaseError: raise except Exception as e: logger.error("Unable to read patch %s: %s", patchfn, str(e)) patchrec.save() def collect_patches(recipe, envdata, layerdir_start): from layerindex.models import Patch try: import oe.recipeutils except ImportError: logger.warn('Failed to find lib/oe/recipeutils.py in layers - patches will not be imported') return Patch.objects.filter(recipe=recipe).delete() patches = oe.recipeutils.get_recipe_patches(envdata) for patch in patches: if not patch.startswith(layerdir_start): # Likely a remote patch, skip it continue collect_patch(recipe, patch, layerdir_start) def update_recipe_file(tinfoil, data, path, recipe, layerdir_start, repodir, skip_patches=False): from django.db import DatabaseError fn = str(os.path.join(path, recipe.filename)) from layerindex.models import PackageConfig, StaticBuildDep, DynamicBuildDep, Source, Patch try: logger.debug('Updating recipe %s' % fn) if hasattr(tinfoil, 'parse_recipe_file'): envdata = tinfoil.parse_recipe_file(fn, appends=False, config_data=data) else: envdata = bb.cache.Cache.loadDataFull(fn, [], data) envdata.setVar('SRCPV', 'X') recipe.pn = envdata.getVar("PN", True) recipe.pv = envdata.getVar("PV", True) recipe.summary = envdata.getVar("SUMMARY", True) recipe.description = envdata.getVar("DESCRIPTION", True) recipe.section = envdata.getVar("SECTION", True) recipe.license = envdata.getVar("LICENSE", True) recipe.homepage = envdata.getVar("HOMEPAGE", True) recipe.bugtracker = envdata.getVar("BUGTRACKER", True) or "" recipe.provides = envdata.getVar("PROVIDES", True) or "" recipe.bbclassextend = envdata.getVar("BBCLASSEXTEND", True) or "" # Handle recipe inherits for this recipe gr = set(data.getVar("__inherit_cache", True) or []) lr = set(envdata.getVar("__inherit_cache", True) or []) recipe.inherits = ' '.join(sorted({os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(r))[0] for r in lr if r not in gr})) recipe.blacklisted = envdata.getVarFlag('PNBLACKLIST', recipe.pn, True) or "" recipe.save() # Handle static build dependencies for this recipe static_dependencies = envdata.getVar("DEPENDS", True) or "" for dep in static_dependencies.split(): static_build_dependency, created = StaticBuildDep.objects.get_or_create(name=dep) if created: static_build_dependency.save() static_build_dependency.recipes.add(recipe) # Handle sources old_urls = list(recipe.source_set.values_list('url', flat=True)) for url in (envdata.getVar('SRC_URI', True) or '').split(): if not url.startswith('file://'): url = url.split(';')[0] if url in old_urls: old_urls.remove(url) else: src = Source(recipe=recipe, url=url) src.save() for url in old_urls: recipe.source_set.filter(url=url).delete() # Handle the PACKAGECONFIG variables for this recipe PackageConfig.objects.filter(recipe=recipe).delete() package_config_VarFlags = envdata.getVarFlags("PACKAGECONFIG") for key, value in package_config_VarFlags.items(): if key == "doc": continue package_config = PackageConfig() package_config.feature = key package_config.recipe = recipe package_config_vals = value.split(",") try: package_config.build_deps = package_config_vals[2] except IndexError: pass try: package_config.with_option = package_config_vals[0] except IndexError: pass try: package_config.without_option = package_config_vals[1] except IndexError: pass package_config.save() # Handle the dynamic dependencies for the PACKAGECONFIG variable if package_config.build_deps: for dep in package_config.build_deps.split(): dynamic_build_dependency, created = DynamicBuildDep.objects.get_or_create(name=dep) if created: dynamic_build_dependency.save() dynamic_build_dependency.package_configs.add(package_config) dynamic_build_dependency.recipes.add(recipe) if not skip_patches: # Handle patches collect_patches(recipe, envdata, layerdir_start) # Get file dependencies within this layer deps = envdata.getVar('__depends', True) filedeps = [] for depstr, date in deps: found = False if depstr.startswith(layerdir_start) and not depstr.endswith('/conf/layer.conf'): filedeps.append(os.path.relpath(depstr, repodir)) from layerindex.models import RecipeFileDependency recipedeps_delete = [] recipedeps = RecipeFileDependency.objects.filter(recipe=recipe) for values in recipedeps.values('path'): if 'path' in values: recipedeps_delete.append(values['path']) for filedep in filedeps: if filedep in recipedeps_delete: recipedeps_delete.remove(filedep) continue # New item, add it... recipedep = RecipeFileDependency() recipedep.layerbranch = recipe.layerbranch recipedep.recipe = recipe recipedep.path = filedep recipedep.save() for filedep in recipedeps_delete: logger.debug('%s: removing %s' % (recipe.layerbranch, filedep)) recipedeps.filter(path=filedep).delete() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except DatabaseError: raise except BaseException as e: if not recipe.pn: recipe.pn = recipe.filename[:-3].split('_')[0] logger.error("Unable to read %s: %s", fn, str(e)) def update_machine_conf_file(path, machine): logger.debug('Updating machine %s' % path) desc = "" with open(path, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('#@NAME:'): desc = line[7:].strip() if line.startswith('#@DESCRIPTION:'): desc = line[14:].strip() desc = re.sub(r'Machine configuration for( running)*( an)*( the)*', '', desc) break machine.description = desc def update_distro_conf_file(path, distro, d): logger.debug('Updating distro %s' % path) desc = "" with open(path, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('#@NAME:'): desc = line[7:].strip() if line.startswith('#@DESCRIPTION:'): desc = line[14:].strip() desc = re.sub(r'Distribution configuration for( running)*( an)*( the)*', '', desc) break distro_name = '' try: d = utils.parse_conf(path, d) distro_name = d.getVar('DISTRO_NAME', True) except Exception as e: logger.warn('Error parsing distro configuration file %s: %s' % (path, str(e))) if distro_name: distro.description = distro_name else: distro.description = desc def main(): if LooseVersion(git.__version__) < '0.3.1': logger.error("Version of GitPython is too old, please install GitPython (python-git) 0.3.1 or later in order to use this script") sys.exit(1) parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage = """ %prog [options]""") parser.add_option("-b", "--branch", help = "Specify branch to update", action="store", dest="branch", default='master') parser.add_option("-l", "--layer", help = "Layer to update", action="store", dest="layer") parser.add_option("-r", "--reload", help = "Reload recipe data instead of updating since last update", action="store_true", dest="reload") parser.add_option("", "--fullreload", help = "Discard existing recipe data and fetch it from scratch", action="store_true", dest="fullreload") parser.add_option("-n", "--dry-run", help = "Don't write any data back to the database", action="store_true", dest="dryrun") parser.add_option("", "--nocheckout", help = "Don't check out branches", action="store_true", dest="nocheckout") parser.add_option("-i", "--initial", help = "Print initial values parsed from layer.conf only", action="store_true") parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", help = "Enable debug output", action="store_const", const=logging.DEBUG, dest="loglevel", default=logging.INFO) parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", help = "Hide all output except error messages", action="store_const", const=logging.ERROR, dest="loglevel") parser.add_option("", "--keep-temp", help = "Preserve temporary directory at the end instead of deleting it", action="store_true") options, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv) if len(args) > 1: logger.error('unexpected argument "%s"' % args[1]) parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if options.fullreload: options.reload = True utils.setup_django() import settings from layerindex.models import LayerItem, LayerBranch, Recipe, RecipeFileDependency, Machine, Distro, BBAppend, BBClass from django.db import transaction logger.setLevel(options.loglevel) branch = utils.get_branch(options.branch) if not branch: logger.error("Specified branch %s is not valid" % options.branch) sys.exit(1) fetchdir = settings.LAYER_FETCH_DIR if not fetchdir: logger.error("Please set LAYER_FETCH_DIR in settings.py") sys.exit(1) bitbakepath = os.path.join(fetchdir, 'bitbake') layer = utils.get_layer(options.layer) urldir = layer.get_fetch_dir() repodir = os.path.join(fetchdir, urldir) layerbranch = layer.get_layerbranch(options.branch) branchname = options.branch branchdesc = options.branch if layerbranch: if layerbranch.actual_branch: branchname = layerbranch.actual_branch branchdesc = "%s (%s)" % (options.branch, branchname) # Collect repo info repo = git.Repo(repodir) assert repo.bare == False if options.nocheckout: topcommit = repo.commit('HEAD') else: topcommit = repo.commit('origin/%s' % branchname) tinfoil = None tempdir = None try: with transaction.atomic(): newbranch = False if not layerbranch: # LayerBranch doesn't exist for this branch, create it newbranch = True layerbranch = LayerBranch() layerbranch.layer = layer layerbranch.branch = branch layerbranch_source = layer.get_layerbranch(branch) if not layerbranch_source: layerbranch_source = layer.get_layerbranch(None) if layerbranch_source: layerbranch.vcs_subdir = layerbranch_source.vcs_subdir layerbranch.save() if layerbranch_source: for maintainer in layerbranch_source.layermaintainer_set.all(): maintainer.pk = None maintainer.id = None maintainer.layerbranch = layerbranch maintainer.save() if layerbranch.vcs_subdir and not options.nocheckout: # Find latest commit in subdirectory # A bit odd to do it this way but apparently there's no other way in the GitPython API topcommit = next(repo.iter_commits('origin/%s' % branchname, paths=layerbranch.vcs_subdir), None) layerdir = os.path.join(repodir, layerbranch.vcs_subdir) layerdir_start = os.path.normpath(layerdir) + os.sep layerrecipes = Recipe.objects.filter(layerbranch=layerbranch) layermachines = Machine.objects.filter(layerbranch=layerbranch) layerdistros = Distro.objects.filter(layerbranch=layerbranch) layerappends = BBAppend.objects.filter(layerbranch=layerbranch) layerclasses = BBClass.objects.filter(layerbranch=layerbranch) if layerbranch.vcs_last_rev != topcommit.hexsha or options.reload or options.initial: # Check out appropriate branch if not options.nocheckout: utils.checkout_layer_branch(layerbranch, repodir, logger=logger) logger.info("Collecting data for layer %s on branch %s" % (layer.name, branchdesc)) try: (tinfoil, tempdir) = recipeparse.init_parser(settings, branch, bitbakepath, nocheckout=options.nocheckout, logger=logger) except recipeparse.RecipeParseError as e: logger.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1) logger.debug('Using temp directory %s' % tempdir) # Clear the default value of SUMMARY so that we can use DESCRIPTION instead if it hasn't been set tinfoil.config_data.setVar('SUMMARY', '') # Clear the default value of DESCRIPTION so that we can see where it's not set tinfoil.config_data.setVar('DESCRIPTION', '') # Clear the default value of HOMEPAGE ('unknown') tinfoil.config_data.setVar('HOMEPAGE', '') # Set a blank value for LICENSE so that it doesn't cause the parser to die (e.g. with meta-ti - # why won't they just fix that?!) tinfoil.config_data.setVar('LICENSE', '') # Set up for recording patch info utils.setup_core_layer_sys_path(settings, branch.name) skip_patches = False try: import oe.recipeutils except ImportError: logger.warn('Failed to find lib/oe/recipeutils.py in layers - patch information will not be collected') skip_patches = True layerconfparser = layerconfparse.LayerConfParse(logger=logger, tinfoil=tinfoil) layer_config_data = layerconfparser.parse_layer(layerdir) if not layer_config_data: logger.info("Skipping update of layer %s for branch %s - conf/layer.conf may have parse issues" % (layer.name, branchdesc)) layerconfparser.shutdown() sys.exit(1) utils.set_layerbranch_collection_version(layerbranch, layer_config_data, logger=logger) if options.initial: # Use print() rather than logger.info() since "-q" makes it print nothing. for i in ["BBFILE_COLLECTIONS", "LAYERVERSION", "LAYERDEPENDS", "LAYERRECOMMENDS"]: print('%s = "%s"' % (i, utils.get_layer_var(layer_config_data, i, logger))) sys.exit(0) utils.add_dependencies(layerbranch, layer_config_data, logger=logger) utils.add_recommends(layerbranch, layer_config_data, logger=logger) layerbranch.save() try: config_data_copy = recipeparse.setup_layer(tinfoil.config_data, fetchdir, layerdir, layer, layerbranch) except recipeparse.RecipeParseError as e: logger.error(str(e)) sys.exit(1) if layerbranch.vcs_last_rev and not options.reload: try: diff = repo.commit(layerbranch.vcs_last_rev).diff(topcommit) except Exception as e: logger.warn("Unable to get diff from last commit hash for layer %s - falling back to slow update: %s" % (layer.name, str(e))) diff = None else: diff = None # We handle recipes specially to try to preserve the same id # when recipe upgrades happen (so that if a user bookmarks a # recipe page it remains valid) layerrecipes_delete = [] layerrecipes_add = [] # Check if any paths should be ignored because there are layers within this layer removedirs = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(layerdir): for diritem in dirs: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, diritem, 'conf', 'layer.conf')): removedirs.append(os.path.join(root, diritem) + os.sep) if diff: # Apply git changes to existing recipe list if layerbranch.vcs_subdir: subdir_start = os.path.normpath(layerbranch.vcs_subdir) + os.sep else: subdir_start = "" updatedrecipes = set() dirtyrecipes = set() other_deletes = [] other_adds = [] for diffitem in diff.iter_change_type('R'): oldpath = diffitem.a_blob.path newpath = diffitem.b_blob.path skip = False for removedir in removedirs: # FIXME what about files moved into removedirs? if oldpath.startswith(removedir): skip = True break if skip: continue if oldpath.startswith(subdir_start): (oldtypename, oldfilepath, oldfilename) = recipeparse.detect_file_type(oldpath, subdir_start) (newtypename, newfilepath, newfilename) = recipeparse.detect_file_type(newpath, subdir_start) if oldtypename != newtypename: # This is most likely to be a .inc file renamed to a .bb - and since # there may be another recipe deleted at the same time we probably want # to consider that, so just treat it as a delete and an add logger.debug("Treating rename of %s to %s as a delete and add (since type changed)" % (oldpath, newpath)) other_deletes.append(diffitem) other_adds.append(diffitem) elif oldtypename == 'recipe': results = layerrecipes.filter(filepath=oldfilepath).filter(filename=oldfilename) if len(results): recipe = results[0] logger.debug("Rename recipe %s to %s" % (recipe, newpath)) recipe.filepath = newfilepath recipe.filename = newfilename recipe.save() update_recipe_file(tinfoil, config_data_copy, os.path.join(layerdir, newfilepath), recipe, layerdir_start, repodir, skip_patches) updatedrecipes.add(os.path.join(oldfilepath, oldfilename)) updatedrecipes.add(os.path.join(newfilepath, newfilename)) else: logger.warn("Renamed recipe %s could not be found" % oldpath) other_adds.append(diffitem) elif oldtypename == 'bbappend': results = layerappends.filter(filepath=oldfilepath).filter(filename=oldfilename) if len(results): logger.debug("Rename bbappend %s to %s" % (results[0], newfilepath)) results[0].filepath = newfilepath results[0].filename = newfilename results[0].save() else: logger.warn("Renamed bbappend %s could not be found" % oldpath) other_adds.append(diffitem) elif oldtypename == 'machine': results = layermachines.filter(name=oldfilename) if len(results): logger.debug("Rename machine %s to %s" % (results[0], newfilename)) results[0].name = newfilename results[0].save() else: logger.warn("Renamed machine %s could not be found" % oldpath) other_adds.append(diffitem) elif oldtypename == 'distro': results = layerdistros.filter(name=oldfilename) if len(results): logger.debug("Rename distro %s to %s" % (results[0], newfilename)) results[0].name = newfilename results[0].save() else: logger.warn("Renamed distro %s could not be found" % oldpath) other_adds.append(diffitem) elif oldtypename == 'bbclass': results = layerclasses.filter(name=oldfilename) if len(results): logger.debug("Rename class %s to %s" % (results[0], newfilename)) results[0].name = newfilename results[0].save() else: logger.warn("Renamed class %s could not be found" % oldpath) other_adds.append(diffitem) deps = RecipeFileDependency.objects.filter(layerbranch=layerbranch).filter(path=oldpath) for dep in deps: dirtyrecipes.add(dep.recipe) for diffitem in itertools.chain(diff.iter_change_type('D'), other_deletes): path = diffitem.a_blob.path if path.startswith(subdir_start): skip = False for removedir in removedirs: if path.startswith(removedir): skip = True break if skip: continue (typename, filepath, filename) = recipeparse.detect_file_type(path, subdir_start) if typename == 'recipe': values = layerrecipes.filter(filepath=filepath).filter(filename=filename).values('id', 'filepath', 'filename', 'pn') if len(values): layerrecipes_delete.append(values[0]) logger.debug("Mark %s for deletion" % values[0]) updatedrecipes.add(os.path.join(values[0]['filepath'], values[0]['filename'])) else: logger.warn("Deleted recipe %s could not be found" % path) elif typename == 'bbappend': layerappends.filter(filepath=filepath).filter(filename=filename).delete() elif typename == 'machine': layermachines.filter(name=filename).delete() elif typename == 'distro': layerdistros.filter(name=filename).delete() elif typename == 'bbclass': layerclasses.filter(name=filename).delete() for diffitem in itertools.chain(diff.iter_change_type('A'), other_adds): path = diffitem.b_blob.path if path.startswith(subdir_start): skip = False for removedir in removedirs: if path.startswith(removedir): skip = True break if skip: continue (typename, filepath, filename) = recipeparse.detect_file_type(path, subdir_start) if typename == 'recipe': layerrecipes_add.append(os.path.join(repodir, path)) logger.debug("Mark %s for addition" % path) updatedrecipes.add(os.path.join(filepath, filename)) elif typename == 'bbappend': append = BBAppend() append.layerbranch = layerbranch append.filename = filename append.filepath = filepath append.save() elif typename == 'machine': machine = Machine() machine.layerbranch = layerbranch machine.name = filename update_machine_conf_file(os.path.join(repodir, path), machine) machine.save() elif typename == 'distro': distro = Distro() distro.layerbranch = layerbranch distro.name = filename update_distro_conf_file(os.path.join(repodir, path), distro, config_data_copy) distro.save() elif typename == 'bbclass': bbclass = BBClass() bbclass.layerbranch = layerbranch bbclass.name = filename bbclass.save() for diffitem in diff.iter_change_type('M'): path = diffitem.a_blob.path if path.startswith(subdir_start): skip = False for removedir in removedirs: if path.startswith(removedir): skip = True break if skip: continue (typename, filepath, filename) = recipeparse.detect_file_type(path, subdir_start) if typename == 'recipe': logger.debug("Mark %s for update" % path) results = layerrecipes.filter(filepath=filepath).filter(filename=filename)[:1] if results: recipe = results[0] update_recipe_file(tinfoil, config_data_copy, os.path.join(layerdir, filepath), recipe, layerdir_start, repodir, skip_patches) recipe.save() updatedrecipes.add(recipe.full_path()) elif typename == 'machine': results = layermachines.filter(name=filename) if results: machine = results[0] update_machine_conf_file(os.path.join(repodir, path), machine) machine.save() elif typename == 'distro': results = layerdistros.filter(name=filename) if results: distro = results[0] update_distro_conf_file(os.path.join(repodir, path), distro, config_data_copy) distro.save() deps = RecipeFileDependency.objects.filter(layerbranch=layerbranch).filter(path=path) for dep in deps: dirtyrecipes.add(dep.recipe) for recipe in dirtyrecipes: if not recipe.full_path() in updatedrecipes: update_recipe_file(tinfoil, config_data_copy, os.path.join(layerdir, recipe.filepath), recipe, layerdir_start, repodir, skip_patches) else: # Collect recipe data from scratch layerrecipe_fns = [] if options.fullreload: layerrecipes.delete() else: # First, check which recipes still exist layerrecipe_values = layerrecipes.values('id', 'filepath', 'filename', 'pn') for v in layerrecipe_values: root = os.path.join(layerdir, v['filepath']) fullpath = os.path.join(root, v['filename']) preserve = True if os.path.exists(fullpath): for removedir in removedirs: if fullpath.startswith(removedir): preserve = False break else: preserve = False if preserve: # Recipe still exists, update it results = layerrecipes.filter(id=v['id'])[:1] recipe = results[0] update_recipe_file(tinfoil, config_data_copy, root, recipe, layerdir_start, repodir, skip_patches) else: # Recipe no longer exists, mark it for later on layerrecipes_delete.append(v) layerrecipe_fns.append(fullpath) layermachines.delete() layerdistros.delete() layerappends.delete() layerclasses.delete() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(layerdir): if '.git' in dirs: dirs.remove('.git') for diritem in dirs[:]: fullpath = os.path.join(root, diritem) + os.sep if fullpath in removedirs: dirs.remove(diritem) for f in files: fullpath = os.path.join(root, f) (typename, _, filename) = recipeparse.detect_file_type(fullpath, layerdir_start) if typename == 'recipe': if fullpath not in layerrecipe_fns: layerrecipes_add.append(fullpath) elif typename == 'bbappend': append = BBAppend() append.layerbranch = layerbranch append.filename = f append.filepath = os.path.relpath(root, layerdir) append.save() elif typename == 'machine': machine = Machine() machine.layerbranch = layerbranch machine.name = filename update_machine_conf_file(fullpath, machine) machine.save() elif typename == 'distro': distro = Distro() distro.layerbranch = layerbranch distro.name = filename update_distro_conf_file(fullpath, distro, config_data_copy) distro.save() elif typename == 'bbclass': bbclass = BBClass() bbclass.layerbranch = layerbranch bbclass.name = filename bbclass.save() for added in layerrecipes_add: # This is good enough without actually parsing the file (pn, pv) = split_recipe_fn(added) oldid = -1 for deleted in layerrecipes_delete: if deleted['pn'] == pn: oldid = deleted['id'] layerrecipes_delete.remove(deleted) break if oldid > -1: # Reclaim a record we would have deleted results = Recipe.objects.filter(id=oldid)[:1] recipe = results[0] logger.debug("Reclaim %s for %s %s" % (recipe, pn, pv)) else: # Create new record logger.debug("Add new recipe %s" % added) recipe = Recipe() recipe.layerbranch = layerbranch recipe.filename = os.path.basename(added) root = os.path.dirname(added) recipe.filepath = os.path.relpath(root, layerdir) update_recipe_file(tinfoil, config_data_copy, root, recipe, layerdir_start, repodir, skip_patches) recipe.save() for deleted in layerrecipes_delete: logger.debug("Delete %s" % deleted) results = Recipe.objects.filter(id=deleted['id'])[:1] recipe = results[0] recipe.delete() # Save repo info layerbranch.vcs_last_rev = topcommit.hexsha layerbranch.vcs_last_commit = datetime.fromtimestamp(topcommit.committed_date) else: logger.info("Layer %s is already up-to-date for branch %s" % (layer.name, branchdesc)) layerbranch.vcs_last_fetch = datetime.now() layerbranch.save() if options.dryrun: raise DryRunRollbackException() except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warn("Update interrupted, changes to %s rolled back" % layer.name) sys.exit(254) except SystemExit: raise except DryRunRollbackException: pass except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() finally: if tinfoil and (LooseVersion(bb.__version__) > LooseVersion("1.27")): tinfoil.shutdown() if tempdir: if options.keep_temp: logger.debug('Preserving temp directory %s' % tempdir) else: logger.debug('Deleting temp directory') shutil.rmtree(tempdir) sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()