# layerindex-web - form definitions # # Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation # # Licensed under the MIT license, see COPYING.MIT for details from collections import OrderedDict from layerindex.models import LayerItem, LayerBranch, LayerMaintainer, LayerNote, RecipeChangeset, RecipeChange, ClassicRecipe from django import forms from django.core.validators import URLValidator, RegexValidator, EmailValidator from django.forms.models import inlineformset_factory, modelformset_factory from captcha.fields import CaptchaField from django.contrib.auth.models import User import re import settings class LayerMaintainerForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = LayerMaintainer fields = ('name', 'email', 'responsibility', 'status') def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LayerMaintainerForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not self.instance.pk: del self.fields['status'] def clean_email(self): email = self.cleaned_data['email'].strip() if email: if len(email) < 7: raise forms.ValidationError('%s is not a valid email address' % email) val = EmailValidator() val(email) return email class BaseLayerMaintainerFormSet(forms.models.BaseInlineFormSet): def _construct_form(self, i, **kwargs): f = super(BaseLayerMaintainerFormSet, self)._construct_form(i, **kwargs) # Ensure the first form in the formset gets filled in if i == 0: f.empty_permitted = False f.required = True return f LayerMaintainerFormSet = inlineformset_factory(LayerBranch, LayerMaintainer, form=LayerMaintainerForm, formset=BaseLayerMaintainerFormSet, can_delete=False, extra=10, max_num=10) class EditLayerForm(forms.ModelForm): # Additional form fields vcs_subdir = forms.CharField(label='Repository subdirectory', max_length=40, required=False, help_text='Subdirectory within the repository where the layer is located, if not in the root (usually only used if the repository contains more than one layer)') deps = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(label='Other layers this layer depends upon', queryset=LayerItem.objects.filter(classic=False), required=False) captcha = CaptchaField(label='Verification', help_text='Please enter the letters displayed for verification purposes', error_messages={'invalid':'Incorrect entry, please try again'}) class Meta: model = LayerItem fields = ('name', 'layer_type', 'summary', 'description', 'vcs_url', 'vcs_web_url', 'vcs_web_tree_base_url', 'vcs_web_file_base_url', 'usage_url', 'mailing_list_url') def __init__(self, user, layerbranch, *args, **kwargs): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.layerbranch = layerbranch if self.instance.pk: self.fields['deps'].initial = [d.dependency.pk for d in self.layerbranch.dependencies_set.all()] del self.fields['captcha'] else: self.fields['deps'].initial = [l.pk for l in LayerItem.objects.filter(name=settings.CORE_LAYER_NAME)] if user.is_authenticated(): del self.fields['captcha'] # Ensure repo subdir appears after repo URL field_order = list(self.fields.keys()) field_order.pop(field_order.index('vcs_subdir')) name_pos = field_order.index('vcs_url') + 1 field_order.insert(name_pos, 'vcs_subdir') new_fields = OrderedDict() for field in field_order: new_fields[field] = self.fields[field] self.fields = new_fields self.fields['vcs_subdir'].initial = layerbranch.vcs_subdir self.was_saved = False def checked_deps(self): val = [int(v) for v in self['deps'].value()] return val def clean_name(self): name = self.cleaned_data['name'].strip() if re.compile(r'[^a-z0-9-]').search(name): raise forms.ValidationError("Name must only contain alphanumeric characters and dashes") if name.startswith('-'): raise forms.ValidationError("Name must not start with a dash") if name.endswith('-'): raise forms.ValidationError("Name must not end with a dash") if '--' in name: raise forms.ValidationError("Name cannot contain consecutive dashes") return name def clean_summary(self): # Compress whitespace and use only spaces summary = self.cleaned_data['summary'].strip() summary = re.sub('\s+', ' ', summary) return summary def clean_description(self): description = self.cleaned_data['description'].strip() return description def clean_vcs_url(self): url = self.cleaned_data['vcs_url'].strip() val = RegexValidator(regex=r'[a-z]+://.*', message='Please enter a valid repository URL, e.g. git://server.name/path') val(url) return url def clean_vcs_subdir(self): subdir = self.cleaned_data['vcs_subdir'].strip() if subdir.endswith('/'): subdir = subdir[:-1] return subdir def clean_vcs_web_tree_base_url(self): url = self.cleaned_data['vcs_web_tree_base_url'].strip() if url: val = URLValidator() val(url) return url def clean_vcs_web_file_base_url(self): url = self.cleaned_data['vcs_web_file_base_url'].strip() if url: val = URLValidator() val(url) return url def clean_usage_url(self): usage = self.cleaned_data['usage_url'].strip() if usage.startswith('http'): val = URLValidator() val(usage) return usage class EditNoteForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = LayerNote fields = ('text',) def clean_text(self): text = self.cleaned_data['text'].strip() return text class EditProfileForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = User fields = ('first_name', 'last_name', 'email') class ClassicRecipeForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = ClassicRecipe fields = ('cover_layerbranch', 'cover_pn', 'cover_status', 'cover_verified', 'cover_comment', 'classic_category') class AdvancedRecipeSearchForm(forms.Form): FIELD_CHOICES = ( ('pn', 'Name'), ('summary', 'Summary'), ('description', 'Description'), ('homepage', 'Homepage'), ('bugtracker', 'Bug tracker'), ('section', 'Section'), ('license', 'License'), ) MATCH_TYPE_CHOICES = ( ('C', 'contains'), ('N', 'does not contain'), ('E', 'equals'), ('B', 'is blank'), ) field = forms.ChoiceField(choices=FIELD_CHOICES) match_type = forms.ChoiceField(choices=MATCH_TYPE_CHOICES) value = forms.CharField(max_length=255, required=False) layer = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=LayerItem.objects.filter(classic=False).filter(status__in=['P', 'X']).order_by('name'), empty_label="(any)", required=False) class RecipeChangesetForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = RecipeChangeset fields = ('name',) class BulkChangeEditForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = RecipeChange fields = ('summary', 'description', 'homepage', 'bugtracker', 'section', 'license') BulkChangeEditFormSet = modelformset_factory(RecipeChange, form=BulkChangeEditForm, extra=0) class ClassicRecipeSearchForm(forms.Form): COVER_STATUS_CHOICES = [('','(any)'), ('!','(not migrated)')] + ClassicRecipe.COVER_STATUS_CHOICES VERIFIED_CHOICES = [ ('', '(any)'), ('1', 'Verified'), ('0', 'Unverified'), ] q = forms.CharField(label='Keyword', max_length=255, required=False) category = forms.CharField(max_length=255, required=False) cover_status = forms.ChoiceField(label='Status', choices=COVER_STATUS_CHOICES, required=False) cover_verified = forms.ChoiceField(label='Verified', choices=VERIFIED_CHOICES, required=False)