## This is set up to make a cluster of three containers. First we build two from the root of the repo. docker build -t halstead/layerindex-app . docker build -t halstead/layerindex-web -f Dockerfile.web . ## Start a database server. We use MariaDB in production. ## In order to configure your settings.py file to use this database server, use: ## 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', ## 'NAME': 'layersdb', ## 'USER': 'root', ## 'PASSWORD': 'testingpw', ## 'HOST': 'layersdb', ## 'PORT': '', docker run -d --name layerdb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=testingpw -e MYSQL_DATABASE=layersdb mariadb ## If you have a copy of the the production data now is the time to insert it. ## If not you can skip the next step for a clean install. xzcat ./layerdb.sql.xz | docker run -i --link layerdb:layersdb --rm mariadb sh -c 'exec mysql -hlayersdb -uroot -p"testingpw" layersdb' docker run -d --link layerdb:layersdb --name layersapp halstead/layerindex-app docker run -d --link layersapp:layersapp --name layersweb -p 49153:80 halstead/layerindex-web ## To apply layerindex migration docker run --rm --link layerdb:layersdb halstead/layerindex-app /opt/migrate.sh ## To update the layer info we can run the job in a temporary container. docker run --rm --link layerdb:layersdb halstead/layerindex-app /opt/updatelayers.sh