#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2016, Intel Corporation. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, # version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # # This script is a simple wrapper around the actual build performance tester # script. This script initializes the build environment, runs # oe-build-perf-test and archives the results. # # PARSE COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS # script=`basename $0` workdir=`realpath build-perf-bisect` test_method="buildtime" test_count=1 usage () { cat << EOF Usage: $script [-h] [-c COUNT] [-d DL_DIR] [-m TEST_METHOD] [-w WORKDIR] BUILD_TARGET THRESHOLD Optional arguments: -h show this help and exit. -c average over COUNT test runs (default: $test_count) -d DL_DIR to use -m test method, available options are: buildtime, buildtime2, tmpsize, esdktime, parsetime (default: $test_method) -w work directory to use EOF } while getopts "hc:d:m:w:" opt; do case $opt in h) usage exit 0 ;; c) test_count=$OPTARG ;; d) downloaddir=`realpath "$OPTARG"` ;; m) test_method="$OPTARG" ;; w) workdir=`realpath "$OPTARG"` ;; *) usage exit 255 ;; esac done shift "$((OPTIND - 1))" if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "Invalid number of positional arguments ($# instead of 2)" usage exit 255 fi # Initialize rest of variables [ -z "$downloaddir" ] && downloaddir="$workdir/downloads" timestamp=`date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"` git_rev=`git rev-parse --short HEAD` git_rev_cnt=`git rev-list --count HEAD` log_file="$workdir/bisect-${git_rev_cnt}_g${git_rev}-${timestamp}.log" buildstats_dir="$workdir/buildstats-${git_rev_cnt}_g${git_rev}-${timestamp}" # # HELPER FUNCTIONS # log () { echo "[`date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`] $@" | tee -a "$log_file" >&2 } hms_to_s () { _f1=`echo $1: | cut -d ':' -f 1` _f2=`echo $1: | cut -d ':' -f 2` _f3=`echo $1: | cut -d ':' -f 3` if echo "$_f1$_f2$_f3" | grep -q -e '[^0-9.]'; then log "invalid time stamp format: '$1'" exit 255 fi #>&2 echo "'$_f1' '$_f2' '$_f3'" if [ -z "$_f2" ]; then _s=$_f1 elif [ -z "$_f3" ]; then _s=`echo "$_f1*60 + $_f2" | bc -l` else _s=`echo "$_f1*3600 + $_f2*60 + $_f3" | bc -l` fi echo $_s } s_to_hms () { if echo "$1" | grep -q -e '[^0-9.]'; then log "not a number: '$1'" exit 255 fi _h=`echo -e "scale=0\n$1 / 3600" | bc` _m=`echo -e "scale=0\n($1 % 3600) / 60" | bc` _s=`echo "$1 % 60" | bc` if [ $_h -eq 0 ]; then printf "%d:%05.2f" $_m $_s else printf "%d:%02d:%05.2f" $_h $_m $_s fi } kib_to_gib () { echo `echo -e "scale=2\n$1 / 1024^2" | bc -l`G } raw_to_h () { case $quantity in TIME) s_to_hms $1 ;; SIZE) kib_to_gib $1 ;; *) echo "Invalid quantity '$quantity'!" exit 255 ;; esac } h_to_raw () { case $quantity in TIME) hms_to_s $1 ;; SIZE) echo "$1" ;; *) echo "Invalid quantity '$quantity'!" exit 255 ;; esac } time_cmd () { log "timing $*" /usr/bin/time -o time.log -f '%e' $@ &>> "$log_file" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "ERROR: command failed, see $log_file for details" return 255 fi secs=`cat time.log` log "command took $secs seconds (`s_to_hms $secs`)" echo $secs } run_cmd () { log "running $*" $@ &>> "$log_file" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "ERROR: command failed, see $log_file for details" return 255 fi } do_sync () { run_cmd sync || exit 255 log "dropping kernel caches" echo 3 | sudo -n -k /usr/bin/tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches > /dev/null || exit 255 sleep 2 } save_buildstats () { log "Saving buildstats" mkdir -p "$buildstats_dir" mv tmp*/buildstats/* "$buildstats_dir" } cleanup () { $cleanup_func "$@" } cleanup_default () { cd $workdir run_cmd rm -rf $builddir } # # TEST METHODS # buildtime () { log "cleaning up build directory" run_cmd rm -rf bitbake.lock conf/sanity_info cache tmp sstate-cache log "syncing and dropping caches" do_sync results+=(`time_cmd bitbake $1`) || exit 125 save_buildstats } buildtime2 () { # Pre-build to get all the deps in place _time=`time_cmd bitbake $1` || exit 125 run_cmd bitbake -c cleansstate $1 rm -rf tmp*/buildstats/* do_sync results+=(`time_cmd bitbake $1`) || exit 125 save_buildstats } cleanup_buildtime2 () { run_cmd rm -rf tmp* } tmpsize () { log "cleaning up build directory" run_cmd rm -rf bitbake.lock conf/sanity_info cache tmp sstate-cache log "syncing and dropping caches" do_sync _time=`time_cmd bitbake $1` || exit 125 results+=(`du -s tmp* | cut -f1`) || exit 255 } esdktime () { run_cmd rm -rf esdk-deploy _time=`time_cmd bitbake $1 -c populate_sdk_ext` || exit 125 esdk_installer=(tmp/deploy/sdk/*-toolchain-ext-*.sh) if [ ${#esdk_installer[@]} -gt 1 ]; then log "Found ${#esdk_installer[@]} eSDK installers" fi do_sync results+=(`time_cmd "${esdk_installer[-1]}" -y -d "esdk-deploy"`) || exit 125 } cleanup_esdktime () { run_cmd rm -rf esdk-deploy tmp* } parsetime () { run_cmd rm -rf bitbake.lock conf/sanity_info cache tmp sstate-cache do_sync results+=(`time_cmd bitbake -p`) || exit 125 } # # MAIN SCRIPT # build_target=$1 cleanup_func=cleanup_default quantity='TIME' builddir="$workdir/build-$git_rev-$timestamp" case "$test_method" in buildtime) ;; buildtime2) builddir="$workdir/build" cleanup_func=cleanup_buildtime2 ;; tmpsize) quantity="SIZE" ;; esdktime) builddir="$workdir/build" cleanup_func=cleanup_esdktime ;; parsetime) build_target="" ;; *) echo "Invalid test method $test_method" exit 255 esac threshold=`h_to_raw $2` threshold_h=`raw_to_h $threshold` trap cleanup EXIT #Initialize build environment mkdir -p $workdir . ./oe-init-build-env "$builddir" > /dev/null || exit 255 echo DL_DIR = \"$downloaddir\" >> conf/local.conf echo CONNECTIVITY_CHECK_URIS = \"\" >> conf/local.conf # Do actual build log "TESTING REVISION $git_rev (#$git_rev_cnt), AVERAGING OVER $test_count TEST RUNS" log "fetching sources" if [ -n "$build_target" ]; then run_cmd bitbake $build_target -c fetchall || exit 125 fi results=() i=0 while [ $i -lt $test_count ]; do log "TEST RUN #$i on $git_rev (#$git_rev_cnt)" $test_method $build_target i=$((i + 1)) done # Calculate average over results bc_expression="scale=2\n( `printf "%s+" ${results[@]}` 0) / ${#results[@]}" result=`echo -e "$bc_expression" | bc` result_h=`raw_to_h $result` log "Raw results: ${results[@]}" if [ `echo "$result < $threshold" | bc` -eq 1 ]; then log "OK ($git_rev): $result ($result_h) < $threshold ($threshold_h)" exit 0 else log "FAIL ($git_rev): $result ($result_h) >= $threshold ($threshold_h)" exit 1 fi