TODO: * Duplication of first maintainer when editing to add a second? * Document macros for URL fields Later: * Ability for reviewers to comment before publishing a layer? * Prevent SMTP failures from breaking submission process * All-branch search/results so you can see version availability of recipes in all branches at once? * Rawrecipes branch support * Display no-results found message when search does not return any results (all tables) * Show layer type in layer detail? * Usage links in list page? * Subdirs in list page? * Query backend service? i.e. special URL to query information for external apps/scripts * Add comparison to duplicates page * Dynamic loading/filtering for recipes list * Some way to notify the user when they search for something that has been renamed / replaced / deprecated? * Create simple script to check for unlisted layer subdirectories in all repos * Are we going to need some way of indicating forks of another layer? (would rather avoid having forks altogether...) * Auto-detect more values from github pages? * Ability for submitters to get email notification about publication?