OE Layer Index web interface ============================ This is a small Django-based web application that provides a way to manage an index of OpenEmbedded metadata layers for use on top of OE-Core. Setup ----- In order to make use of this application you will need: * A web server set up to host Django applications * A database supported by Django (SQLite, MySQL, etc.). Django takes care of creating the database itself, you just need to ensure that the database server (if not using SQLite) is configured and running. * On the machine that will run the update script (which does not have to be the same machine as the web server, however it does still have to have Django installed and have access to the database used by the web application): * Python 2.6 or Python 2.7 * A copy of BitBake and OE-Core (or Poky, which includes both) - the "danny" release or newer is required. It does not need to be configured specially nor do all of the normal pre-requisites need to be installed (it is only used for parsing recipes, not actual building). * GitPython (python-git) version 0.3.1 or later * django-registration * django-reversion * django-reversion-compare Setup instructions: 1. Edit settings.py to specify a database, EMAIL_HOST, SECRET_KEY and other settings specific to your installation. Ensure you set LAYER_FETCH_DIR to a location with sufficient space for fetching layer repositories. 2. Run the following command within the layerindex-web directory to initialise the database: python manage.py syncdb 3. You can test the web application locally by running the following: python manage.py runserver Then visit with your browser. This should only be used for testing - for production you need to use a proper web server. 4. You may wish to customise layerindex/about.html to suit your installation. Usage ----- On a regular basis you need to run the update script within an environment set up for OE-Core build: $ cd path/to/oe-core $ . ./oe-init-build-env $ path/to/layerindex/update.py This will fetch all of the layer repositories, analyse their contents and update the database with the results. Maintenance ----------- The code for this application is maintained by the Yocto Project. The latest version of the code can always be found here: http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/layerindex-web/ Contributions are welcome. Please send patches / pull requests to yocto@yoctoproject.org with '[layerindex-web]' in the subject. License ------- This application is based upon the Django project template, whose files are covered by the BSD license and are copyright (c) Django Software Foundation and individual contributors. Bundled Twitter Bootstrap is redistributed under the Apache License 2.0. Bundled jQuery is redistributed under the MIT license. Bundled uitablefilter.js is redistributed under the MIT license. All other content is copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation and licensed under the MIT license (unless otherwise noted) - see COPYING.MIT for details.