path: root/meta/recipes-graphics/xorg-proto
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2010-11-24xproto: Update to version 7.0.19Saul Wold
Signed-off-by: Saul Wold <Saul.Wold@intel.com>
2010-11-22Meta: Recipe ReogranizationSaul Wold
This is the next stage of recipe reorganization, in this stage many recipes where moved to a new meta-demoapps layer since this is more appropriate for demo usage then the core. Additional some recipes were moved to meta-extras to indicate they may be depercated at a future time. A number of recipes were modified since dependencies need to be corrected. Signed-off-by: Saul Wold <Saul.Wold@intel.com>
2010-11-19glproto: fix LIC_FILES_CHKSUMSaul Wold
Signed-off-by: Saul Wold <sgw@linux.intel.com>
2010-11-18xextproto: upgrade from 7.1.1 to the latest version 7.1.2Dexuan Cui
Signed-off-by: Dexuan Cui <dexuan.cui@intel.com>
2010-11-18xcmiscproto: upgrade from 1.2.0 to the latest version 1.2.1Dexuan Cui
Signed-off-by: Dexuan Cui <dexuan.cui@intel.com>
2010-11-18videoproto: upgrade from 2.3.0 to the latest version 2.3.1Dexuan Cui
Signed-off-by: Dexuan Cui <dexuan.cui@intel.com>
2010-11-18recordproto: upgrade from 1.14 to the latest version 1.14.1Dexuan Cui
Signed-off-by: Dexuan Cui <dexuan.cui@intel.com>
2010-11-18randrproto: upgrade from 1.3.1 to the latest version 1.3.2Dexuan Cui
Signed-off-by: Dexuan Cui <dexuan.cui@intel.com>
2010-11-18kbproto: upgrade from 1.0.4 to the latest version 1.0.5Dexuan Cui
Signed-off-by: Dexuan Cui <dexuan.cui@intel.com>
2010-11-18glproto: upgrade from 1.4.11 to the latest version 1.4.12Dexuan Cui
Signed-off-by: Dexuan Cui <dexuan.cui@intel.com>
2010-11-18fontsproto: upgrade from 2.1.0 to the latest version 2.1.1Dexuan Cui
Signed-off-by: Dexuan Cui <dexuan.cui@intel.com>
2010-11-18fixesproto: upgrade from 4.1.1 to the latest version 4.1.2Dexuan Cui
Signed-off-by: Dexuan Cui <dexuan.cui@intel.com>
2010-11-18damageproto: upgrade from 1.2.0 to the latest version 1.2.1Dexuan Cui
Signed-off-by: Dexuan Cui <dexuan.cui@intel.com>
2010-08-27Major layout change to the packages directoryRichard Purdie
Having one monolithic packages directory makes it hard to find things and is generally overwhelming. This commit splits it into several logical sections roughly based on function, recipes.txt gives more information about the classifications used. The opportunity is also used to switch from "packages" to "recipes" as used in OpenEmbedded as the term "packages" can be confusing to people and has many different meanings. Not all recipes have been classified yet, this is just a first pass at separating things out. Some packages are moved to meta-extras as they're no longer actively used or maintained. Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <rpurdie@linux.intel.com>
351'>351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425
# BitBake Graphical GTK User Interface
# Copyright (C) 2008        Intel Corporation
# Authored by Rob Bradford <rob@linux.intel.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import gtk
import gobject
import gtk.glade
import threading
import urllib2
import os
import contextlib

from bb.ui.crumbs.buildmanager import BuildManager, BuildConfiguration
from bb.ui.crumbs.buildmanager import BuildManagerTreeView

from bb.ui.crumbs.runningbuild import RunningBuild, RunningBuildTreeView

# The metadata loader is used by the BuildSetupDialog to download the
# available options to populate the dialog
class MetaDataLoader(gobject.GObject):
    """ This class provides the mechanism for loading the metadata (the
    fetching and parsing) from a given URL. The metadata encompasses details
    on what machines are available. The distribution and images available for
    the machine and the the uris to use for building the given machine."""
    __gsignals__ = {
        'success' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
        'error' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,

    # We use these little helper functions to ensure that we take the gdk lock
    # when emitting the signal. These functions are called as idles (so that
    # they happen in the gtk / main thread's main loop.
    def emit_error_signal (self, remark):
        self.emit ("error", remark)

    def emit_success_signal (self):
        self.emit ("success")

    def __init__ (self):
        gobject.GObject.__init__ (self)

    class LoaderThread(threading.Thread):
        """ This class provides an asynchronous loader for the metadata (by
        using threads and signals). This is useful since the metadata may be
        at a remote URL."""
        class LoaderImportException (Exception):

        def __init__(self, loader, url):
            threading.Thread.__init__ (self)
            self.url = url
            self.loader = loader

        def run (self):
            result = {}
                with contextlib.closing (urllib2.urlopen (self.url)) as f:
                    # Parse the metadata format. The format is....
                    # <machine>;<default distro>|<distro>...;<default image>|<image>...;<type##url>|...
                    for line in f:
                        components = line.split(";")
                        if (len (components) < 4):
                            raise MetaDataLoader.LoaderThread.LoaderImportException
                        machine = components[0]
                        distros = components[1].split("|")
                        images = components[2].split("|")
                        urls = components[3].split("|")

                        result[machine] = (distros, images, urls)

                # Create an object representing this *potential*
                # configuration. It can become concrete if the machine, distro
                # and image are all chosen in the UI
                configuration = BuildConfiguration()
                configuration.metadata_url = self.url
                configuration.machine_options = result
                self.loader.configuration = configuration

                # Emit that we've actually got a configuration
                gobject.idle_add (MetaDataLoader.emit_success_signal,

            except MetaDataLoader.LoaderThread.LoaderImportException as e:
                gobject.idle_add (MetaDataLoader.emit_error_signal, self.loader,
                    "Repository metadata corrupt")
            except Exception as e:
                gobject.idle_add (MetaDataLoader.emit_error_signal, self.loader,
                    "Unable to download repository metadata")

    def try_fetch_from_url (self, url):
        # Try and download the metadata. Firing a signal if successful
        thread = MetaDataLoader.LoaderThread(self, url)

class BuildSetupDialog (gtk.Dialog):

    # A little helper method that just sets the states on the widgets based on
    # whether we've got good metadata or not.
    def set_configurable (self, configurable):
        if (self.configurable == configurable):

        self.configurable = configurable
        for widget in self.conf_widgets:
            widget.set_sensitive (configurable)

        if not configurable:
            self.machine_combo.set_active (-1)
            self.distribution_combo.set_active (-1)
            self.image_combo.set_active (-1)

    # GTK widget callbacks
    def refresh_button_clicked (self, button):
        # Refresh button clicked.

        url = self.location_entry.get_chars (0, -1)

    def repository_entry_editable_changed (self, entry):
        if (len (entry.get_chars (0, -1)) > 0):
            self.refresh_button.set_sensitive (True)
            self.refresh_button.set_sensitive (False)

        # If we were previously configurable we are no longer since the
        # location entry has been changed
        self.set_configurable (False)

    def machine_combo_changed (self, combobox):
        active_iter = combobox.get_active_iter()

        if not active_iter:

        model = combobox.get_model()

        if model:
            chosen_machine = model.get (active_iter, 0)[0]

        (distros_model, images_model) = \
            self.loader.configuration.get_distro_and_images_models (chosen_machine)

        self.distribution_combo.set_model (distros_model)
        self.image_combo.set_model (images_model)

    # Callbacks from the loader
    def loader_success_cb (self, loader):
        self.status_image.set_from_icon_name ("info",
        self.status_label.set_label ("Repository metadata successfully downloaded")

        # Set the models on the combo boxes based on the models generated from
        # the configuration that the loader has created

        # We just need to set the machine here, that then determines the
        # distro and image options. Cunning huh? :-)

        self.configuration = self.loader.configuration
        model = self.configuration.get_machines_model ()
        self.machine_combo.set_model (model)

        self.set_configurable (True)

    def loader_error_cb (self, loader, message):
        self.status_image.set_from_icon_name ("error",
        self.status_label.set_text ("Error downloading repository metadata")
        for widget in self.conf_widgets:
            widget.set_sensitive (False)

    def clear_status_message (self):
        self.status_label.set_label (
            """<i>Enter the repository location and press _Refresh</i>""")

    def __init__ (self):
        gtk.Dialog.__init__ (self)

        # Cancel
        self.add_button (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL)

        # Build
        button = gtk.Button ("_Build", None, True)
        image = gtk.Image ()
        image.set_from_stock (gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)
        button.set_image (image)
        self.add_action_widget (button, BuildSetupDialog.RESPONSE_BUILD)
        button.show_all ()

        # Pull in *just* the table from the Glade XML data.
        gxml = gtk.glade.XML (os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/crumbs/puccho.glade",
            root = "build_table")
        table = gxml.get_widget ("build_table")
        self.vbox.pack_start (table, True, False, 0)

        # Grab all the widgets that we need to turn on/off when we refresh...
        self.conf_widgets = []
        self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("machine_label")]
        self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("distribution_label")]
        self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("image_label")]
        self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("machine_combo")]
        self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("distribution_combo")]
        self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("image_combo")]

        # Grab the status widgets
        self.status_image = gxml.get_widget ("status_image")
        self.status_label = gxml.get_widget ("status_label")

        # Grab the refresh button and connect to the clicked signal
        self.refresh_button = gxml.get_widget ("refresh_button")
        self.refresh_button.connect ("clicked", self.refresh_button_clicked)

        # Grab the location entry and connect to editable::changed
        self.location_entry = gxml.get_widget ("location_entry")
        self.location_entry.connect ("changed",

        # Grab the machine combo and hook onto the changed signal. This then
        # allows us to populate the distro and image combos
        self.machine_combo = gxml.get_widget ("machine_combo")
        self.machine_combo.connect ("changed", self.machine_combo_changed)

        # Setup the combo
        cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
        self.machine_combo.pack_start(cell, True)
        self.machine_combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0)

        # Grab the distro and image combos. We need these to populate with
        # models once the machine is chosen
        self.distribution_combo = gxml.get_widget ("distribution_combo")
        cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
        self.distribution_combo.pack_start(cell, True)
        self.distribution_combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0)

        self.image_combo = gxml.get_widget ("image_combo")
        cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
        self.image_combo.pack_start(cell, True)
        self.image_combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0)

        # Put the default descriptive text in the status box

        # Mark as non-configurable, this is just greys out the widgets the
        # user can't yet use
        self.configurable = False

        # Show the table
        table.show_all ()

        # The loader and some signals connected to it to update the status
        # area
        self.loader = MetaDataLoader()
        self.loader.connect ("success", self.loader_success_cb)
        self.loader.connect ("error", self.loader_error_cb)

    def update_configuration (self):
        """ A poorly named function but it updates the internal configuration
        from the widgets. This can make that configuration concrete and can
        thus be used for building """
        # Extract the chosen machine from the combo
        model = self.machine_combo.get_model()
        active_iter = self.machine_combo.get_active_iter()
        if (active_iter):
            self.configuration.machine = model.get(active_iter, 0)[0]

        # Extract the chosen distro from the combo
        model = self.distribution_combo.get_model()
        active_iter = self.distribution_combo.get_active_iter()
        if (active_iter):
            self.configuration.distro = model.get(active_iter, 0)[0]

        # Extract the chosen image from the combo
        model = self.image_combo.get_model()
        active_iter = self.image_combo.get_active_iter()
        if (active_iter):
            self.configuration.image = model.get(active_iter, 0)[0]

# This function operates to pull events out from the event queue and then push
# them into the RunningBuild (which then drives the RunningBuild which then
# pushes through and updates the progress tree view.)
# TODO: Should be a method on the RunningBuild class
def event_handle_timeout (eventHandler, build):
    # Consume as many messages as we can ...
    event = eventHandler.getEvent()
    while event:
        build.handle_event (event)
        event = eventHandler.getEvent()
    return True

class MainWindow (gtk.Window):

    # Callback that gets fired when the user hits a button in the
    # BuildSetupDialog.
    def build_dialog_box_response_cb (self, dialog, response_id):
        conf = None
        if (response_id == BuildSetupDialog.RESPONSE_BUILD):
            print(dialog.configuration.machine, dialog.configuration.distro, \
            conf = dialog.configuration


        if conf:
            self.manager.do_build (conf)

    def build_button_clicked_cb (self, button):
        dialog = BuildSetupDialog ()

        # For some unknown reason Dialog.run causes nice little deadlocks ... :-(
        dialog.connect ("response", self.build_dialog_box_response_cb)

    def __init__ (self):
        gtk.Window.__init__ (self)

        # Pull in *just* the main vbox from the Glade XML data and then pack
        # that inside the window
        gxml = gtk.glade.XML (os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/crumbs/puccho.glade",
            root = "main_window_vbox")
        vbox = gxml.get_widget ("main_window_vbox")
        self.add (vbox)

        # Create the tree views for the build manager view and the progress view
        self.build_manager_view = BuildManagerTreeView()
        self.running_build_view = RunningBuildTreeView()

        # Grab the scrolled windows that we put the tree views into
        self.results_scrolledwindow = gxml.get_widget ("results_scrolledwindow")
        self.progress_scrolledwindow = gxml.get_widget ("progress_scrolledwindow")

        # Put the tree views inside ...
        self.results_scrolledwindow.add (self.build_manager_view)
        self.progress_scrolledwindow.add (self.running_build_view)

        # Hook up the build button...
        self.build_button = gxml.get_widget ("main_toolbutton_build")
        self.build_button.connect ("clicked", self.build_button_clicked_cb)

# I'm not very happy about the current ownership of the RunningBuild. I have
# my suspicions that this object should be held by the BuildManager since we
# care about the signals in the manager

def running_build_succeeded_cb (running_build, manager):
    # Notify the manager that a build has succeeded. This is necessary as part
    # of the 'hack' that we use for making the row in the model / view
    # representing the ongoing build change into a row representing the
    # completed build. Since we know only one build can be running a time then
    # we can handle this.

    # FIXME: Refactor all this so that the RunningBuild is owned by the
    # BuildManager. It can then hook onto the signals directly and drive
    # interesting things it cares about.
    manager.notify_build_succeeded ()
    print("build succeeded")

def running_build_failed_cb (running_build, manager):
    # As above
    print("build failed")
    manager.notify_build_failed ()

def main (server, eventHandler):
    # Initialise threading...

    main_window = MainWindow ()
    main_window.show_all ()

    # Set up the build manager stuff in general
    builds_dir = os.path.join (os.getcwd(),  "results")
    manager = BuildManager (server, builds_dir)
    main_window.build_manager_view.set_model (manager.model)

    # Do the running build setup
    running_build = RunningBuild ()
    main_window.running_build_view.set_model (running_build.model)
    running_build.connect ("build-succeeded", running_build_succeeded_cb,
    running_build.connect ("build-failed", running_build_failed_cb, manager)

    # We need to save the manager into the MainWindow so that the toolbar
    # button can use it.
    # FIXME: Refactor ?
    main_window.manager = manager

    # Use a timeout function for probing the event queue to find out if we
    # have a message waiting for us.
    gobject.timeout_add (200,
