path: root/meta/classes/gzipnative.bbclass
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-09-21gzipnative: Ensure dependencies apply to do_unpack and do_populate_licRichard Purdie
2012-07-26base/perlnative/pythonnative/gzipnative: Add a new variable to enable easier ...Richard Purdie
2012-03-21gzip/pigz-native: Install into a prefix to avoid clashing with system binariesRichard Purdie
66' href='#n66'>66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161
import bb.siggen

def sstate_rundepfilter(siggen, fn, recipename, task, dep, depname, dataCache):
    # Return True if we should keep the dependency, False to drop it
    def isNative(x):
        return x.endswith("-native")
    def isCross(x):
        return x.endswith("-cross") or x.endswith("-cross-initial") or x.endswith("-cross-intermediate")
    def isNativeSDK(x):
        return x.startswith("nativesdk-")
    def isKernel(fn):
        inherits = " ".join(dataCache.inherits[fn])
        return inherits.find("module-base.bbclass") != -1 or inherits.find("linux-kernel-base.bbclass") != -1

    # Always include our own inter-task dependencies
    if recipename == depname:
        return True

    # Quilt (patch application) changing isn't likely to affect anything
    excludelist = ['quilt-native', 'subversion-native', 'git-native']
    if depname in excludelist and recipename != depname:
        return False

    # Don't change native/cross/nativesdk recipe dependencies any further
    if isNative(recipename) or isCross(recipename) or isNativeSDK(recipename):
        return True

    # Only target packages beyond here

    # Drop native/cross/nativesdk dependencies from target recipes
    if isNative(depname) or isCross(depname) or isNativeSDK(depname):
        return False

    # Exclude well defined machine specific configurations which don't change ABI
    if depname in siggen.abisaferecipes:
        return False

    # Exclude well defined recipe->dependency
    if "%s->%s" % (recipename, depname) in siggen.saferecipedeps:
        return False

    # Kernel modules are well namespaced. We don't want to depend on the kernel's checksum
    # if we're just doing an RRECOMMENDS_xxx = "kernel-module-*", not least because the checksum
    # is machine specific.
    # Therefore if we're not a kernel or a module recipe (inheriting the kernel classes)
    # and we reccomend a kernel-module, we exclude the dependency.
    depfn = dep.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
    if dataCache and isKernel(depfn) and not isKernel(fn):
        for pkg in dataCache.runrecs[fn]:
            if " ".join(dataCache.runrecs[fn][pkg]).find("kernel-module-") != -1:
                return False

    # Default to keep dependencies
    return True

class SignatureGeneratorOEBasic(bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorBasic):
    name = "OEBasic"
    def init_rundepcheck(self, data):
        self.abisaferecipes = (data.getVar("SIGGEN_EXCLUDERECIPES_ABISAFE", True) or "").split()
        self.saferecipedeps = (data.getVar("SIGGEN_EXCLUDE_SAFE_RECIPE_DEPS", True) or "").split()
    def rundep_check(self, fn, recipename, task, dep, depname, dataCache = None):
        return sstate_rundepfilter(self, fn, recipename, task, dep, depname, dataCache)

class SignatureGeneratorOEBasicHash(bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorBasicHash):
    name = "OEBasicHash"
    def init_rundepcheck(self, data):
        self.abisaferecipes = (data.getVar("SIGGEN_EXCLUDERECIPES_ABISAFE", True) or "").split()
        self.saferecipedeps = (data.getVar("SIGGEN_EXCLUDE_SAFE_RECIPE_DEPS", True) or "").split()
    def rundep_check(self, fn, recipename, task, dep, depname, dataCache = None):
        return sstate_rundepfilter(self, fn, recipename, task, dep, depname, dataCache)

# Insert these classes into siggen's namespace so it can see and select them
bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorOEBasic = SignatureGeneratorOEBasic
bb.siggen.SignatureGeneratorOEBasicHash = SignatureGeneratorOEBasicHash

def find_siginfo(pn, taskname, taskhashlist, d):
    """ Find signature data files for comparison purposes """

    import fnmatch
    import glob

    if taskhashlist:
        hashfiles = {}

    if not taskname:
        # We have to derive pn and taskname
        key = pn
        splitit = key.split('.bb.')
        taskname = splitit[1]
        pn = os.path.basename(splitit[0]).split('_')[0]
        if key.startswith('virtual:native:'):
            pn = pn + '-native'

    filedates = {}

    # First search in stamps dir
    localdata = d.createCopy()
    localdata.setVar('MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS', '*')
    localdata.setVar('PN', pn)
    localdata.setVar('PV', '*')
    localdata.setVar('PR', '*')
    localdata.setVar('EXTENDPE', '')
    stamp = localdata.getVar('STAMP', True)
    filespec = '%s.%s.sigdata.*' % (stamp, taskname)
    foundall = False
    import glob
    for fullpath in glob.glob(filespec):
        match = False
        if taskhashlist:
            for taskhash in taskhashlist:
                if fullpath.endswith('.%s' % taskhash):
                    hashfiles[taskhash] = fullpath
                    if len(hashfiles) == len(taskhashlist):
                        foundall = True
            filedates[fullpath] = os.stat(fullpath).st_mtime

    if len(filedates) < 2 and not foundall:
        # That didn't work, look in sstate-cache
        hashes = taskhashlist or ['*']
        localdata = bb.data.createCopy(d)
        for hashval in hashes:
            localdata.setVar('PACKAGE_ARCH', '*')
            localdata.setVar('TARGET_VENDOR', '*')
            localdata.setVar('TARGET_OS', '*')
            localdata.setVar('PN', pn)
            localdata.setVar('PV', '*')
            localdata.setVar('PR', '*')
            localdata.setVar('BB_TASKHASH', hashval)
            if pn.endswith('-native') or pn.endswith('-crosssdk') or pn.endswith('-cross'):
                localdata.setVar('SSTATE_EXTRAPATH', "${NATIVELSBSTRING}/")
            sstatename = d.getVarFlag(taskname, "sstate-name")
            if not sstatename:
                sstatename = taskname
            filespec = '%s_%s.*.siginfo' % (localdata.getVar('SSTATE_PKG', True), sstatename)

            if hashval != '*':
                sstatedir = "%s/%s" % (d.getVar('SSTATE_DIR', True), hashval[:2])
                sstatedir = d.getVar('SSTATE_DIR', True)

            filedates = {}
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sstatedir):
                for fn in files:
                    fullpath = os.path.join(root, fn)
                    if fnmatch.fnmatch(fullpath, filespec):
                        if taskhashlist:
                            hashfiles[hashval] = fullpath
                            filedates[fullpath] = os.stat(fullpath).st_mtime

    if taskhashlist:
        return hashfiles
        return filedates

bb.siggen.find_siginfo = find_siginfo