path: root/README
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-10-07Docker based environment setupAlex Franco
2014-09-24adding CORS policy for the APIAlexandru DAMIAN
2014-09-24expose REST API for layerindexAlexandru DAMIAN
2014-03-04README: update tested versions for required packagesPaul Eggleton
2014-03-03Fix OE-Classic stats page for update to latest django-nvd3 (0.6.0)Paul Eggleton
2013-12-28Use Django sites framework to specify website titlePaul Eggleton
2013-12-27README: add some instructions on creating the core layerPaul Eggleton
2013-11-14README: note that LAYER_FETCH_DIR needs to be an absolute pathPaul Eggleton
2013-11-13README: add instruction to run migration on installPaul Eggleton
2013-09-20README: update for recent changesPaul Eggleton
2013-09-05Add support for importing OE-Classic recipesPaul Eggleton
2013-06-03Enable south and add initial migrationsPaul Eggleton
2013-03-06README: clarify in licensing section that Bootstrap includes GlyphiconsPaul Eggleton
2013-03-06Add introductory front pagePaul Eggleton
2013-03-06README: Clarify requirementsPaul Eggleton
2013-03-06Move all templates to a templates directoryPaul Eggleton
2013-03-05Add support for handling multiple branchesPaul Eggleton
2013-02-28README: add note about setting DEBUGPaul Eggleton
2013-02-28Add CAPTCHA to submission formPaul Eggleton
2013-02-20Add a basic about pagePaul Eggleton
2013-02-19Clear SECRET_KEY valuePaul Eggleton
2013-02-19Improve recipe searchPaul Eggleton
2013-02-14Enable auditing using django-reversion and django-reversion-comparePaul Eggleton
2013-02-13Initial commit of layerindex-webPaul Eggleton