path: root/meta/classes/license.bbclass
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meta/classes/license.bbclass')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 372 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/license.bbclass b/meta/classes/license.bbclass
index ad12db4838..f90176d6c0 100644
--- a/meta/classes/license.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/license.bbclass
@@ -16,278 +16,6 @@ addtask populate_lic after do_patch before do_build
do_populate_lic[dirs] = "${LICSSTATEDIR}/${PN}"
do_populate_lic[cleandirs] = "${LICSSTATEDIR}"
-python write_package_manifest() {
- # Get list of installed packages
- license_image_dir = d.expand('${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/${IMAGE_NAME}')
- bb.utils.mkdirhier(license_image_dir)
- from oe.rootfs import image_list_installed_packages
- from oe.utils import format_pkg_list
- pkgs = image_list_installed_packages(d)
- output = format_pkg_list(pkgs)
- open(os.path.join(license_image_dir, 'package.manifest'),
- 'w+').write(output)
-python write_deploy_manifest() {
- license_deployed_manifest(d)
-python license_create_manifest() {
- import oe.packagedata
- from oe.rootfs import image_list_installed_packages
- build_images_from_feeds = d.getVar('BUILD_IMAGES_FROM_FEEDS', True)
- if build_images_from_feeds == "1":
- return 0
- pkg_dic = {}
- for pkg in sorted(image_list_installed_packages(d)):
- pkg_info = os.path.join(d.getVar('PKGDATA_DIR', True),
- 'runtime-reverse', pkg)
- pkg_name = os.path.basename(os.readlink(pkg_info))
- pkg_dic[pkg_name] = oe.packagedata.read_pkgdatafile(pkg_info)
- if not "LICENSE" in pkg_dic[pkg_name].keys():
- pkg_lic_name = "LICENSE_" + pkg_name
- pkg_dic[pkg_name]["LICENSE"] = pkg_dic[pkg_name][pkg_lic_name]
- rootfs_license_manifest = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY', True),
- d.getVar('IMAGE_NAME', True), 'license.manifest')
- write_license_files(d, rootfs_license_manifest, pkg_dic)
-def write_license_files(d, license_manifest, pkg_dic):
- import re
- bad_licenses = (d.getVar("INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE", True) or "").split()
- bad_licenses = map(lambda l: canonical_license(d, l), bad_licenses)
- bad_licenses = expand_wildcard_licenses(d, bad_licenses)
- with open(license_manifest, "w") as license_file:
- for pkg in sorted(pkg_dic):
- if bad_licenses:
- try:
- (pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSE"], pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSES"]) = \
- oe.license.manifest_licenses(pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSE"],
- bad_licenses, canonical_license, d)
- except oe.license.LicenseError as exc:
- bb.fatal('%s: %s' % (d.getVar('P', True), exc))
- else:
- pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSES"] = re.sub('[|&()*]', ' ', pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSE"])
- pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSES"] = re.sub(' *', ' ', pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSES"])
- pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSES"] = pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSES"].split()
- if not "IMAGE_MANIFEST" in pkg_dic[pkg]:
- # Rootfs manifest
- license_file.write("PACKAGE NAME: %s\n" % pkg)
- license_file.write("PACKAGE VERSION: %s\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["PV"])
- license_file.write("RECIPE NAME: %s\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["PN"])
- license_file.write("LICENSE: %s\n\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSE"])
- # If the package doesn't contain any file, that is, its size is 0, the license
- # isn't relevant as far as the final image is concerned. So doing license check
- # doesn't make much sense, skip it.
- if pkg_dic[pkg]["PKGSIZE_%s" % pkg] == "0":
- continue
- else:
- # Image manifest
- license_file.write("RECIPE NAME: %s\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["PN"])
- license_file.write("VERSION: %s\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["PV"])
- license_file.write("LICENSE: %s\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSE"])
- license_file.write("FILES: %s\n\n" % pkg_dic[pkg]["FILES"])
- for lic in pkg_dic[pkg]["LICENSES"]:
- lic_file = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY', True),
- pkg_dic[pkg]["PN"], "generic_%s" %
- re.sub('\+', '', lic))
- # add explicity avoid of CLOSED license because isn't generic
- if lic == "CLOSED":
- continue
- if not os.path.exists(lic_file):
- bb.warn("The license listed %s was not in the "\
- "licenses collected for recipe %s"
- % (lic, pkg_dic[pkg]["PN"]))
- # Two options here:
- # - Just copy the manifest
- # - Copy the manifest and the license directories
- # With both options set we see a .5 M increase in core-image-minimal
- copy_lic_manifest = d.getVar('COPY_LIC_MANIFEST', True)
- copy_lic_dirs = d.getVar('COPY_LIC_DIRS', True)
- if copy_lic_manifest == "1":
- rootfs_license_dir = os.path.join(d.getVar('IMAGE_ROOTFS', 'True'),
- 'usr', 'share', 'common-licenses')
- bb.utils.mkdirhier(rootfs_license_dir)
- rootfs_license_manifest = os.path.join(rootfs_license_dir,
- os.path.split(license_manifest)[1])
- if not os.path.exists(rootfs_license_manifest):
-, rootfs_license_manifest)
- if copy_lic_dirs == "1":
- for pkg in sorted(pkg_dic):
- pkg_rootfs_license_dir = os.path.join(rootfs_license_dir, pkg)
- bb.utils.mkdirhier(pkg_rootfs_license_dir)
- pkg_license_dir = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY', True),
- pkg_dic[pkg]["PN"])
- licenses = os.listdir(pkg_license_dir)
- for lic in licenses:
- rootfs_license = os.path.join(rootfs_license_dir, lic)
- pkg_license = os.path.join(pkg_license_dir, lic)
- pkg_rootfs_license = os.path.join(pkg_rootfs_license_dir, lic)
- if re.match("^generic_.*$", lic):
- generic_lic ="^generic_(.*)$", lic).group(1)
- if oe.license.license_ok(canonical_license(d,
- generic_lic), bad_licenses) == False:
- continue
- if not os.path.exists(rootfs_license):
-, rootfs_license)
- if not os.path.exists(pkg_rootfs_license):
- os.symlink(os.path.join('..', lic), pkg_rootfs_license)
- else:
- if (oe.license.license_ok(canonical_license(d,
- lic), bad_licenses) == False or
- os.path.exists(pkg_rootfs_license)):
- continue
-, pkg_rootfs_license)
-def license_deployed_manifest(d):
- """
- Write the license manifest for the deployed recipes.
- The deployed recipes usually includes the bootloader
- and extra files to boot the target.
- """
- dep_dic = {}
- man_dic = {}
- lic_dir = d.getVar("LICENSE_DIRECTORY", True)
- dep_dic = get_deployed_dependencies(d)
- for dep in dep_dic.keys():
- man_dic[dep] = {}
- # It is necessary to mark this will be used for image manifest
- man_dic[dep]["IMAGE_MANIFEST"] = True
- man_dic[dep]["PN"] = dep
- man_dic[dep]["FILES"] = \
- " ".join(get_deployed_files(dep_dic[dep]))
- with open(os.path.join(lic_dir, dep, "recipeinfo"), "r") as f:
- for line in f.readlines():
- key,val = line.split(": ", 1)
- man_dic[dep][key] = val[:-1]
- lic_manifest_dir = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_DIRECTORY', True),
- d.getVar('IMAGE_NAME', True))
- bb.utils.mkdirhier(lic_manifest_dir)
- image_license_manifest = os.path.join(lic_manifest_dir, 'image_license.manifest')
- write_license_files(d, image_license_manifest, man_dic)
-def get_deployed_dependencies(d):
- """
- Get all the deployed dependencies of an image
- """
- deploy = {}
- # Get all the dependencies for the current task (rootfs).
- # Also get EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS because the bootloader is
- # usually in this var and not listed in rootfs.
- # At last, get the dependencies from boot classes because
- # it might contain the bootloader.
- taskdata = d.getVar("BB_TASKDEPDATA", False)
- depends = list(set([dep[0] for dep
- in list(taskdata.values())
- if not dep[0].endswith("-native")]))
- extra_depends = d.getVar("EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS", True)
- boot_depends = get_boot_dependencies(d)
- depends.extend(extra_depends.split())
- depends.extend(boot_depends)
- depends = list(set(depends))
- # To verify what was deployed it checks the rootfs dependencies against
- # the SSTATE_MANIFESTS for "deploy" task.
- # The manifest file name contains the arch. Because we are not running
- # in the recipe context it is necessary to check every arch used.
- sstate_manifest_dir = d.getVar("SSTATE_MANIFESTS", True)
- sstate_archs = d.getVar("SSTATE_ARCHS", True)
- extra_archs = d.getVar("PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS", True)
- archs = list(set(("%s %s" % (sstate_archs, extra_archs)).split()))
- for dep in depends:
- # Some recipes have an arch on their own, so we try that first.
- special_arch = d.getVar("PACKAGE_ARCH_pn-%s" % dep, True)
- if special_arch:
- sstate_manifest_file = os.path.join(sstate_manifest_dir,
- "manifest-%s-%s.deploy" % (special_arch, dep))
- if os.path.exists(sstate_manifest_file):
- deploy[dep] = sstate_manifest_file
- continue
- for arch in archs:
- sstate_manifest_file = os.path.join(sstate_manifest_dir,
- "manifest-%s-%s.deploy" % (arch, dep))
- if os.path.exists(sstate_manifest_file):
- deploy[dep] = sstate_manifest_file
- break
- return deploy
-get_deployed_dependencies[vardepsexclude] = "BB_TASKDEPDATA"
-def get_boot_dependencies(d):
- """
- Return the dependencies from boot tasks
- """
- depends = []
- boot_depends_string = ""
- taskdepdata = d.getVar("BB_TASKDEPDATA", False)
- # Only bootimg and bootdirectdisk include the depends flag
- boot_tasks = ["do_bootimg", "do_bootdirectdisk",]
- for task in boot_tasks:
- boot_depends_string = "%s %s" % (boot_depends_string,
- d.getVarFlag(task, "depends", True) or "")
- boot_depends = [dep.split(":")[0] for dep
- in boot_depends_string.split()
- if not dep.split(":")[0].endswith("-native")]
- for dep in boot_depends:
- info_file = os.path.join(d.getVar("LICENSE_DIRECTORY", True),
- dep, "recipeinfo")
- # If the recipe and dependency name is the same
- if os.path.exists(info_file):
- depends.append(dep)
- # We need to search for the provider of the dependency
- else:
- for taskdep in taskdepdata.values():
- # The fifth field contains what the task provides
- if dep in taskdep[4]:
- info_file = os.path.join(
- d.getVar("LICENSE_DIRECTORY", True),
- taskdep[0], "recipeinfo")
- if os.path.exists(info_file):
- depends.append(taskdep[0])
- break
- return depends
-get_boot_dependencies[vardepsexclude] = "BB_TASKDEPDATA"
-def get_deployed_files(man_file):
- """
- Get the files deployed from the sstate manifest
- """
- dep_files = []
- with open(man_file, "r") as manifest:
- all_files =
- for f in all_files.splitlines():
- if ((not (os.path.islink(f) or os.path.isdir(f))) and
- not os.path.basename(f) in excluded_files):
- dep_files.append(os.path.basename(f))
- return dep_files
python do_populate_lic() {
Populate LICENSE_DIRECTORY with licenses.
@@ -295,7 +23,7 @@ python do_populate_lic() {
lic_files_paths = find_license_files(d)
# The base directory we wrangle licenses to
- destdir = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICSSTATEDIR', True), d.getVar('PN', True))
+ destdir = os.path.join(d.getVar('LICSSTATEDIR'), d.getVar('PN'))
copy_license_files(lic_files_paths, destdir)
info = get_recipe_info(d)
with open(os.path.join(destdir, "recipeinfo"), "w") as f:
@@ -306,11 +34,11 @@ python do_populate_lic() {
# it would be better to copy them in do_install_append, but find_license_filesa is python
python perform_packagecopy_prepend () {
- if d.getVar('CLASSOVERRIDE', True) == 'class-target' and enabled:
+ if d.getVar('CLASSOVERRIDE') == 'class-target' and enabled:
lic_files_paths = find_license_files(d)
# LICENSE_FILES_DIRECTORY starts with '/' so os.path.join cannot be used to join D and LICENSE_FILES_DIRECTORY
- destdir = d.getVar('D', True) + os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_FILES_DIRECTORY', True), d.getVar('PN', True))
+ destdir = d.getVar('D') + os.path.join(d.getVar('LICENSE_FILES_DIRECTORY'), d.getVar('PN'))
copy_license_files(lic_files_paths, destdir)
@@ -318,23 +46,26 @@ perform_packagecopy[vardeps] += "LICENSE_CREATE_PACKAGE"
def get_recipe_info(d):
info = {}
- info["PV"] = d.getVar("PV", True)
- info["PR"] = d.getVar("PR", True)
- info["LICENSE"] = d.getVar("LICENSE", True)
+ info["PV"] = d.getVar("PV")
+ info["PR"] = d.getVar("PR")
+ info["LICENSE"] = d.getVar("LICENSE")
return info
def add_package_and_files(d):
- packages = d.getVar('PACKAGES', True)
- files = d.getVar('LICENSE_FILES_DIRECTORY', True)
- pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
+ packages = d.getVar('PACKAGES')
+ files = d.getVar('LICENSE_FILES_DIRECTORY')
+ pn = d.getVar('PN')
pn_lic = "%s%s" % (pn, d.getVar('LICENSE_PACKAGE_SUFFIX', False))
- if pn_lic in packages:
+ if pn_lic in packages.split():
bb.warn("%s package already existed in %s." % (pn_lic, pn))
# first in PACKAGES to be sure that nothing else gets LICENSE_FILES_DIRECTORY
d.setVar('PACKAGES', "%s %s" % (pn_lic, packages))
d.setVar('FILES_' + pn_lic, files)
- rrecommends_pn = d.getVar('RRECOMMENDS_' + pn, True)
+ for pn in packages.split():
+ if pn == pn_lic:
+ continue
+ rrecommends_pn = d.getVar('RRECOMMENDS_' + pn)
if rrecommends_pn:
d.setVar('RRECOMMENDS_' + pn, "%s %s" % (pn_lic, rrecommends_pn))
@@ -345,13 +76,15 @@ def copy_license_files(lic_files_paths, destdir):
import errno
- for (basename, path) in lic_files_paths:
+ for (basename, path, beginline, endline) in lic_files_paths:
src = path
dst = os.path.join(destdir, basename)
if os.path.exists(dst):
- canlink = os.access(src, os.W_OK) and (os.stat(src).st_dev == os.stat(destdir).st_dev)
+ if os.path.islink(src):
+ src = os.path.realpath(src)
+ canlink = os.access(src, os.W_OK) and (os.stat(src).st_dev == os.stat(destdir).st_dev) and beginline is None and endline is None
if canlink:
try:, dst)
@@ -362,20 +95,19 @@ def copy_license_files(lic_files_paths, destdir):
canlink = False
- try:
- if canlink:
- os.chown(dst,0,0)
- except OSError as err:
- if err.errno in (errno.EPERM, errno.EINVAL):
- # Suppress "Operation not permitted" error, as
- # sometimes this function is not executed under pseudo.
- # Also ignore "Invalid argument" errors that happen in
- # some (unprivileged) container environments (no root).
- pass
- else:
- raise
+ # Only chown if we did hardling, and, we're running under pseudo
+ if canlink and os.environ.get('PSEUDO_DISABLED') == '0':
+ os.chown(dst,0,0)
if not canlink:
- shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
+ begin_idx = int(beginline)-1 if beginline is not None else None
+ end_idx = int(endline) if endline is not None else None
+ if begin_idx is None and end_idx is None:
+ shutil.copyfile(src, dst)
+ else:
+ with open(src, 'rb') as src_f:
+ with open(dst, 'wb') as dst_f:
+ dst_f.write(b''.join(src_f.readlines()[begin_idx:end_idx]))
except Exception as e:
bb.warn("Could not copy license file %s to %s: %s" % (src, dst, e))
@@ -388,20 +120,22 @@ def find_license_files(d):
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
# All the license files for the package
- lic_files = d.getVar('LIC_FILES_CHKSUM', True)
- pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
+ lic_files = d.getVar('LIC_FILES_CHKSUM') or ""
+ pn = d.getVar('PN')
# The license files are located in S/LIC_FILE_CHECKSUM.
- srcdir = d.getVar('S', True)
+ srcdir = d.getVar('S')
# Directory we store the generic licenses as set in the distro configuration
- generic_directory = d.getVar('COMMON_LICENSE_DIR', True)
+ generic_directory = d.getVar('COMMON_LICENSE_DIR')
# List of basename, path tuples
lic_files_paths = []
+ # hash for keep track generic lics mappings
+ non_generic_lics = {}
# Entries from LIC_FILES_CHKSUM
lic_chksums = {}
license_source_dirs = []
- additional_lic_dirs = d.getVar('LICENSE_PATH', True).split()
+ additional_lic_dirs = d.getVar('LICENSE_PATH').split()
for lic_dir in additional_lic_dirs:
@@ -429,10 +163,10 @@ def find_license_files(d):
# unless NO_GENERIC_LICENSE is set.
for lic_dir in license_source_dirs:
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(lic_dir, license_type)):
- if d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license_type, True) != None:
+ if d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license_type) != None:
# Great, there is an SPDXLICENSEMAP. We can copy!
bb.debug(1, "We need to use a SPDXLICENSEMAP for %s" % (license_type))
- spdx_generic = d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license_type, True)
+ spdx_generic = d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license_type)
license_source = lic_dir
elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(lic_dir, license_type)):
@@ -440,23 +174,25 @@ def find_license_files(d):
license_source = lic_dir
- non_generic_lic = d.getVarFlag('NO_GENERIC_LICENSE', license_type, True)
+ non_generic_lic = d.getVarFlag('NO_GENERIC_LICENSE', license_type)
if spdx_generic and license_source:
# we really should copy to generic_ + spdx_generic, however, that ends up messing the manifest
# audit up. This should be fixed in emit_pkgdata (or, we actually got and fix all the recipes)
- lic_files_paths.append(("generic_" + license_type, os.path.join(license_source, spdx_generic)))
+ lic_files_paths.append(("generic_" + license_type, os.path.join(license_source, spdx_generic),
+ None, None))
# The user may attempt to use NO_GENERIC_LICENSE for a generic license which doesn't make sense
# and should not be allowed, warn the user in this case.
- if d.getVarFlag('NO_GENERIC_LICENSE', license_type, True):
+ if d.getVarFlag('NO_GENERIC_LICENSE', license_type):
bb.warn("%s: %s is a generic license, please don't use NO_GENERIC_LICENSE for it." % (pn, license_type))
elif non_generic_lic and non_generic_lic in lic_chksums:
# if NO_GENERIC_LICENSE is set, we copy the license files from the fetched source
# of the package rather than the license_source_dirs.
lic_files_paths.append(("generic_" + license_type,
- os.path.join(srcdir, non_generic_lic)))
+ os.path.join(srcdir, non_generic_lic), None, None))
+ non_generic_lics[non_generic_lic] = license_type
# Add explicity avoid of CLOSED license because this isn't generic
if license_type != 'CLOSED':
@@ -465,43 +201,44 @@ def find_license_files(d):
if not generic_directory:
- raise"COMMON_LICENSE_DIR is unset. Please set this in your distro config")
- if not lic_files:
- # No recipe should have an invalid license file. This is checked else
- # where, but let's be pedantic
- bb.note(pn + ": Recipe file does not have license file information.")
- return lic_files_paths
+ bb.fatal("COMMON_LICENSE_DIR is unset. Please set this in your distro config")
for url in lic_files.split():
- (type, host, path, user, pswd, parm) = bb.fetch.decodeurl(url)
+ (method, host, path, user, pswd, parm) = bb.fetch.decodeurl(url)
+ if method != "file" or not path:
+ raise bb.fetch.MalformedUrl()
except bb.fetch.MalformedUrl:
- raise"%s: LIC_FILES_CHKSUM contains an invalid URL: %s" % (d.getVar('PF', True), url))
+ bb.fatal("%s: LIC_FILES_CHKSUM contains an invalid URL: %s" % (d.getVar('PF'), url))
# We want the license filename and path
- chksum = parm['md5'] if 'md5' in parm else parm['sha256']
- lic_chksums[path] = chksum
+ chksum = parm.get('md5', None)
+ beginline = parm.get('beginline')
+ endline = parm.get('endline')
+ lic_chksums[path] = (chksum, beginline, endline)
v = FindVisitor()
- v.visit_string(d.getVar('LICENSE', True))
+ v.visit_string(d.getVar('LICENSE'))
except oe.license.InvalidLicense as exc:
- bb.fatal('%s: %s' % (d.getVar('PF', True), exc))
+ bb.fatal('%s: %s' % (d.getVar('PF'), exc))
except SyntaxError:
- bb.warn("%s: Failed to parse it's LICENSE field." % (d.getVar('PF', True)))
+ bb.warn("%s: Failed to parse it's LICENSE field." % (d.getVar('PF')))
# Add files from LIC_FILES_CHKSUM to list of license files
lic_chksum_paths = defaultdict(OrderedDict)
- for path, chksum in lic_chksums.items():
- lic_chksum_paths[os.path.basename(path)][chksum] = os.path.join(srcdir, path)
+ for path, data in sorted(lic_chksums.items()):
+ lic_chksum_paths[os.path.basename(path)][data] = (os.path.join(srcdir, path), data[1], data[2])
for basename, files in lic_chksum_paths.items():
if len(files) == 1:
- lic_files_paths.append((basename, list(files.values())[0]))
+ # Don't copy again a LICENSE already handled as non-generic
+ if basename in non_generic_lics:
+ continue
+ data = list(files.values())[0]
+ lic_files_paths.append(tuple([basename] + list(data)))
# If there are multiple different license files with identical
# basenames we rename them to <file>.0, <file>.1, ...
- for i, path in enumerate(files.values()):
- lic_files_paths.append(("%s.%d" % (basename, i), path))
+ for i, data in enumerate(files.values()):
+ lic_files_paths.append(tuple(["%s.%d" % (basename, i)] + list(data)))
return lic_files_paths
@@ -509,35 +246,54 @@ def return_spdx(d, license):
This function returns the spdx mapping of a license if it exists.
- return d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license, True)
+ return d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license)
def canonical_license(d, license):
Return the canonical (SPDX) form of the license if available (so GPLv3
becomes GPL-3.0), for the license named 'X+', return canonical form of
- 'X' if availabel and the tailing '+' (so GPLv3+ becomes GPL-3.0+),
+ 'X' if available and the tailing '+' (so GPLv3+ becomes GPL-3.0+),
or the passed license if there is no canonical form.
- lic = d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license, True) or ""
+ lic = d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license) or ""
if not lic and license.endswith('+'):
- lic = d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license.rstrip('+'), True)
+ lic = d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', license.rstrip('+'))
if lic:
lic += '+'
return lic or license
+def available_licenses(d):
+ """
+ Return the available licenses by searching the directories specified by
+ """
+ lic_dirs = ((d.getVar('COMMON_LICENSE_DIR') or '') + ' ' +
+ (d.getVar('LICENSE_PATH') or '')).split()
+ licenses = []
+ for lic_dir in lic_dirs:
+ licenses += os.listdir(lic_dir)
+ licenses = sorted(licenses)
+ return licenses
+# Only determine the list of all available licenses once. This assumes that any
+# additions to LICENSE_PATH have been done before this file is parsed.
+AVAILABLE_LICENSES := "${@' '.join(available_licenses(d))}"
def expand_wildcard_licenses(d, wildcard_licenses):
- Return actual spdx format license names if wildcard used. We expand
- wildcards from SPDXLICENSEMAP flags and SRC_DISTRIBUTE_LICENSES values.
+ Return actual spdx format license names if wildcards are used. We expand
import fnmatch
- licenses = []
+ licenses = wildcard_licenses[:]
spdxmapkeys = d.getVarFlags('SPDXLICENSEMAP').keys()
for wld_lic in wildcard_licenses:
spdxflags = fnmatch.filter(spdxmapkeys, wld_lic)
- licenses += [d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', flag, True) for flag in spdxflags]
+ licenses += [d.getVarFlag('SPDXLICENSEMAP', flag) for flag in spdxflags]
- spdx_lics = (d.getVar('SRC_DISTRIBUTE_LICENSES', False) or '').split()
+ spdx_lics = d.getVar('AVAILABLE_LICENSES').split()
for wld_lic in wildcard_licenses:
licenses += fnmatch.filter(spdx_lics, wld_lic)
@@ -546,10 +302,30 @@ def expand_wildcard_licenses(d, wildcard_licenses):
def incompatible_license_contains(license, truevalue, falsevalue, d):
license = canonical_license(d, license)
- bad_licenses = (d.getVar('INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE', True) or "").split()
+ bad_licenses = (d.getVar('INCOMPATIBLE_LICENSE') or "").split()
bad_licenses = expand_wildcard_licenses(d, bad_licenses)
return truevalue if license in bad_licenses else falsevalue
+def incompatible_pkg_license(d, dont_want_licenses, license):
+ # Handles an "or" or two license sets provided by
+ # flattened_licenses(), pick one that works if possible.
+ def choose_lic_set(a, b):
+ return a if all(oe.license.license_ok(canonical_license(d, lic),
+ dont_want_licenses) for lic in a) else b
+ try:
+ licenses = oe.license.flattened_licenses(license, choose_lic_set)
+ except oe.license.LicenseError as exc:
+ bb.fatal('%s: %s' % (d.getVar('P'), exc))
+ incompatible_lic = []
+ for l in licenses:
+ license = canonical_license(d, l)
+ if not oe.license.license_ok(license, dont_want_licenses):
+ incompatible_lic.append(license)
+ return sorted(incompatible_lic)
def incompatible_license(d, dont_want_licenses, package=None):
This function checks if a recipe has only incompatible licenses. It also
@@ -557,30 +333,19 @@ def incompatible_license(d, dont_want_licenses, package=None):
as canonical (SPDX) names.
import oe.license
- license = d.getVar("LICENSE_%s" % package, True) if package else None
+ license = d.getVar("LICENSE_%s" % package) if package else None
if not license:
- license = d.getVar('LICENSE', True)
+ license = d.getVar('LICENSE')
- # Handles an "or" or two license sets provided by
- # flattened_licenses(), pick one that works if possible.
- def choose_lic_set(a, b):
- return a if all(oe.license.license_ok(canonical_license(d, lic),
- dont_want_licenses) for lic in a) else b
- try:
- licenses = oe.license.flattened_licenses(license, choose_lic_set)
- except oe.license.LicenseError as exc:
- bb.fatal('%s: %s' % (d.getVar('P', True), exc))
- return any(not oe.license.license_ok(canonical_license(d, l), \
- dont_want_licenses) for l in licenses)
+ return incompatible_pkg_license(d, dont_want_licenses, license)
def check_license_flags(d):
This function checks if a recipe has any LICENSE_FLAGS that
aren't whitelisted.
- If it does, it returns the first LICENSE_FLAGS item missing from the
- whitelist, or all of the LICENSE_FLAGS if there is no whitelist.
+ If it does, it returns the all LICENSE_FLAGS missing from the whitelist, or
+ all of the LICENSE_FLAGS if there is no whitelist.
If everything is is properly whitelisted, it returns None.
@@ -617,22 +382,23 @@ def check_license_flags(d):
return False
def all_license_flags_match(license_flags, whitelist):
- """ Return first unmatched flag, None if all flags match """
- pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
+ """ Return all unmatched flags, None if all flags match """
+ pn = d.getVar('PN')
split_whitelist = whitelist.split()
+ flags = []
for flag in license_flags.split():
if not license_flag_matches(flag, split_whitelist, pn):
- return flag
- return None
+ flags.append(flag)
+ return flags if flags else None
- license_flags = d.getVar('LICENSE_FLAGS', True)
+ license_flags = d.getVar('LICENSE_FLAGS')
if license_flags:
- whitelist = d.getVar('LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST', True)
+ whitelist = d.getVar('LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST')
if not whitelist:
- return license_flags
- unmatched_flag = all_license_flags_match(license_flags, whitelist)
- if unmatched_flag:
- return unmatched_flag
+ return license_flags.split()
+ unmatched_flags = all_license_flags_match(license_flags, whitelist)
+ if unmatched_flags:
+ return unmatched_flags
return None
def check_license_format(d):
@@ -641,8 +407,8 @@ def check_license_format(d):
Validate operators in LICENSES.
No spaces are allowed between LICENSES.
- pn = d.getVar('PN', True)
- licenses = d.getVar('LICENSE', True)
+ pn = d.getVar('PN')
+ licenses = d.getVar('LICENSE')
from oe.license import license_operator, license_operator_chars, license_pattern
elements = list(filter(lambda x: x.strip(), license_operator.split(licenses)))
@@ -662,11 +428,7 @@ SSTATETASKS += "do_populate_lic"
do_populate_lic[sstate-inputdirs] = "${LICSSTATEDIR}"
do_populate_lic[sstate-outputdirs] = "${LICENSE_DIRECTORY}/"
-ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND_prepend = "write_package_manifest; license_create_manifest; "
-do_rootfs[recrdeptask] += "do_populate_lic"
-IMAGE_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND_prepend = "write_deploy_manifest; "
-do_image[recrdeptask] += "do_populate_lic"
+IMAGE_CLASSES_append = " license_image"
python do_populate_lic_setscene () {