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1 files changed, 73 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meta/classes/toaster.bbclass b/meta/classes/toaster.bbclass
index ec9b6c58b7..59c61c5cec 100644
--- a/meta/classes/toaster.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/toaster.bbclass
@@ -153,6 +153,79 @@ python toaster_image_dumpdata() {
+# collect list of buildstats files based on fired events; when the build completes, collect all stats and fire an event with collected data
+python toaster_collect_task_stats() {
+ import bb.build
+ import bb.event
+ import bb.data
+ import bb.utils
+ import os
+ def _append_read_list(v):
+ lock = bb.utils.lockfile(e.data.expand("${TOPDIR}/toaster.lock"), False, True)
+ with open(os.path.join(e.data.getVar('BUILDSTATS_BASE', True), "toasterstatlist"), "a") as fout:
+ bn = get_bn(e)
+ bsdir = os.path.join(e.data.getVar('BUILDSTATS_BASE', True), bn)
+ taskdir = os.path.join(bsdir, e.data.expand("${PF}"))
+ fout.write("%s:%s:%s\n" % (e.taskfile, e.taskname, os.path.join(taskdir, e.task)))
+ bb.utils.unlockfile(lock)
+ def _read_stats(filename):
+ cpu_usage = 0
+ disk_io = 0
+ startio = ''
+ endio = ''
+ pn = ''
+ taskname = ''
+ statinfo = {}
+ with open(filename, 'r') as task_bs:
+ for line in task_bs.readlines():
+ k,v = line.strip().split(": ", 1)
+ statinfo[k] = v
+ try:
+ cpu_usage = statinfo["CPU usage"]
+ endio = statinfo["EndTimeIO"]
+ startio = statinfo["StartTimeIO"]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass # we may have incomplete data here
+ if startio and endio:
+ disk_io = int(endio.strip('\n ')) - int(startio.strip('\n '))
+ if cpu_usage:
+ cpu_usage = float(cpu_usage.strip('% \n'))
+ return {'cpu_usage': cpu_usage, 'disk_io': disk_io}
+ if isinstance(e, (bb.build.TaskSucceeded, bb.build.TaskFailed)):
+ _append_read_list(e)
+ pass
+ if isinstance(e, bb.event.BuildCompleted):
+ events = []
+ with open(os.path.join(e.data.getVar('BUILDSTATS_BASE', True), "toasterstatlist"), "r") as fin:
+ for line in fin:
+ (taskfile, taskname, filename) = line.strip().split(":")
+ events.append((taskfile, taskname, _read_stats(filename)))
+ bb.event.fire(bb.event.MetadataEvent("BuildStatsList", events), e.data)
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(e.data.getVar('BUILDSTATS_BASE', True), "toasterstatlist"))
+# set event handlers
+addhandler toaster_layerinfo_dumpdata
+toaster_layerinfo_dumpdata[eventmask] = "bb.event.TreeDataPreparationCompleted"
+addhandler toaster_collect_task_stats
+toaster_collect_task_stats[eventmask] = "bb.event.BuildCompleted bb.build.TaskSucceeded bb.build.TaskFailed"
do_package[postfuncs] += "toaster_package_dumpdata "
do_rootfs[postfuncs] += "toaster_image_dumpdata "