path: root/recipes-qt/qte
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-08-26qte: fix for compilation with libpng 1.5+Paul Eggleton
2013-08-26qte: fix compiler error with gcc 4.7+Paul Eggleton
2012-05-20Fix unqualified LICENSE for core recipesPaul Eggleton
2011-09-18qte-common: adapt for {moc,uic} -> {moc,uic}2 changeDmitry Eremin-Solenikov
2011-08-20Drop PRIORITY variablePaul Eggleton
2011-07-30qte: enable tslib in configurePaul Eggleton
2011-07-30Add LIC_FILES_CHKSUM to many recipesPaul Eggleton
2011-07-30initial commit of meta-opiePaul Eggleton