#!/usr/bin/env python # # BitBake Graphical GTK User Interface # # Copyright (C) 2012 Intel Corporation # # Authored by Dongxiao Xu # Authored by Shane Wang # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import gobject import gtk from bb.ui.crumbs.hobcolor import HobColors from bb.ui.crumbs.hobwidget import hic, HobViewTable, HobAltButton, HobButton from bb.ui.crumbs.hobpages import HobPage import subprocess from bb.ui.crumbs.hig.crumbsdialog import CrumbsDialog # # ImageDetailsPage # class ImageDetailsPage (HobPage): class DetailBox (gtk.EventBox): def __init__(self, widget = None, varlist = None, vallist = None, icon = None, button = None, button2=None, color = HobColors.LIGHT_GRAY): gtk.EventBox.__init__(self) # set color style = self.get_style().copy() style.bg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = self.get_colormap().alloc_color(color, False, False) self.set_style(style) self.row = gtk.Table(1, 2, False) self.row.set_border_width(10) self.add(self.row) total_rows = 0 if widget: total_rows = 10 if varlist and vallist: # pack the icon and the text on the left total_rows += len(varlist) self.table = gtk.Table(total_rows, 20, True) self.table.set_row_spacings(6) self.table.set_size_request(100, -1) self.row.attach(self.table, 0, 1, 0, 1, xoptions=gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND, yoptions=gtk.FILL) colid = 0 rowid = 0 self.line_widgets = {} if icon: self.table.attach(icon, colid, colid + 2, 0, 1) colid = colid + 2 if widget: self.table.attach(widget, colid, 20, 0, 10) rowid = 10 if varlist and vallist: for row in range(rowid, total_rows): index = row - rowid self.line_widgets[varlist[index]] = self.text2label(varlist[index], vallist[index]) self.table.attach(self.line_widgets[varlist[index]], colid, 20, row, row + 1) # pack the button on the right if button: self.bbox = gtk.VBox() self.bbox.pack_start(button, expand=True, fill=False) if button2: self.bbox.pack_start(button2, expand=True, fill=False) self.bbox.set_size_request(150,-1) self.row.attach(self.bbox, 1, 2, 0, 1, xoptions=gtk.FILL, yoptions=gtk.EXPAND) def update_line_widgets(self, variable, value): if len(self.line_widgets) == 0: return if not isinstance(self.line_widgets[variable], gtk.Label): return self.line_widgets[variable].set_markup(self.format_line(variable, value)) def wrap_line(self, inputs): # wrap the long text of inputs wrap_width_chars = 75 outputs = "" tmps = inputs less_chars = len(inputs) while (less_chars - wrap_width_chars) > 0: less_chars -= wrap_width_chars outputs += tmps[:wrap_width_chars] + "\n " tmps = inputs[less_chars:] outputs += tmps return outputs def format_line(self, variable, value): wraped_value = self.wrap_line(value) markup = "%s" % variable markup += "%s" % wraped_value return markup def text2label(self, variable, value): # append the name:value to the left box # such as "Name: hob-core-minimal-variant-2011-12-15-beagleboard" label = gtk.Label() label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) label.set_markup(self.format_line(variable, value)) return label class BuildDetailBox (gtk.EventBox): def __init__(self, varlist = None, vallist = None, icon = None, color = HobColors.LIGHT_GRAY): gtk.EventBox.__init__(self) # set color style = self.get_style().copy() style.bg[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = self.get_colormap().alloc_color(color, False, False) self.set_style(style) self.hbox = gtk.HBox() self.hbox.set_border_width(10) self.add(self.hbox) total_rows = 0 if varlist and vallist: # pack the icon and the text on the left total_rows += len(varlist) self.table = gtk.Table(total_rows, 20, True) self.table.set_row_spacings(6) self.table.set_size_request(100, -1) self.hbox.pack_start(self.table, expand=True, fill=True, padding=15) colid = 0 rowid = 0 self.line_widgets = {} if icon: self.table.attach(icon, colid, colid + 2, 0, 1) colid = colid + 2 if varlist and vallist: for row in range(rowid, total_rows): index = row - rowid self.line_widgets[varlist[index]] = self.text2label(varlist[index], vallist[index]) self.table.attach(self.line_widgets[varlist[index]], colid, 20, row, row + 1) def update_line_widgets(self, variable, value): if len(self.line_widgets) == 0: return if not isinstance(self.line_widgets[variable], gtk.Label): return self.line_widgets[variable].set_markup(self.format_line(variable, value)) def wrap_line(self, inputs): # wrap the long text of inputs wrap_width_chars = 75 outputs = "" tmps = inputs less_chars = len(inputs) while (less_chars - wrap_width_chars) > 0: less_chars -= wrap_width_chars outputs += tmps[:wrap_width_chars] + "\n " tmps = inputs[less_chars:] outputs += tmps return outputs def format_line(self, variable, value): wraped_value = self.wrap_line(value) markup = "%s" % variable markup += "%s" % wraped_value return markup def text2label(self, variable, value): # append the name:value to the left box # such as "Name: hob-core-minimal-variant-2011-12-15-beagleboard" label = gtk.Label() label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) label.set_markup(self.format_line(variable, value)) return label def __init__(self, builder): super(ImageDetailsPage, self).__init__(builder, "Image details") self.image_store = [] self.button_ids = {} self.details_bottom_buttons = gtk.HBox(False, 6) self.create_visual_elements() def create_visual_elements(self): # create visual elements # create the toolbar self.toolbar = gtk.Toolbar() self.toolbar.set_orientation(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL) self.toolbar.set_style(gtk.TOOLBAR_BOTH) my_images_button = self.append_toolbar_button(self.toolbar, "Images", hic.ICON_IMAGES_DISPLAY_FILE, hic.ICON_IMAGES_HOVER_FILE, "Open previously built images", self.my_images_button_clicked_cb) settings_button = self.append_toolbar_button(self.toolbar, "Settings", hic.ICON_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_FILE, hic.ICON_SETTINGS_HOVER_FILE, "View additional build settings", self.settings_button_clicked_cb) self.details_top_buttons = self.add_onto_top_bar(self.toolbar) def _remove_all_widget(self): children = self.get_children() or [] for child in children: self.remove(child) children = self.box_group_area.get_children() or [] for child in children: self.box_group_area.remove(child) children = self.details_bottom_buttons.get_children() or [] for child in children: self.details_bottom_buttons.remove(child) def show_page(self, step): self.build_succeeded = (step == self.builder.IMAGE_GENERATED) image_addr = self.builder.parameters.image_addr image_names = self.builder.parameters.image_names if self.build_succeeded: machine = self.builder.configuration.curr_mach base_image = self.builder.recipe_model.get_selected_image() layers = self.builder.configuration.layers pkg_num = "%s" % len(self.builder.package_model.get_selected_packages()) log_file = self.builder.current_logfile else: pkg_num = "N/A" log_file = None # remove for button_id, button in self.button_ids.items(): button.disconnect(button_id) self._remove_all_widget() # repack self.pack_start(self.details_top_buttons, expand=False, fill=False) self.pack_start(self.group_align, expand=True, fill=True) self.build_result = None if self.build_succeeded and self.builder.current_step == self.builder.IMAGE_GENERATING: # building is the previous step icon = gtk.Image() pixmap_path = hic.ICON_INDI_CONFIRM_FILE color = HobColors.RUNNING pix_buffer = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(pixmap_path) icon.set_from_pixbuf(pix_buffer) varlist = [""] vallist = ["Your image is ready"] self.build_result = self.BuildDetailBox(varlist=varlist, vallist=vallist, icon=icon, color=color) self.box_group_area.pack_start(self.build_result, expand=False, fill=False) self.buttonlist = ["Build new image", "Run image", "Deploy image"] # Name self.image_store = [] self.toggled_image = "" default_image_size = 0 self.num_toggled = 0 i = 0 for image_name in image_names: image_size = HobPage._size_to_string(os.stat(os.path.join(image_addr, image_name)).st_size) image_attr = ("run" if (self.test_type_runnable(image_name) and self.test_mach_runnable(image_name)) else \ ("deploy" if self.test_deployable(image_name) else "")) is_toggled = (image_attr != "") if not self.toggled_image: if i == (len(image_names) - 1): is_toggled = True if is_toggled: default_image_size = image_size self.toggled_image = image_name split_stuff = image_name.split('.') if "rootfs" in split_stuff: image_type = image_name[(len(split_stuff[0]) + len(".rootfs") + 1):] else: image_type = image_name[(len(split_stuff[0]) + 1):] self.image_store.append({'name': image_name, 'type': image_type, 'size': image_size, 'is_toggled': is_toggled, 'action_attr': image_attr,}) i = i + 1 self.num_toggled += is_toggled is_runnable = self.create_bottom_buttons(self.buttonlist, self.toggled_image) # Generated image files info varlist = ["Name: ", "Files created: ", "Directory: "] vallist = [] vallist.append(image_name.split('.')[0]) vallist.append(', '.join(fileitem['type'] for fileitem in self.image_store)) vallist.append(image_addr) view_files_button = HobAltButton("View files") view_files_button.connect("clicked", self.view_files_clicked_cb, image_addr) view_files_button.set_tooltip_text("Open the directory containing the image files") open_log_button = None if log_file: open_log_button = HobAltButton("Open log") open_log_button.connect("clicked", self.open_log_clicked_cb, log_file) open_log_button.set_tooltip_text("Open the build's log file") self.image_detail = self.DetailBox(varlist=varlist, vallist=vallist, button=view_files_button, button2=open_log_button) self.box_group_area.pack_start(self.image_detail, expand=False, fill=True) # The default kernel box for the qemu images self.sel_kernel = "" self.kernel_detail = None if 'qemu' in image_name: self.sel_kernel = self.get_kernel_file_name() # varlist = ["Kernel: "] # vallist = [] # vallist.append(self.sel_kernel) # change_kernel_button = HobAltButton("Change") # change_kernel_button.connect("clicked", self.change_kernel_cb) # change_kernel_button.set_tooltip_text("Change qemu kernel file") # self.kernel_detail = self.DetailBox(varlist=varlist, vallist=vallist, button=change_kernel_button) # self.box_group_area.pack_start(self.kernel_detail, expand=True, fill=True) # Machine, Base image and Layers layer_num_limit = 15 varlist = ["Machine: ", "Base image: ", "Layers: "] vallist = [] self.setting_detail = None if self.build_succeeded: vallist.append(machine) vallist.append(base_image) i = 0 for layer in layers: varlist.append(" - ") if i > layer_num_limit: break i += 1 vallist.append("") i = 0 for layer in layers: if i > layer_num_limit: break elif i == layer_num_limit: vallist.append("and more...") else: vallist.append(layer) i += 1 edit_config_button = HobAltButton("Edit configuration") edit_config_button.set_tooltip_text("Edit machine, base image and recipes") edit_config_button.connect("clicked", self.edit_config_button_clicked_cb) self.setting_detail = self.DetailBox(varlist=varlist, vallist=vallist, button=edit_config_button) self.box_group_area.pack_start(self.setting_detail, expand=True, fill=True) # Packages included, and Total image size varlist = ["Packages included: ", "Total image size: "] vallist = [] vallist.append(pkg_num) vallist.append(default_image_size) if self.build_succeeded: edit_packages_button = HobAltButton("Edit packages") edit_packages_button.set_tooltip_text("Edit the packages included in your image") edit_packages_button.connect("clicked", self.edit_packages_button_clicked_cb) else: # get to this page from "My images" edit_packages_button = None self.package_detail = self.DetailBox(varlist=varlist, vallist=vallist, button=edit_packages_button) self.box_group_area.pack_start(self.package_detail, expand=True, fill=True) # pack the buttons at the bottom, at this time they are already created. if self.build_succeeded: self.box_group_area.pack_end(self.details_bottom_buttons, expand=False, fill=False) else: # for "My images" page self.details_separator = gtk.HSeparator() self.box_group_area.pack_start(self.details_separator, expand=False, fill=False) self.box_group_area.pack_start(self.details_bottom_buttons, expand=False, fill=False) self.show_all() if self.kernel_detail and (not is_runnable): self.kernel_detail.hide() def view_files_clicked_cb(self, button, image_addr): subprocess.call("xdg-open /%s" % image_addr, shell=True) def open_log_clicked_cb(self, button, log_file): if log_file: log_file = "file:///" + log_file gtk.show_uri(screen=button.get_screen(), uri=log_file, timestamp=0) def refresh_package_detail_box(self, image_size): self.package_detail.update_line_widgets("Total image size: ", image_size) def test_type_runnable(self, image_name): type_runnable = False for t in self.builder.parameters.runnable_image_types: if image_name.endswith(t): type_runnable = True break return type_runnable def test_mach_runnable(self, image_name): mach_runnable = False for t in self.builder.parameters.runnable_machine_patterns: if t in image_name: mach_runnable = True break return mach_runnable def test_deployable(self, image_name): if self.builder.configuration.curr_mach.startswith("qemu"): return False deployable = False for t in self.builder.parameters.deployable_image_types: if image_name.endswith(t): deployable = True break return deployable def get_kernel_file_name(self, kernel_addr=""): kernel_name = "" if not kernel_addr: kernel_addr = self.builder.parameters.image_addr files = [f for f in os.listdir(kernel_addr) if f[0] <> '.'] for check_file in files: if check_file.endswith(".bin"): name_splits = check_file.split(".")[0] if self.builder.parameters.kernel_image_type in name_splits.split("-"): kernel_name = check_file break return kernel_name def show_builded_images_dialog(self, widget, primary_action=""): title = primary_action if primary_action else "Your builded images" dialog = CrumbsDialog(title, self.builder, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT) dialog.set_border_width(12) label = gtk.Label() label.set_use_markup(True) label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) label.set_padding(12,0) if primary_action == "Run image": label.set_markup("Select the image file you want to run:") elif primary_action == "Deploy image": label.set_markup("Select the image file you want to deploy:") else: label.set_markup("Select the image file you want to %s" % primary_action) dialog.vbox.pack_start(label, expand=False, fill=False) # filter created images as action attribution (deploy or run) action_attr = "" action_images = [] for fileitem in self.image_store: action_attr = fileitem['action_attr'] if (action_attr == 'run' and primary_action == "Run image") \ or (action_attr == 'deploy' and primary_action == "Deploy image"): action_images.append(fileitem) # pack the corresponding 'runnable' or 'deploy' radio_buttons, if there has no more than one file. # assume that there does not both have 'deploy' and 'runnable' files in the same building result # in possible as design. curr_row = 0 rows = (len(action_images)) if len(action_images) < 10 else 10 table = gtk.Table(rows, 10, True) table.set_row_spacings(6) table.set_col_spacing(0, 12) table.set_col_spacing(5, 12) sel_parent_btn = None for fileitem in action_images: sel_btn = gtk.RadioButton(sel_parent_btn, fileitem['type']) sel_parent_btn = sel_btn if not sel_parent_btn else sel_parent_btn sel_btn.set_active(fileitem['is_toggled']) sel_btn.connect('toggled', self.table_selected_cb, fileitem) if curr_row < 10: table.attach(sel_btn, 0, 4, curr_row, curr_row + 1, xpadding=24) else: table.attach(sel_btn, 5, 9, curr_row - 10, curr_row - 9, xpadding=24) curr_row += 1 dialog.vbox.pack_start(table, expand=False, fill=False, padding=6) button = dialog.add_button("Cancel", gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) HobAltButton.style_button(button) if primary_action: button = dialog.add_button(primary_action, gtk.RESPONSE_YES) HobButton.style_button(button) dialog.show_all() response = dialog.run() dialog.destroy() if response != gtk.RESPONSE_YES: return for fileitem in self.image_store: if fileitem['is_toggled']: if fileitem['action_attr'] == 'run': self.builder.runqemu_image(fileitem['name'], self.sel_kernel) elif fileitem['action_attr'] == 'deploy': self.builder.deploy_image(fileitem['name']) def table_selected_cb(self, tbutton, image): image['is_toggled'] = tbutton.get_active() if image['is_toggled']: self.toggled_image = image['name'] def change_kernel_cb(self, widget): kernel_path = self.builder.show_load_kernel_dialog() if kernel_path and self.kernel_detail: import os.path self.sel_kernel = os.path.basename(kernel_path) markup = self.kernel_detail.format_line("Kernel: ", self.sel_kernel) label = ((self.kernel_detail.get_children()[0]).get_children()[0]).get_children()[0] label.set_markup(markup) def create_bottom_buttons(self, buttonlist, image_name): # Create the buttons at the bottom created = False packed = False self.button_ids = {} is_runnable = False # create button "Deploy image" name = "Deploy image" if name in buttonlist and self.test_deployable(image_name): deploy_button = HobButton('Deploy image') #deploy_button.set_size_request(205, 49) deploy_button.set_tooltip_text("Burn a live image to a USB drive or flash memory") deploy_button.set_flags(gtk.CAN_DEFAULT) button_id = deploy_button.connect("clicked", self.deploy_button_clicked_cb) self.button_ids[button_id] = deploy_button self.details_bottom_buttons.pack_end(deploy_button, expand=False, fill=False) created = True packed = True name = "Run image" if name in buttonlist and self.test_type_runnable(image_name) and self.test_mach_runnable(image_name): if created == True: # separator #label = gtk.Label(" or ") #self.details_bottom_buttons.pack_end(label, expand=False, fill=False) # create button "Run image" run_button = HobAltButton("Run image") else: # create button "Run image" as the primary button run_button = HobButton("Run image") #run_button.set_size_request(205, 49) run_button.set_flags(gtk.CAN_DEFAULT) packed = True run_button.set_tooltip_text("Start up an image with qemu emulator") button_id = run_button.connect("clicked", self.run_button_clicked_cb) self.button_ids[button_id] = run_button self.details_bottom_buttons.pack_end(run_button, expand=False, fill=False) created = True is_runnable = True name = "Build new image" if name in buttonlist: # create button "Build new image" if packed: build_new_button = HobAltButton("Build new image") else: build_new_button = HobButton("Build new image") build_new_button.set_flags(gtk.CAN_DEFAULT) #build_new_button.set_size_request(205, 49) self.details_bottom_buttons.pack_end(build_new_button, expand=False, fill=False) build_new_button.set_tooltip_text("Create a new image from scratch") button_id = build_new_button.connect("clicked", self.build_new_button_clicked_cb) self.button_ids[button_id] = build_new_button return is_runnable def deploy_button_clicked_cb(self, button): if self.toggled_image: if self.num_toggled > 1: self.set_sensitive(False) self.show_builded_images_dialog(None, "Deploy image") self.set_sensitive(True) else: self.builder.deploy_image(self.toggled_image) def run_button_clicked_cb(self, button): if self.toggled_image: if self.num_toggled > 1: self.set_sensitive(False) self.show_builded_images_dialog(None, "Run image") self.set_sensitive(True) else: self.builder.runqemu_image(self.toggled_image, self.sel_kernel) def build_new_button_clicked_cb(self, button): self.builder.initiate_new_build_async() def edit_config_button_clicked_cb(self, button): self.builder.show_configuration() def edit_packages_button_clicked_cb(self, button): self.builder.show_packages(ask=False) def my_images_button_clicked_cb(self, button): self.builder.show_load_my_images_dialog() def settings_button_clicked_cb(self, button): # Create an advanced settings dialog response, settings_changed = self.builder.show_simple_settings_dialog() if not response: return if settings_changed: self.builder.reparse_post_adv_settings()